package twitch import ( "context" "strings" "" "" "" ) func init() { regFn = append( regFn, tplTwitchLastPoll, ) } func tplTwitchLastPoll(args plugins.RegistrationArguments) { args.RegisterTemplateFunction("lastPoll", plugins.GenericTemplateFunctionGetter(func(username string) (*twitch.PollInfo, error) { hasPollAccess, err := args.HasAnyPermissionForChannel(username, twitch.ScopeChannelReadPolls, twitch.ScopeChannelManagePolls) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "checking read-poll-permission") } if !hasPollAccess { return nil, errors.Errorf("not authorized to read polls for channel %s", username) } tc, err := args.GetTwitchClientForChannel(strings.TrimLeft(username, "#")) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "getting twitch client for user") } poll, err := tc.GetLatestPoll(context.Background(), strings.TrimLeft(username, "#")) return poll, errors.Wrap(err, "getting last poll") }), plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Gets the last (currently running or archived) poll for the given channel (the channel must have given extended permission for poll access!)", Syntax: "lastPoll ", Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ Template: `Last Poll: {{ (lastPoll .channel).Title }}`, FakedOutput: "Last Poll: Und wie siehts im Template aus?", }, Remarks: "See schema of returned object in [`pkg/twitch/polls.go#L13`](", }) }