
871 B


Enable unattended upgrades on Ubuntu machines

Role Variables

mail_target:    "mail@example.com"  # The email address to send reports to
reboot_time:    "04:00"             # When to reboot the server after updates
do_reboot:      "true"              # Execute an automated reboot?
do_autoremove:  "false"             # Execute 'apt-get autoremove'?

You should ensure do_reboot and do_autoremove are strings as they are written into the apt configuration and that file expects true instead of True, which will get written if you pass a bool here.

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - role: ubuntu-unattended
      mail_target: mymail@provider.com
      reboot_time: 04:00
      do_reboot: "true"
      do_autoremove: "false"


Apache 2.0