
3.6 KiB

Available Actions

Ban User

Ban user from chat

- type: ban
    # Reason why the user was banned
    # Optional: true
    # Type:     string
    reason: ""


Delay next action

- type: delay
    # Static delay to wait
    # Optional: true
    # Type:     duration
    delay: 0s
    # Dynamic jitter to add to the static delay (the added extra delay will be between 0 and this value)
    # Optional: true
    # Type:     duration
    jitter: 0s

Delete Message

Delete message which caused the rule to be executed

- type: delete
  # Does not have configuration attributes

Execute Script / Command

Execute external script / command

- type: script
    # Command to execute
    # Optional: false
    # Type:     array of strings (Supports Templating in each string) 
    command: []
    # Do not activate cooldown for route when command exits non-zero
    # Optional: true
    # Type:     bool
    skip_cooldown_on_error: false

Modify Counter

Update counter values

- type: counter
    # Name of the counter to update
    # Optional: false
    # Type:     string (Supports Templating) 
    counter: ""
    # Value to add to the counter
    # Optional: true
    # Type:     int64
    counter_step: 1
    # Value to set the counter to
    # Optional: true
    # Type:     string (Supports Templating) 
    counter_set: ""

Modify Stream

Update stream information

- type: modchannel
    # Channel to update
    # Optional: false
    # Type:     string (Supports Templating) 
    channel: ""
    # Category / Game to set
    # Optional: true
    # Type:     string (Supports Templating) 
    game: ""
    # Stream title to set
    # Optional: true
    # Type:     string (Supports Templating) 
    title: ""

Modify Variable

Modify variable contents

- type: setvariable
    # Name of the variable to update
    # Optional: false
    # Type:     string (Supports Templating) 
    variable: ""
    # Clear variable content and unset the variable
    # Optional: true
    # Type:     bool
    clear: false
    # Value to set the variable to
    # Optional: true
    # Type:     string (Supports Templating) 
    set: ""

Respond to Message

Respond to message with a new message

- type: respond
    # Message text to send
    # Optional: false
    # Type:     string (Supports Templating) 
    message: ""
    # Fallback message text to send if message cannot be generated
    # Optional: true
    # Type:     string (Supports Templating) 
    fallback: ""
    # Send message as a native Twitch-reply to the original message
    # Optional: true
    # Type:     bool
    as_reply: false
    # Send message to a different channel than the original message
    # Optional: true
    # Type:     string
    to_channel: ""

Send RAW Message

Send raw IRC message

- type: raw
    # Raw message to send (must be a valid IRC protocol message)
    # Optional: false
    # Type:     string (Supports Templating) 
    message: ""

Send Whisper

Send a whisper (requires a verified bot!)

- type: whisper
    # Message to whisper to the user
    # Optional: false
    # Type:     string (Supports Templating) 
    message: ""
    # User to send the message to
    # Optional: false
    # Type:     string (Supports Templating) 
    to: ""

Timeout User

Timeout user from chat

- type: timeout
    # Duration of the timeout
    # Optional: false
    # Type:     duration
    duration: 0s