2016-12-15 01:39:59 +01:00

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Luzifer / factorio

This repository contains a Docker setup for a headless Factorio server.


You need to have a directory to mount into your container which will afterwards contain your map, saves and also the configuration. In this example I will use /data/factorio as storage directory.

  1. At first you maybe want to initialize the configuration files:
    docker run --rm -v /data/factorio:/data quay.io/luzifer/factorio init
  2. Afterwards you can edit the two settings files create in /data/factorio and adjust your settings.
  3. If you are okay with your map-gen-settings.json you can generate a map file:
    docker run --rm -v /data/factorio:/data quay.io/luzifer/factorio create
  4. After the map has been generated (and for every future start) you can start the server:
    docker run --rm -v /data/factorio:/data -e 34197:34197 quay.io/luzifer/factorio start

The server will expose the port 34197/udp for the game. The above command already exposes that port to the host machine.