mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 14:12:01 +00:00
which didn't work as `string` is a `LONGTEXT` field which cannot fully be indexed while MariaDB does not have those issues. Signed-off-by: Knut Ahlers <knut@ahlers.me>
637 lines
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637 lines
17 KiB
package raffle
import (
const (
frontendNotifyEventRaffleChange = "raffleChanged"
frontendNotifyEventRaffleEntryChange = "raffleEntryChanged"
type (
dbClient struct {
activeRaffles map[string]uint64
speakUp map[string]*speakUpWait
db database.Connector
lock sync.RWMutex
raffle struct {
ID uint64 `gorm:"primaryKey" json:"id"`
Channel string `json:"channel"`
Keyword string `json:"keyword"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Status raffleStatus `gorm:"default:planned" json:"status"`
AllowEveryone bool `json:"allowEveryone"`
AllowFollower bool `json:"allowFollower"`
AllowSubscriber bool `json:"allowSubscriber"`
AllowVIP bool `gorm:"column:allow_vip" json:"allowVIP"`
MinFollowAge time.Duration `json:"minFollowAge"`
MultiFollower float64 `json:"multiFollower"`
MultiSubscriber float64 `json:"multiSubscriber"`
MultiVIP float64 `gorm:"column:multi_vip" json:"multiVIP"`
AutoStartAt *time.Time `json:"autoStartAt"`
CloseAfter time.Duration `json:"closeAfter"`
CloseAt *time.Time `json:"closeAt"`
WaitForResponse time.Duration `json:"waitForResponse"`
TextClose string `json:"textClose"`
TextClosePost bool `json:"textClosePost"`
TextEntry string `json:"textEntry"`
TextEntryPost bool `json:"textEntryPost"`
TextEntryFail string `json:"textEntryFail"`
TextEntryFailPost bool `json:"textEntryFailPost"`
TextReminder string `json:"textReminder"`
TextReminderInterval time.Duration `json:"textReminderInterval"`
TextReminderNextSend time.Time `json:"-"`
TextReminderPost bool `json:"textReminderPost"`
TextWin string `json:"textWin"`
TextWinPost bool `json:"textWinPost"`
Entries []raffleEntry `gorm:"foreignKey:RaffleID" json:"entries,omitempty"`
raffleEntry struct {
ID uint64 `gorm:"primaryKey" json:"id"`
RaffleID uint64 `gorm:"uniqueIndex:user_per_raffle" json:"-"`
UserID string `gorm:"size:128;uniqueIndex:user_per_raffle" json:"userID"`
UserLogin string `json:"userLogin"`
UserDisplayName string `json:"userDisplayName"`
EnteredAt time.Time `json:"enteredAt"`
EnteredAs string `json:"enteredAs"`
Multiplier float64 `json:"multiplier"`
WasPicked bool `json:"wasPicked"`
WasRedrawn bool `json:"wasRedrawn"`
DrawResponse string `json:"drawResponse,omitempty"`
SpeakUpUntil *time.Time `json:"speakUpUntil,omitempty"`
raffleMessageEvent uint8
raffleStatus string
speakUpWait struct {
RaffleEntryID uint64
Until time.Time
const (
raffleMessageEventEntryFailed raffleMessageEvent = iota
const (
raffleStatusPlanned raffleStatus = "planned"
raffleStatusActive raffleStatus = "active"
raffleStatusEnded raffleStatus = "ended"
var errRaffleNotFound = errors.New("raffle not found")
func newDBClient(db database.Connector) *dbClient {
return &dbClient{
activeRaffles: make(map[string]uint64),
speakUp: make(map[string]*speakUpWait),
db: db,
// AutoCloseExpired collects all active raffles which have overdue
// close_at dates and closes them
func (d *dbClient) AutoCloseExpired() (err error) {
var rr []raffle
if err = d.db.DB().
Where("status = ? AND close_at IS NOT NULL AND close_at < ?", raffleStatusActive, time.Now().UTC()).
Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "fetching raffles to close")
for _, r := range rr {
if err = d.Close(r.ID); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "closing raffle %d", r.ID)
return nil
// AutoSendReminders collects all active raffles which have enabled
// reminders which are overdue and posts the reminder for them
func (d *dbClient) AutoSendReminders() (err error) {
var rr []raffle
if err = d.db.DB().
Where("status = ? AND text_reminder_post = ? AND text_reminder_next_send < ?", raffleStatusActive, true, time.Now().UTC()).
Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "fetching raffles to send reminders")
for _, r := range rr {
if err = r.SendEvent(raffleMessageEventReminder, nil); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "sending reminder for raffle %d", r.ID)
return nil
// AutoStart collects planned and overdue raffles and starts them
func (d *dbClient) AutoStart() (err error) {
var rr []raffle
if err = d.db.DB().
Where("status = ? AND auto_start_at IS NOT NULL AND auto_start_at < ?", raffleStatusPlanned, time.Now().UTC()).
Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "fetching raffles to start")
for _, r := range rr {
if err = d.Start(r.ID); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "starting raffle %d", r.ID)
return nil
// Clone duplicates a raffle into a new draft resetting some
// parameters into their default state
func (d *dbClient) Clone(raffleID uint64) error {
raffle, err := d.Get(raffleID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "getting raffle")
raffle.CloseAt = nil
raffle.Entries = nil
raffle.ID = 0
raffle.Status = raffleStatusPlanned
raffle.Title = strings.Join([]string{"Copy of", raffle.Title}, " ")
if err = d.Create(raffle); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating copy")
return nil
// Close marks the raffle as closed and removes it from the active
// raffle cache
func (d *dbClient) Close(raffleID uint64) error {
r, err := d.Get(raffleID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "getting raffle")
if err = d.db.DB().Model(&raffle{}).
Where("id = ?", raffleID).
Update("status", raffleStatusEnded).
Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "setting status closed")
defer d.lock.Unlock()
delete(d.activeRaffles, strings.Join([]string{r.Channel, r.Keyword}, "::"))
return errors.Wrap(
r.SendEvent(raffleMessageEventClose, nil),
"sending close-message",
// Create creates a new raffle. The record will be written to
// the database without modification and therefore need to be filled
// before calling this function
func (d *dbClient) Create(r raffle) error {
if err := d.db.DB().Create(&r).Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating database record")
return nil
// Delete removes all entries for the given raffle and afterwards
// deletes the raffle itself
func (d *dbClient) Delete(raffleID uint64) (err error) {
if err = d.db.DB().
Where("raffle_id = ?", raffleID).
Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "deleting raffle entries")
if err = d.db.DB().
Where("id = ?", raffleID).
Delete(&raffle{}).Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating database record")
return nil
// Enter creates a new raffle entry. The entry will be written to
// the database without modification and therefore need to be filled
// before calling this function
func (d *dbClient) Enter(re raffleEntry) error {
if err := d.db.DB().Create(&re).Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating database record")
return nil
// Get retrieves a raffle from the database
func (d *dbClient) Get(raffleID uint64) (out raffle, err error) {
return out, errors.Wrap(
Where("raffles.id = ?", raffleID).
"getting raffle from database",
// GetByChannelAndKeyword resolves an active raffle through channel
// and keyword given in the raffle and returns it through the Get
// function. If the combination is not known errRaffleNotFound is
// returned.
func (d *dbClient) GetByChannelAndKeyword(channel, keyword string) (raffle, error) {
id := d.activeRaffles[strings.Join([]string{channel, keyword}, "::")]
if id == 0 {
return raffle{}, errRaffleNotFound
return d.Get(id)
// List returns a list of all known raffles
func (d *dbClient) List() (raffles []raffle, _ error) {
return raffles, errors.Wrap(
Order("id DESC").
"updating column",
// PatchNextReminderSend updates the time another reminder shall be
// sent for the given raffle ID. No other fields are modified
func (d *dbClient) PatchNextReminderSend(raffleID uint64, next time.Time) error {
return errors.Wrap(
Where("id = ?", raffleID).
Update("text_reminder_next_send", next).
"updating column",
// PickWinner fetches the given raffle and picks a random winner
// based on entries and their multiplier
func (d *dbClient) PickWinner(raffleID uint64) error {
r, err := d.Get(raffleID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "getting raffle")
winner, err := pickWinnerFromRaffle(r)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "picking winner")
speakUpUntil := time.Now().UTC().Add(r.WaitForResponse)
if err = d.db.DB().Model(&raffleEntry{}).
Where("id = ?", winner.ID).
Updates(map[string]any{"was_picked": true, "speak_up_until": speakUpUntil}).
Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "updating winner")
d.speakUp[strings.Join([]string{r.Channel, winner.UserLogin}, ":")] = &speakUpWait{RaffleEntryID: winner.ID, Until: speakUpUntil}
fields := plugins.FieldCollectionFromData(map[string]any{
"user_id": winner.UserID,
"user": winner.UserLogin,
"winner": winner,
return errors.Wrap(
r.SendEvent(raffleMessageEventWin, fields),
"sending win-message",
// RedrawWinner marks the previous winner as redrawn (and therefore
// crossed out as winner in the interface) and picks a new one
func (d *dbClient) RedrawWinner(raffleID, winnerID uint64) error {
if err := d.db.DB().Model(&raffleEntry{}).
Where("id = ?", winnerID).
Update("was_redrawn", true).
Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "updating previous winner")
return d.PickWinner(raffleID)
// RefreshActiveRaffles loads all active raffles and populates the
// activeRaffles cache
func (d *dbClient) RefreshActiveRaffles() error {
defer d.lock.Unlock()
var (
actives []raffle
tmp = map[string]uint64{}
if err := d.db.DB().
Where("status = ?", raffleStatusActive).
Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "fetching active raffles")
for _, r := range actives {
tmp[strings.Join([]string{r.Channel, r.Keyword}, "::")] = r.ID
d.activeRaffles = tmp
return nil
// RefreshSpeakUp seeks all still active speak-up entries and
// populates the speak-up cache with them
func (d *dbClient) RefreshSpeakUp() error {
defer d.lock.Unlock()
var (
res []raffleEntry
tmp = map[string]*speakUpWait{}
if err := d.db.DB().Debug().
Where("speak_up_until IS NOT NULL AND speak_up_until > ?", time.Now().UTC()).
Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "querying active entries")
for _, e := range res {
var r raffle
if err := d.db.DB().
Where("id = ?", e.RaffleID).
Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "fetching raffle for entry")
tmp[strings.Join([]string{r.Channel, e.UserLogin}, ":")] = &speakUpWait{RaffleEntryID: e.ID, Until: *e.SpeakUpUntil}
d.speakUp = tmp
return nil
// RegisterSpeakUp sets the speak-up message if there was a
// speakUpWait for that user and channel
func (d *dbClient) RegisterSpeakUp(channel, user, message string) error {
w := d.speakUp[strings.Join([]string{channel, user}, ":")]
if w == nil || w.Until.Before(time.Now()) {
// No speak-up-request for that user or expired
return nil
if err := d.db.DB().
Where("id = ?", w.RaffleEntryID).
"DrawResponse": message,
"SpeakUpUntil": nil,
Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "registering speak-up")
defer d.lock.Unlock()
delete(d.speakUp, strings.Join([]string{channel, user}, ":"))
return nil
// Reopen updates the CloseAt attribute and status to active to
// prolong the raffle
func (d *dbClient) Reopen(raffleID uint64, duration time.Duration) error {
r, err := d.Get(raffleID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "getting specified raffle")
if err = d.db.DB().
Where("id = ?", raffleID).
"CloseAt": time.Now().UTC().Add(duration),
"status": raffleStatusActive,
Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "updating raffle")
// Store ID to active-raffle cache
defer d.lock.Unlock()
d.activeRaffles[strings.Join([]string{r.Channel, r.Keyword}, "::")] = r.ID
return nil
// Start fetches the given raffle, updates its CloseAt attribute
// in case it is not already set, sets the raffle to active, updates
// the raffle in the database and notes its channel/keyword combo
// into the activeRaffles cache for use with irc handling
func (d *dbClient) Start(raffleID uint64) error {
r, err := d.Get(raffleID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "getting specified raffle")
if r.CloseAt == nil {
end := time.Now().UTC().Add(r.CloseAfter)
r.CloseAt = &end
r.Status = raffleStatusActive
if err = d.Update(r); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "updating raffle")
// Store ID to active-raffle cache
defer d.lock.Unlock()
d.activeRaffles[strings.Join([]string{r.Channel, r.Keyword}, "::")] = r.ID
return errors.Wrap(
r.SendEvent(raffleMessageEventReminder, nil),
"sending first reminder",
// Update stores the given raffle to the database. The ID within the
// raffle object must be set in order to update it. The object must
// be completely filled.
func (d *dbClient) Update(r raffle) error {
old, err := d.Get(r.ID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "getting previous version")
// These information must not be changed after raffle has been started
if old.Status != raffleStatusPlanned {
r.Channel = old.Channel
r.Keyword = old.Keyword
r.Status = old.Status
r.AllowEveryone = old.AllowEveryone
r.AllowFollower = old.AllowFollower
r.AllowSubscriber = old.AllowSubscriber
r.AllowVIP = old.AllowVIP
r.MinFollowAge = old.MinFollowAge
r.MultiFollower = old.MultiFollower
r.MultiSubscriber = old.MultiSubscriber
r.MultiVIP = old.MultiVIP
r.AutoStartAt = old.AutoStartAt
// This info must be preserved
r.Entries = nil
r.TextReminderNextSend = old.TextReminderNextSend
if err := d.db.DB().
Where("id = ?", r.ID).
Error; err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "updating raffle")
return nil
// SendEvent processes the text template and sends the message if
// enabled given through the event
func (r raffle) SendEvent(evt raffleMessageEvent, fields *plugins.FieldCollection) (err error) {
if fields == nil {
fields = plugins.NewFieldCollection()
fields.Set("raffle", r) // Make raffle available to templating
var sendTextTpl string
switch evt {
case raffleMessageEventClose:
if !r.TextClosePost {
return nil
sendTextTpl = r.TextClose
case raffleMessageEventEntryFailed:
if !r.TextEntryFailPost {
return nil
sendTextTpl = r.TextEntryFail
case raffleMessageEventEntry:
if !r.TextEntryPost {
return nil
sendTextTpl = r.TextEntry
case raffleMessageEventReminder:
if !r.TextReminderPost {
return nil
sendTextTpl = r.TextReminder
if err = dbc.PatchNextReminderSend(r.ID, time.Now().UTC().Add(r.TextReminderInterval)); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "updating next reminder for raffle")
case raffleMessageEventWin:
if !r.TextWinPost {
return nil
sendTextTpl = r.TextWin
// How?
return errors.New("unexpected event")
msg, err := formatMessage(sendTextTpl, nil, nil, fields)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "formatting message to send")
return errors.Wrap(
Command: "PRIVMSG",
Params: []string{
"#" + strings.TrimLeft(r.Channel, "#"),
"sending message",