package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" "" "" log "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" deleteactor "" "" "" "" "" logActor "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ircHandleWaitRetries = 10 var ( corePluginRegistrations = []plugins.RegisterFunc{ // Actors announce.Register, ban.Register, clipdetector.Register, commercial.Register, counter.Register, delay.Register, deleteactor.Register, eventmod.Register, filesay.Register, linkdetector.Register, linkprotect.Register, logActor.Register, modchannel.Register, nuke.Register, punish.Register, quotedb.Register, raw.Register, respond.Register, shield.Register, shoutout.Register, stopexec.Register, timeout.Register, variables.Register, vip.Register, whisper.Register, // Template functions api.Register, numeric.Register, random.Register, slice.Register, // API-only modules customevent.Register, msgformat.Register, overlays.Register, } knownModules []string ) func initCorePlugins() error { args := getRegistrationArguments() for idx, rf := range corePluginRegistrations { if err := rf(args); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "registering core plugin %d", idx) } } return nil } func registerRoute(route plugins.HTTPRouteRegistrationArgs) error { r := router. PathPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/", route.Module)). Subrouter() if !str.StringInSlice(route.Module, knownModules) { knownModules = append(knownModules, route.Module) } var hdl http.Handler = route.HandlerFunc switch { case route.RequiresEditorsAuth: hdl = botEditorAuthMiddleware(hdl) case route.RequiresWriteAuth: hdl = writeAuthMiddleware(hdl, route.Module) } if route.IsPrefix { r.PathPrefix(route.Path). Handler(hdl). Methods(route.Method) } else { r.Handle(route.Path, hdl). Methods(route.Method) } if !route.SkipDocumentation { return errors.Wrap(registerSwaggerRoute(route), "registering documentation") } return nil } func getRegistrationArguments() plugins.RegistrationArguments { return plugins.RegistrationArguments{ CreateEvent: func(evt string, eventData *plugins.FieldCollection) error { handleMessage(ircHdl.Client(), nil, &evt, eventData) return nil }, FormatMessage: formatMessage, GetDatabaseConnector: func() database.Connector { return db }, GetLogger: func(moduleName string) *log.Entry { return log.WithField("module", moduleName) }, GetTwitchClient: func() *twitch.Client { return twitchClient }, HasAnyPermissionForChannel: accessService.HasAnyPermissionForChannel, HasPermissionForChannel: accessService.HasPermissionsForChannel, RegisterActor: registerAction, RegisterActorDocumentation: registerActorDocumentation, RegisterAPIRoute: registerRoute, RegisterCron: cronService.AddFunc, RegisterEventHandler: registerEventHandlers, RegisterMessageModFunc: registerChatcommand, RegisterRawMessageHandler: registerRawMessageHandler, RegisterTemplateFunction: tplFuncs.Register, SendMessage: sendMessage, ValidateToken: validateAuthToken, GetTwitchClientForChannel: func(channel string) (*twitch.Client, error) { return accessService.GetTwitchClientForChannel(channel, access.ClientConfig{ TwitchClient: cfg.TwitchClient, TwitchClientSecret: cfg.TwitchClientSecret, }) }, } } func sendMessage(m *irc.Message) error { err := handleChatcommandModifications(m) switch { case err == nil: // There was no error, the message should be sent normally case errors.Is(err, plugins.ErrSkipSendingMessage): // One chatcommand handler cancelled sending the message // (probably because it was handled otherwise) return nil default: // Something in a chatcommand handler went wrong return errors.Wrap(err, "handling chat commands") } if err = backoff.NewBackoff().WithMaxIterations(ircHandleWaitRetries).Retry(func() error { if ircHdl == nil { return errors.New("irc handle not available") } return nil }); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "waiting for IRC connection") } return ircHdl.SendMessage(m) }