2014-04-10 12:15:58 +02:00

1022 B


This is a docker container based on ubuntu with installed Teampspeak 3 server. Just start the container and its ready to go!


  • Ubuntu
  • Teamspeak 3 server
  • Adding a Licence file (planned)
  • make complete ts3 conf accessible (planned)


Following commands a just examples which should be ok for most installs.

  • Starting

    This starts a docker container in the background (-d) with direct mapping of the TS3 port (-p 9987:9987/udp) and sets the name to TS3.

    sudo docker run --name TS3 -d -p 9987:9987/udp devalx/docker-teamspeak3


To get the created Admin secrets use this cmd:

sudo docker logs TS3

you can also specify the container id instead of TS3. this is helpful if you started/stopped several containers with TS3 as name because it then display all logs. (not sure)

TODO saving data through links neceassry?


This dockerfile can be customized be specifieing several ENV variables. All of these are optional.