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synced 2025-03-17 04:05:59 +00:00
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# Channels to join (only those can be acted on)
- mychannel
# Allow moderators to hand out permits (if set to false only broadcaster can do this)
permit_allow_moderator: true
# How long to permit on !permit command
permit_timeout: 60s
# Variables are made available in templating (for example useful to disable several
# rules at once using the `disable_on_template` directive)
# Supported data types: Boolean, Float, Integer, String
myvariable: true
anothervariable: "string"
- channel: 'mychannel' # String, channel to send message to
message: 'Automated message' # String, message to send
use_action: true # Bool, optional, send message as action (`/me <message>`)
# Even though all of these are optional, at least one MUST be specified for the entry to be valid
cron: '*/10 * * * *' # String, optional, cron syntax when to send the message
message_interval: 3 # Integer, optional, how many non-bot-messages must be sent in between
time_interval: 900s # Duration, optional, how long to wait before repeating the message
only_on_live: true # Boolean, optional, only send the message when channel is live
# Disable message using templating, must yield string `true` to disable the automated message
disable_on_template: '{{ ne .myvariable true }}'
rules: # See below for examples
- actions: # Array of actions to take when this rule matches
# Issue a ban on the user who wrote the chat-line
- ban: "reason of ban"
# Command to execute for the chat message, must return an JSON encoded array of actions
- command: [/bin/bash, -c, "echo '[{\"respond\": \"Text\"}]'"]
# Modify an internal counter value (does NOT send a chat line)
- counter: "counterid" # String to identify the counter, applies templating
counter_set: 25 # String, set counter to value (counter_step is ignored if set),
# applies templating but MUST result in a parseable integer
counter_step: 1 # Integer, can be negative or positive, default: +1
# Introduce a delay between two actions
- delay: 1m # Duration, how long to wait (fixed)
delay_jitter: 1m # Duration, add random delay to fixed delay between 0 and this value
# Issue a delete on the message caught
- delete_message: true # Bool, set to true to delete
# Send raw IRC message to Twitch servers
- raw_message: 'PRIVMSG #{{ .channel }} :Test' # String, applies templating
# Send responding message to the channel the original message was received in
- respond: 'Hello chatter' # String, applies templating
respond_as_reply: true # Boolean, optional, use Twitch-Reply feature in respond
respond_fallback: 'Oh noes' # String, text to send if the template function causes
# an error, applies templating (default: unset)
# Issue a timeout on the user who wrote the chat-line
- timeout: 1s # Duration value: 1s / 1m / 1h
# Send a whisper (ATTENTION: You need to have a known / verified bot for this!)
# Without being known / verified your whisper will just silently get dropped by Twitch
# Go here to get that verification: https://dev.twitch.tv/limit-increase
- whisper_to: '{{ .username }}' # String, username to send to, applies templating
whisper_message: 'Ohai!' # String, message to send, applies templating
# Add a cooldown to the rule in general (not to trigger counters twice, ...)
# Using this will prevent the rule to be executed in all matching channels
# as long as the cooldown is active.
cooldown: 1s # Duration value: 1s / 1m / 1h
# Add a cooldown to the rule per channel (not to trigger counters twice, ...)
# Using this will prevent the rule to be executed in the channel it was triggered
# which means other channels are not affected.
channel_cooldown: 1s # Duration value: 1s / 1m / 1h
# Add a cooldown to the rule per user (not to trigger counters twice, ...)
# Using this will prevent the rule to be executed for the user which triggered it
# in any of the matching channels, which means other users can trigger the command
# while that particular user cannot
user_cooldown: 1s # Duration value: 1s / 1m / 1h
# Do not apply cooldown for these badges
skip_cooldown_for: [broadcaster, moderator]
# Disable the rule by setting to true
disable: false
# Disable actions when the matched channel has no active stream
disable_on_offline: false
# Disable actions on this rule if the user has an active permit
disable_on_permit: false
# Disable actions using templating, must yield string `true` to disable the rule
disable_on_template: '{{ ne .myvariable true }}'
# Disable actions on this rule if the user has one of these badges
disable_on: [broadcaster, moderator]
# Enable actions on this rule only if the user has one of these badges
enable_on: [broadcaster, moderator]
# Require the chat message to be sent in this channel
match_channels: ['#mychannel']
# Require the chat message to be sent by one of these users
match_users: ['mychannel'] # List of users, all names MUST be all lower-case
# Execute actions when this event occurs
# Available events: join, host, part, permit, raid, resub, sub, subgift, whisper
match_event: 'permit'
# Execute action when the chat message matches this regular expression
match_message: '' # String, regular expression
# Disable the actions on this rule if one of these regular expression matches the chat message
disable_on_match_messages: []
There are certain variables available in the strings with templating enabled:
- Channel the message was sent to, only available for regular messages not eventsmsg
- The message object, used in functions, should not be sent to chatpermitTimeout
- Value ofpermit_timeout
in secondsusername
- The username of the message author
Additionally there are some functions available in the templates:
arg <idx>
- Takes the message sent to the channel, splits by space and returns the Nth elementchannelCounter <counter name>
- Wraps the counter name into a channel specific counter name including the channel namecounterValue <counter name>
- Returns the current value of the counter which identifier was supplieddisplayName <username> [fallback]
- Returns the display name the specified user set for themselvesfixUsername <username>
- Ensures the username no longer contains the@
prefixfollowDate <from> <to>
- Looks up whenfrom
group <idx>
- Gets matching group specified by index frommatch_message
regular expressionrecentGame <username> [fallback]
- Returns the last played game name of the specified user (see shoutout example) or thefallback
if the game could not be fetched. If no fallback was supplied the message will fail and not be sent.tag <tagname>
- Takes the message sent to the channel, returns the value of the tag specifiedtoLower <string>
- Converts the given string to lower-casetoUpper <string>
- Converts the given string to upper-case
Command executions
Your command will get a JSON object passed through stdin
you can parse to gain details about the message. It is expected to yield an array of actions on stdout
and exit with status 0
. If it does not the action will be marked failed. In case you need to output debug output you can use stderr
which is directly piped to the bots stderr
This is an example input you might get on stdin
"badges": {
"glhf-pledge": 1,
"moderator": 1
"channel": "#tezrian",
"message": "!test",
"tags": {
"badge-info": "",
"badges": "moderator/1,glhf-pledge/1",
"client-nonce": "6801c82a341f728dbbaad87ef30eae49",
"color": "#A72920",
"display-name": "Luziferus",
"emotes": "",
"flags": "",
"id": "dca06466-3741-4b22-8339-4cb5b07a02cc",
"mod": "1",
"room-id": "485884564",
"subscriber": "0",
"tmi-sent-ts": "1610313040489",
"turbo": "0",
"user-id": "69699328",
"user-type": "mod"
"username": "luziferus"
The example was dumped using this action:
- actions:
- command: [/usr/bin/bash, -c, "jq . >&2"]
match_channels: ['#tezrian']
match_message: '^!test'
Rule examples
Game death counter with dynamic name
- actions:
- counter: '{{ channelCounter (recentGame .channel) }}'
- respond: >-
I already died {{ counterValue (channelCounter (recentGame .channel)) }}
times in {{ recentGame .channel }}'
cooldown: 60s
enable_on: [broadcaster, moderator]
match_channels: ['#mychannel']
match_message: '^!death'
Link-protection while allowing Twitch clips
- actions:
- timeout: 1s
- respond: '@{{ .username }}, please ask for permission before posting links.'
disable_on: [broadcaster, moderator, subscriber, vip]
- '^(?:https?://)?clips\.twitch\.tv/[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$'
disable_on_permit: true
match_channels: ['#mychannel']
match_message: '(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]'
Post follow date for an user
- actions:
- respond: 'You followed on {{ ( followDate .username ( fixUsername .channel ) ).Format "2006-01-02" }}'
match_channels: ['#mychannel']
match_message: '^!followage'
Respond to a message after random delay
- actions:
# Respond after 30-40s
- delay: 30s
delay_jitter: 10s
- respond: 'Hey {{ .username }}'
match_channels: ['#mychannel']
match_message: '^Hi'
Send a notification on successful permit
- actions:
- respond: >-
@{{ fixUsername (arg 1) }}, you will not get timed out
for the next {{ .permitTimeout }} seconds.
match_channels: ['#mychannel']
match_event: 'permit'
Shoutout command with game query
- actions:
- respond: >-
Check out @{{ fixUsername (group 1) }} and leave a follow,
they were last playing {{ recentGame (fixUsername (group 1)) "something mysterious" }}
at https://twitch.tv/{{ fixUsername (group 1) }}
enable_on: [broadcaster, moderator]
match_channels: ['#mychannel']
match_message: '^!so ([@\w]+)'