package main import ( "bytes" _ "embed" "encoding/json" "io" "net/http" "strings" "" "" log "" "" ) var ( swaggerDoc = spec.OpenAPI{ OpenAPI: "3.0.3", // This generator uses v3 of OpenAPI standard Info: &spec.Info{ Title: "Twitch-Bot public API", Version: "v1", }, Servers: []*spec.Server{ {URL: "/", Description: "Current bot instance"}, }, Paths: make(spec.Paths), Components: &spec.Components{ Responses: map[string]*spec.Response{ "genericErrorResponse": spec.TextPlainResponse(nil).WithDescription("An error occurred: See error message"), "inputErrorResponse": spec.TextPlainResponse(nil).WithDescription("Data sent to API is invalid: See error message"), "notFoundResponse": spec.TextPlainResponse(nil).WithDescription("Document was not found or insufficient permissions"), }, }, } //go:embed swagger.html swaggerHTML []byte ) func handleSwaggerHTML(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html") if _, err := io.Copy(w, bytes.NewReader(swaggerHTML)); err != nil { http.Error(w, errors.Wrap(err, "writing frontend").Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } } func handleSwaggerRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(swaggerDoc); err != nil { http.Error(w, errors.Wrap(err, "rendering documentation").Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } } //nolint:gocyclo // Makes no sense to split just to spare a little complexity func registerSwaggerRoute(route plugins.HTTPRouteRegistrationArgs) error { fullPath := strings.Join([]string{ "", route.Module, strings.TrimLeft(route.Path, "/"), }, "/") pi, ok := swaggerDoc.Paths[fullPath] if !ok { pi = &spec.PathItem{} for _, param := range route.RouteParams { pi.Parameters = append( pi.Parameters, spec.PathParam(param.Name, spec.StringProperty()).WithDescription(param.Description), ) } swaggerDoc.Paths[fullPath] = pi } op := &spec.Operation{ Summary: route.Name, Description: route.Description, Tags: []string{route.Module}, Responses: map[string]*spec.Response{ "204": spec.TextPlainResponse(nil).WithDescription("Successful execution without response object"), "404": spec.RefResponse("notFoundResponse"), "500": spec.RefResponse("genericErrorResponse"), }, } switch route.ResponseType { case plugins.HTTPRouteResponseTypeJSON: op.Responses["200"] = spec.JSONResponse(nil).WithDescription("Successful execution with JSON object response") case plugins.HTTPRouteResponseTypeNo200: // We don't add a 200 then case plugins.HTTPRouteResponseTypeTextPlain: op.Responses["200"] = spec.TextPlainResponse(nil).WithDescription("Successful execution with plain text response") } for _, param := range route.QueryParams { var ps *spec.Schema switch param.Type { case "bool", "boolean": ps = spec.BooleanProperty() case "int", "int64": ps = spec.Int64Property() case "string": ps = spec.StringProperty() default: log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": route.Module, "type": param.Type}).Warn("Module registered unhandled query-param type") ps = spec.StringProperty() } specParam := spec.QueryParam(param.Name, ps). WithDescription(param.Description) if !param.Required { specParam = specParam.AsOptional() } op.Parameters = append( op.Parameters, specParam, ) } switch route.Method { case http.MethodDelete: pi.Delete = op case http.MethodGet: pi.Get = op case http.MethodPatch: op.Responses["400"] = spec.RefResponse("inputErrorResponse") pi.Patch = op case http.MethodPost: op.Responses["400"] = spec.RefResponse("inputErrorResponse") pi.Post = op case http.MethodPut: op.Responses["400"] = spec.RefResponse("inputErrorResponse") pi.Put = op default: return errors.Errorf("assignment for %q is not implemented", route.Method) } return nil }