Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Luzifer/vault-totp.git synced 2025-01-09 22:21:55 +00:00

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2017-01-04 21:50:12 +00:00
package curse
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Sequence_elements
import (
type Cursor struct {
StartingPosition Position
terminal *term.Terminal
type Position struct {
X, Y int
type Style struct {
Foreground, Background, Bold int
func New() (*Cursor, error) {
col, line, err := GetCursorPosition()
if err != nil {
return &Cursor{}, err
c := &Cursor{}
c.Position.X, c.StartingPosition.X = col, col
c.Position.Y, c.StartingPosition.Y = line, line
c.terminal, err = term.New()
return c, err
func (c *Cursor) MoveUp(nLines int) *Cursor {
fmt.Printf("%c[%dA", ESC, nLines)
c.Position.Y -= nLines
return c
func (c *Cursor) MoveDown(nLines int) *Cursor {
fmt.Printf("%c[%dB", ESC, nLines)
c.Position.Y += nLines
return c
func (c *Cursor) MoveRight(nSpaces int) *Cursor {
c.Position.X += nSpaces
c.Move(c.Position.X, c.Position.Y)
return c
func (c *Cursor) MoveLeft(nSpaces int) *Cursor {
c.Position.X -= nSpaces
c.Move(c.Position.X, c.Position.Y)
return c
func (c *Cursor) EraseCurrentLine() *Cursor {
fmt.Printf("%c[2K\r", ESC)
c.Position.X = 1
return c
func (c *Cursor) EraseUp() *Cursor {
fmt.Printf("%c[1J", ESC)
return c
func (c *Cursor) EraseDown() *Cursor {
fmt.Printf("%c[0J", ESC)
return c
func (c *Cursor) EraseAll() *Cursor {
fmt.Printf("%c[0J", ESC)
return c
func (c *Cursor) Reset() *Cursor {
c.Move(c.StartingPosition.X, c.StartingPosition.Y)
return c
func (c *Cursor) Move(col, line int) *Cursor {
fmt.Printf("%c[%d;%df", ESC, line, col)
c.Position.X = col
c.Position.Y = line
return c
func (c *Cursor) SetColor(color int) *Cursor {
fmt.Printf("%c[%dm", ESC, FORGROUND+color)
c.Style.Foreground = color
c.Style.Bold = 0
return c
func (c *Cursor) SetColorBold(color int) *Cursor {
fmt.Printf("%c[%d;1m", ESC, FORGROUND+color)
c.Style.Foreground = color
c.Style.Bold = 1
return c
func (c *Cursor) SetBackgroundColor(color int) *Cursor {
fmt.Printf("%c[%dm", ESC, BACKGROUND+color)
c.Style.Foreground = color
c.Style.Bold = 0
return c
func (c *Cursor) SetDefaultStyle() *Cursor {
fmt.Printf("%c[39;49m", ESC)
c.Style.Foreground = 0
c.Style.Bold = 0
return c
func (c *Cursor) ModeRaw() *Cursor {
_ = c.terminal.RawMode()
return c
func (c *Cursor) ModeRestore() *Cursor {
_ = c.terminal.Restore()
return c
// using named returns to help when using the method to know what is what
func GetScreenDimensions() (cols int, lines int, err error) {
// todo: use kless/term to listen in on screen size changes
// get size
cmd := exec.Command("/bin/stty", "size")
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
size, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return 70, 15, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("unable to get dimensions - %s", err))
parts := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(size)), " ")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return 70, 15, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("unable to parse dimensions - %s", err))
// make ints
cols, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
if err != nil {
return cols, 15, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("unable to get int dimensions - %s", err))
lines, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[0])
if err != nil {
return cols, 15, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("unable to get int dimensions - %s", err))
return cols, lines, nil
func fallback_SetRawMode() {
rawMode := exec.Command("/bin/stty", "raw")
rawMode.Stdin = os.Stdin
_ = rawMode.Run()
func fallback_SetCookedMode() {
// I've noticed that this does not always work when called from
// inside the program. From command line, you can run the following
// '$ go run calling_app.go; stty -raw'
// if you lose the ability to visably enter new text
cookedMode := exec.Command("/bin/stty", "-raw")
cookedMode.Stdin = os.Stdin
_ = cookedMode.Run()
func GetCursorPosition() (col int, line int, err error) {
// set terminal to raw mode and back
t, err := term.New()
if err != nil {
defer fallback_SetCookedMode()
} else {
defer t.Restore()
// same as $ echo -e "\033[6n"
// by printing the output, we are triggering input
fmt.Printf(fmt.Sprintf("\r%c[6n", ESC))
// capture keyboard output from print command
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
// capture the triggered stdin from the print
text, _ := reader.ReadSlice('R')
// check for the desired output
re := regexp.MustCompile(`\d+;\d+`)
res := re.FindString(string(text))
// make sure that cooked mode gets set
if res != "" {
parts := strings.Split(res, ";")
line, _ = strconv.Atoi(parts[0])
col, _ = strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
return col, line, nil
} else {
return 0, 0, errors.New("unable to read cursor position")
const (
// control
ESC = 27
// style
RED = 1
BLUE = 4
CYAN = 6