--- title: "Preparations" weight: 2 --- {{< lead >}} In order to communicate with Twitch you need to set up an application in the Twitch developers console. {{< /lead >}} {{< alert style="warning" >}} In case you are setting up multiple Twitch-Bot instances, create **one application per instance**! Re-using an existing application even for a test-instance will lead to unexpected results like randomly breaking bot-authorizations! {{< /alert >}} Registering your application is a relatively straight-forward process: - Go to https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps/create - Fill out the form you are presented with. You can choose any **Name** you want for your bot. I'd recommend using one you later will recognize your bot under. For the **OAuth Redirect URL** choose the URL you want to have the bot available under later. If you want to have it running locally you can choose `http://localhost:3000/` for this field.  - After registering your application go into the application you've just created and click the **New Secret** button. Note down the **Client-Id** and **Client-Secret** in a safe place. You will need them in the [Configuration]({{< ref "configuration.md" >}}) step.