@echo off setlocal set _EXITCODE=0 REM If no target is provided, default to test. if [%1]==[] goto test set _TARGETS=bin,dev,generate,test,testacc,testrace,vet REM Run target. for %%a in (%_TARGETS%) do (if x%1==x%%a goto %%a) goto usage REM bin generates the releaseable binaries for Vault :bin call :generate call .\scripts\windows\build.bat "%CD%" goto :eof REM dev creates binaries for testing Vault locally. These are put REM into ./bin/ as well as %GOPATH%/bin :dev call :generate call .\scripts\windows\build.bat "%CD%" VAULT_DEV goto :eof REM generate runs `go generate` to build the dynamically generated REM source files. :generate go list ./... | findstr /v vendor | go generate goto :eof REM test runs the unit tests and vets the code. :test call :testsetup go test %_TEST% %TESTARGS% -timeout=30s -parallel=4 call :setMaxExitCode %ERRORLEVEL% echo. goto vet REM testacc runs acceptance tests. :testacc call :testsetup if x%_TEST% == x./... goto testacc_fail if x%_TEST% == x.\... goto testacc_fail set VAULT_ACC=1 go test %_TEST% -v %TESTARGS% -timeout 45m exit /b %ERRORLEVEL% :testacc_fail echo ERROR: Set %%TEST%% to a specific package. exit /b 1 REM testrace runs the race checker. :testrace call :testsetup go test -race %_TEST% %TESTARGS% exit /b %ERRORLEVEL% REM testsetup calls `go generate` and defines the variables VAULT_ACC REM and _TEST. VAULT_ACC is always cleared. _TEST defaults to the value REM of the TEST environment variable, provided that TEST is defined, REM otherwise _TEST it is set to "./...". :testsetup call :generate set VAULT_ACC= set _TEST=./... if defined TEST set _TEST=%TEST% goto :eof REM vet runs the Go source code static analysis tool `vet` to find REM any common errors. :vet set _VETARGS=-asmdecl -atomic -bool -buildtags -copylocks -methods -nilfunc -printf -rangeloops -shift -structtags -unsafeptr if defined VETARGS set _VETARGS=%VETARGS% go tool vet 2>nul if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 3 go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/vet set _vetExitCode=0 set _VAULT_PKG_DIRS=%TEMP%\vault-pkg-dirs.txt go list -f {{.Dir}} ./... | findstr /v vendor >"%_VAULT_PKG_DIRS%" REM Skip the first row, which is the main vault package (.*github.com/hashicorp/vault$) for /f "delims= skip=1" %%d in ("%_VAULT_PKG_DIRS%") do ( go tool vet %_VETARGS% "%%d" if ERRORLEVEL 1 set _vetExitCode=1 call :setMaxExitCode %_vetExitCode% ) del /f "%_VAULT_PKG_DIRS%" 2>NUL if %_vetExitCode% equ 0 exit /b %_EXITCODE% echo. echo Vet found suspicious constructs. Please check the reported constructs echo and fix them if necessary before submitting the code for reviewal. exit /b %_EXITCODE% :setMaxExitCode if %1 gtr %_EXITCODE% set _EXITCODE=%1 goto :eof :usage echo usage: make [target] echo. echo target is in {%_TARGETS%}. echo target defaults to test if none is provided. exit /b 2 goto :eof