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mirror of https://github.com/Luzifer/archrepo.git synced 2024-12-20 05:01:18 +00:00

Update build tooling

Signed-off-by: Knut Ahlers <knut@ahlers.me>
This commit is contained in:
Knut Ahlers 2024-06-08 00:38:28 +02:00
parent e4d0b57e0e
commit af5c00659a
Signed by: luzifer
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:/xtE5lCgiRDQr8SLxHMS92ZBlACmATUmF1crK16Ks4E
5 changed files with 125 additions and 61 deletions

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@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ list_packages:
bash ./scripts/listing.sh >$(REPO_DIR)/packages.txt
repo_update: check_tools load_ssh_key
bash -euo pipefail -c 'for repo in $$(grep -v "^#" repo-urls | cut -d "#" -f 1); do script_level=1 ./scripts/update-repo.sh $${repo}; done'
bash ./scripts/update-all.sh
repo-add -s --key $(REPOKEY) $(DATABASE)

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This repository contains four essential parts:
- The `scripts` folder containing bash scripts to control all actions
- The `Makefile` to orchestrate everything. The main functionality is the `maintenance` target (or just `make`)
- The package lists (`aur-packages` and `repo-urls`)
- The package lists in `repo-urls`
- The `repo/luzifer.asc` public key
It currently relies on my [`luzifer/arch-repo-builder`](https://github.com/luzifer-docker/arch-repo-builder) docker image which does all of the building within a clean environment for each package.
@ -20,9 +20,7 @@ For the initial setup you need to do some steps:
- Adjust the `Makefile` as you need different `download` and `upload` targets
- Create an empty database `tar -cJf repo/luzifer.db.tar.xz -T /dev/null` (adjust the filename)
- Put the public key for your repo into `repo/luzifer.asc` (filename should match the database, makes it easier to find)
- Set up your `aur-packages` and `repo-urls` package lists
- `aur-packages` contains just names of AUR packages (no comments or other stuff!)
- `repo-urls` contains one git repository URL per line (comments allowed)
- Set up your `repo-urls` package list: it contains one git repository URL per line (comments allowed)
- Provide a docker daemon and all tools listed in the `check_tools` target of the `Makefile`
Afterwards you should be good to just `make` your first build. Depending on the number of packages you selected to be in your repo you might go and fetch dinner while it builds.
@ -34,5 +32,4 @@ The repo should be updated on a regular base by just executing `make` on it. Thi
## Flaws / Remarks / TODOs
- The whole build already strongly relies on Archlinux tools so will not run on any other distro
- For `aur-packages` having dynamic `pkgver` calculation the update check will not work properly until the `PKGBUILD` in AUR is updated (those packages can be built manually using `bash ./scripts/update-aur.sh <packagename> && make do_cleanup upload`
- For `repo-urls` the same applies: for example my `vim-go-tools` package relies on periodic re-builds which are not executed as commits are quite rare. For those packages at the moment a call to `bash ./scripts/update-repo.sh <url> && make do_cleanup upload` is required
- For packages having dynamic `pkgver` calculation the update check will not work properly until the `PKGBUILD` in the repo is updated. You can force a rebuild by removing the corresponding line from the `.repo_cache`

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@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ https://aur.archlinux.org/mozjpeg.git

scripts/update-all.sh Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
declare -A ICON=(
["CHECK"]=$(printf "\e[34m\u3f\e[0m")
["FAIL"]=$(printf "\e[31m\uf05e\e[0m")
["RUN"]=$(printf "\e[32m\uf2f1\e[0m")
["SKIP"]=$(printf "\e[1;30m\uf00c\e[0m")
["SUCCESS"]=$(printf "\e[32m\uf00c\e[0m")
["WAIT"]=$(printf "\e[1;30m\uf251\e[0m")
function cleanup() {
rm -rf "${cleanup[@]}"
function main() {
$(grep -v "^#" ./repo-urls | cut -d "#" -f 1)
docker pull -q "${BUILD_IMAGE}" >/dev/null
for repo in $(grep -v "^#" ./repo-urls | cut -d "#" -f 1); do
update ${repo}
function update() {
write_status CHECK ${repo} "Checking build status..."
local last_remote_hash=$(git ls-remote ${repo} master | awk '{print $1}')
if grep -q "${repo}#${last_remote_hash}" .repo_cache; then
write_status SKIP ${repo} "No changes from last build"
write_status RUN ${repo} "Build running..."
# Create working dir
local tmpdir="/tmp/aur2repo_$(basename ${repo})"
mkdir -p "${tmpdir}/cfg"
# Ensure cleanup on script exit
write_status RUN ${repo} "Fetching signing key..."
vault read --field=key secret/jenkins/arch-signing >"${tmpdir}/cfg/signing.asc"
write_status RUN ${repo} "Building package..."
local extra_opts=()
if [[ -f /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist ]]; then
extra_opts+=(-v "/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist:/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist:ro")
local container=$(
docker run -d \
-v "${tmpdir}/src:/src" \
-v "${tmpdir}/cfg:/config" \
-v "${REPO_DIR}:/repo" \
-v "$(pwd)/scripts/pacman.conf:/etc/pacman.conf:ro" \
"${extra_opts[@]}" \
--ulimit nofile=262144:262144 \
local status="running"
while [[ $status == "running" ]]; do
status=$(docker inspect ${container} | jq -r '.[0].State.Status')
local started=$(date -d $(docker inspect ${container} |
jq -r '.[0].State.StartedAt') +%s)
write_status RUN ${repo} "Building package in container $(printf "%.12s" ${container}) for $(($(date +%s) - started))s..."
sleep 1
local exitcode=$(docker inspect ${container} | jq -r '.[0].State.ExitCode')
if [ $exitcode -gt 0 ]; then
local logfile="/tmp/arch-package-build_$(basename ${repo}).log"
docker logs ${container} 2>&1 >${logfile}
write_status FAIL ${repo} "Build failed (${exitcode}), see logs at ${logfile}"
write_status SUCCESS ${repo} "Updating cache entry..."
grep -v "^${repo}#" .repo_cache >.repo_cache.tmp || true
echo "${repo}#${last_remote_hash}" >>.repo_cache.tmp
mv .repo_cache.tmp .repo_cache
write_status SUCCESS ${repo} "Build succeeded"
docker rm ${container} >/dev/null
function write_status() {
local icon="${ICON[$1]}"
local name="${2%%.git}"
local comment="$3"
# Wipe previous printed line
local wipe=$(echo -en "\r$(printf "%-${last_line_len}s" "")")
# Assemble new line
local line=$(echo -en "\r${icon} \e[1m${name##*/}\e[0m - ${comment}")
# Count line length for later wipe
last_line_len=$(wc -c <<<"${line}")
# Print line
echo -en "${wipe}${line}"
trap cleanup EXIT

View file

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
set -euo pipefail
source ./scripts/script_framework.sh
[ -z "${REPO}" ] && fail "No repo given as CLI argument"
step "Checking for changes from last build"
last_remote_hash=$(git ls-remote ${REPO} master | awk '{print $1}')
grep "${REPO}#${last_remote_hash}" .repo_cache && {
warn "Remote has no changes from last build, skipping..."
exit 0
} || true
# Create working dir
TMPDIR="/tmp/aur2repo_$(basename ${REPO})"
mkdir -p "${TMPDIR}/cfg"
# Ensure cleanup on script exit
function cleanup() {
rm -rf "${TMPDIR}"
trap cleanup EXIT
step "Fetching signing key"
vault read --field=key secret/jenkins/arch-signing >"${TMPDIR}/cfg/signing.asc"
step "Re-fetching Docker image"
docker pull git.luzifer.io/registry/arch-repo-builder
step "Building package $(basename ${REPO})"
if [[ -f /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist ]]; then
info "Using host system mirrorlist..."
extra_opts+=(-v "/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist:/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist:ro")
docker run --rm -ti \
-v "${TMPDIR}/src:/src" \
-v "${TMPDIR}/cfg:/config" \
-v "${REPO_DIR}:/repo" \
-v "$(pwd)/scripts/pacman.conf:/etc/pacman.conf:ro" \
"${extra_opts[@]}" \
--ulimit nofile=262144:262144 \
git.luzifer.io/registry/arch-repo-builder \
step "Updating cache entry"
grep -v "^${REPO}#" .repo_cache >.repo_cache.tmp || true
echo "${REPO}#${last_remote_hash}" >>.repo_cache.tmp
mv .repo_cache.tmp .repo_cache