# Change Log ## [0.2.0](https://github.com/montanaflynn/stats/tree/0.2.0) ### Merged pull requests: - Fixed typographical error, changed accomdate to accommodate in README. [\#5](https://github.com/montanaflynn/stats/pull/5) ([saromanov](https://github.com/orthographic-pedant)) ### Package changes: - Add `Correlation` function - Add `Covariance` function - Add `StandardDeviation` function to be the same as `StandardDeviationPopulation` - Change `Variance` function to be the same as `PopulationVariation` - Add helper methods to `Float64Data` - Add `Float64Data` type to use instead of `[]float64` - Add `Series` type which references to `[]Coordinate` ## [0.1.0](https://github.com/montanaflynn/stats/tree/0.1.0) Several functions were renamed in this release. They will still function but may be deprecated in the future. ### Package changes: - Rename `VarP` to `PopulationVariance` - Rename `VarS` to `SampleVariance` - Rename `LinReg` to `LinearRegression` - Rename `ExpReg` to `ExponentialRegression` - Rename `LogReg` to `LogarithmicRegression` - Rename `StdDevP` to `StandardDeviationPopulation` - Rename `StdDevS` to `StandardDeviationSample` ## [0.0.9](https://github.com/montanaflynn/stats/tree/0.0.9) ### Closed issues: - Functions have unexpected side effects [\#3](https://github.com/montanaflynn/stats/issues/3) - Percentile is not calculated correctly [\#2](https://github.com/montanaflynn/stats/issues/2) ### Merged pull requests: - Sample [\#4](https://github.com/montanaflynn/stats/pull/4) ([saromanov](https://github.com/saromanov)) ### Package changes: - Add HarmonicMean func - Add GeometricMean func - Add Outliers stuct and QuantileOutliers func - Add Interquartile Range, Midhinge and Trimean examples - Add Trimean - Add Midhinge - Add Inter Quartile Range - Add Quantiles struct and Quantile func - Add Nearest Rank method of calculating percentiles - Add errors for all functions - Add sample - Add Linear, Exponential and Logarithmic Regression - Add sample and population variance and deviation - Add Percentile and Float64ToInt - Add Round - Add Standard deviation - Add Sum - Add Min and Ma- x - Add Mean, Median and Mode