currentTimeout = 0 clipboard = undefined $ -> if $('body').hasClass 'state-signedin' initializeApplication() createOTPItem = (item) -> tpl = $('#otp-item').html() otpItem = $(tpl) otpItem.find('.badge').text item.code.replace(/^(.{3})(.{3})$/, '$1 $2') otpItem.find('.title').text otpItem.find('i.fa').addClass "fa-#{item.icon}" otpItem.appendTo $('#keylist') delay = (delayMSecs, fkt) -> window.setTimeout fkt, delayMSecs fetchCodes = () -> $.ajax url: 'codes.json', success: updateCodes, dataType: 'json', filterChange = () -> filter = $('#filter').val().toLowerCase() $('.otp-item').each (idx, el) -> if $(el).find('.title').text().toLowerCase().match(filter) == null $(el).hide() else $(el).show() initializeApplication = () -> $('#keylist').empty() $('#filter').bind 'keyup', filterChange tick 500, refreshTimerProgress fetchCodes() # refreshTimerProgress updates the top progressbar to display the # remaining time until the one-time-passwords changes refreshTimerProgress = () -> secondsLeft = timeLeft() $('#timer').css 'width', "#{secondsLeft / 30 * 100}%" tick = (delay, fkt) -> window.setInterval fkt, delay timeLeft = () -> now = new Date().getTime() (currentTimeout - now) / 1000 updateCodes = (data) -> currentTimeout = new Date(data.next_wrap).getTime() if clipboard clipboard.destroy() $('#keylist').empty() for token in data.tokens createOTPItem token clipboard = new Clipboard '.otp-item', text: (trigger) -> $(trigger).find('.badge').text().replace(' ', '') filterChange() delay timeLeft()*1000, fetchCodes