package plugins

import (

	log ""


const (
	contentTypeJSON = "json"
	contentTypeYAML = "yaml"

	remoteRuleFetchTimeout = 5 * time.Second

// ErrStopRuleExecution is a way for actions to terminate execution
// of the current rule gracefully. No actions after this has been
// returned will be executed and no error state will be set
var ErrStopRuleExecution = errors.New("stop rule execution now")

type (
	Rule struct {
		UUID          string  `hash:"-" json:"uuid,omitempty" yaml:"uuid,omitempty"`
		Description   string  `json:"description,omitempty" yaml:"description,omitempty"`
		SubscribeFrom *string `json:"subscribe_from,omitempty" yaml:"subscribe_from,omitempty"`

		Actions []*RuleAction `json:"actions,omitempty" yaml:"actions,omitempty"`

		Cooldown        *time.Duration `json:"cooldown,omitempty" yaml:"cooldown,omitempty"`
		ChannelCooldown *time.Duration `json:"channel_cooldown,omitempty" yaml:"channel_cooldown,omitempty"`
		UserCooldown    *time.Duration `json:"user_cooldown,omitempty" yaml:"user_cooldown,omitempty"`
		SkipCooldownFor []string       `json:"skip_cooldown_for,omitempty" yaml:"skip_cooldown_for,omitempty"`

		MatchChannels []string `json:"match_channels,omitempty" yaml:"match_channels,omitempty"`
		MatchEvent    *string  `json:"match_event,omitempty" yaml:"match_event,omitempty"`
		MatchMessage  *string  `json:"match_message,omitempty" yaml:"match_message,omitempty"`
		MatchUsers    []string `json:"match_users,omitempty" yaml:"match_users,omitempty" `

		DisableOnMatchMessages []string `json:"disable_on_match_messages,omitempty" yaml:"disable_on_match_messages,omitempty"`

		Disable           *bool    `json:"disable,omitempty" yaml:"disable,omitempty"`
		DisableOnOffline  *bool    `json:"disable_on_offline,omitempty" yaml:"disable_on_offline,omitempty"`
		DisableOnPermit   *bool    `json:"disable_on_permit,omitempty" yaml:"disable_on_permit,omitempty"`
		DisableOnTemplate *string  `json:"disable_on_template,omitempty" yaml:"disable_on_template,omitempty"`
		DisableOn         []string `json:"disable_on,omitempty" yaml:"disable_on,omitempty"`
		EnableOn          []string `json:"enable_on,omitempty" yaml:"enable_on,omitempty"`

		matchMessage           *regexp.Regexp
		disableOnMatchMessages []*regexp.Regexp

		msgFormatter MsgFormatter
		timerStore   TimerStore
		twitchClient *twitch.Client

	RuleAction struct {
		Type       string           `json:"type" yaml:"type,omitempty"`
		Attributes *FieldCollection `json:"attributes" yaml:"attributes,omitempty"`

func (r Rule) MatcherID() string {
	if r.UUID != "" {
		return r.UUID

	return r.hash()

func (r *Rule) Matches(m *irc.Message, event *string, timerStore TimerStore, msgFormatter MsgFormatter, twitchClient *twitch.Client, eventData *FieldCollection) bool {
	r.msgFormatter = msgFormatter
	r.timerStore = timerStore
	r.twitchClient = twitchClient

	var (
		badges = twitch.ParseBadgeLevels(m)
		logger = log.WithFields(log.Fields{
			"msg":  m,
			"rule": r,

	for _, matcher := range []func(*log.Entry, *irc.Message, *string, twitch.BadgeCollection, *FieldCollection) bool{
	} {
		if !matcher(logger, m, event, badges, eventData) {
			return false

	// Nothing objected: Matches!
	return true

func (r *Rule) GetMatchMessage() *regexp.Regexp {
	var err error

	if r.matchMessage == nil {
		if r.matchMessage, err = regexp.Compile(*r.MatchMessage); err != nil {
			log.WithError(err).Error("Unable to compile expression")
			return nil

	return r.matchMessage

func (r *Rule) SetCooldown(timerStore TimerStore, m *irc.Message, evtData *FieldCollection) {
	if r.Cooldown != nil {
		timerStore.AddCooldown(TimerTypeCooldown, "", r.MatcherID(), time.Now().Add(*r.Cooldown))

	if r.ChannelCooldown != nil && DeriveChannel(m, evtData) != "" {
		timerStore.AddCooldown(TimerTypeCooldown, DeriveChannel(m, evtData), r.MatcherID(), time.Now().Add(*r.ChannelCooldown))

	if r.UserCooldown != nil && DeriveUser(m, evtData) != "" {
		timerStore.AddCooldown(TimerTypeCooldown, DeriveUser(m, evtData), r.MatcherID(), time.Now().Add(*r.UserCooldown))

func (r *Rule) UpdateFromSubscription() (bool, error) {
	if r.SubscribeFrom == nil || len(*r.SubscribeFrom) == 0 {
		return false, nil

	prevHash := r.hash()

	remoteURL, err := url.Parse(*r.SubscribeFrom)
	if err != nil {
		return false, errors.Wrap(err, "parsing remote subscription url")

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), remoteRuleFetchTimeout)
	defer cancel()

	req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodGet, remoteURL.String(), nil)
	if err != nil {
		return false, errors.Wrap(err, "assembling request")

	resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
	if err != nil {
		return false, errors.Wrap(err, "executing request")
	defer resp.Body.Close()

	if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
		return false, errors.Errorf("unxpected HTTP status %d", resp.StatusCode)

	inputType, err := r.fileTypeFromRequest(remoteURL, resp)
	if err != nil {
		return false, errors.Wrap(err, "detecting content type")

	var newRule Rule
	switch inputType {
	case contentTypeJSON:
		err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&newRule)

	case contentTypeYAML:
		err = yaml.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&newRule)

		return false, errors.New("unexpected format")

	if err != nil {
		return false, errors.Wrap(err, "decoding remote rule")

	if newRule.hash() == prevHash {
		// No update, exit now
		return false, nil

	*r = newRule

	return true, nil

func (r Rule) Validate(tplValidate TemplateValidatorFunc) error {
	if r.MatchMessage != nil {
		if _, err := regexp.Compile(*r.MatchMessage); err != nil {
			return errors.Wrap(err, "compiling match_message field regex")

	if r.DisableOnTemplate != nil {
		if err := tplValidate(*r.DisableOnTemplate); err != nil {
			return errors.Wrap(err, "parsing disable_on_template template")

	return nil

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteBadgeBlacklist(logger *log.Entry, _ *irc.Message, _ *string, badges twitch.BadgeCollection, _ *FieldCollection) bool {
	for _, b := range r.DisableOn {
		if badges.Has(b) {
			logger.Tracef("Non-Match: Disable-Badge %s", b)
			return false

	return true

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteBadgeWhitelist(_ *log.Entry, _ *irc.Message, _ *string, badges twitch.BadgeCollection, _ *FieldCollection) bool {
	if len(r.EnableOn) == 0 {
		// No match criteria set, does not speak against matching
		return true

	for _, b := range r.EnableOn {
		if badges.Has(b) {
			return true

	return false

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteChannelCooldown(logger *log.Entry, m *irc.Message, _ *string, badges twitch.BadgeCollection, evtData *FieldCollection) bool {
	if r.ChannelCooldown == nil || DeriveChannel(m, evtData) == "" {
		// No match criteria set, does not speak against matching
		return true

	inCooldown, err := r.timerStore.InCooldown(TimerTypeCooldown, DeriveChannel(m, evtData), r.MatcherID())
	if err != nil {
		logger.WithError(err).Error("checking channel cooldown")
		return false

	if !inCooldown {
		return true

	for _, b := range r.SkipCooldownFor {
		if badges.Has(b) {
			return true

	return false

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteChannelWhitelist(logger *log.Entry, m *irc.Message, _ *string, _ twitch.BadgeCollection, evtData *FieldCollection) bool {
	if len(r.MatchChannels) == 0 {
		// No match criteria set, does not speak against matching
		return true

	if DeriveChannel(m, evtData) == "" || (!str.StringInSlice(DeriveChannel(m, evtData), r.MatchChannels) && !str.StringInSlice(strings.TrimPrefix(DeriveChannel(m, evtData), "#"), r.MatchChannels)) {
		logger.Trace("Non-Match: Channel")
		return false

	return true

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteDisable(logger *log.Entry, _ *irc.Message, _ *string, _ twitch.BadgeCollection, _ *FieldCollection) bool {
	if r.Disable == nil {
		// No match criteria set, does not speak against matching
		return true

	if *r.Disable {
		logger.Trace("Non-Match: Disable")
		return false

	return true

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteDisableOnOffline(logger *log.Entry, m *irc.Message, _ *string, _ twitch.BadgeCollection, evtData *FieldCollection) bool {
	if r.DisableOnOffline == nil || !*r.DisableOnOffline || DeriveChannel(m, evtData) == "" {
		// No match criteria set, does not speak against matching
		return true

	streamLive, err := r.twitchClient.HasLiveStream(strings.TrimLeft(DeriveChannel(m, evtData), "#"))
	if err != nil {
		logger.WithError(err).Error("Unable to determine live status")
		return false
	if !streamLive {
		logger.Trace("Non-Match: Stream offline")
		return false

	return true

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteDisableOnPermit(logger *log.Entry, m *irc.Message, _ *string, _ twitch.BadgeCollection, evtData *FieldCollection) bool {
	hasPermit, err := r.timerStore.HasPermit(DeriveChannel(m, evtData), DeriveUser(m, evtData))
	if err != nil {
		logger.WithError(err).Error("checking permit")
		return false

	if r.DisableOnPermit != nil && *r.DisableOnPermit && DeriveChannel(m, evtData) != "" && hasPermit {
		logger.Trace("Non-Match: Permit")
		return false

	return true

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteDisableOnTemplate(logger *log.Entry, m *irc.Message, _ *string, _ twitch.BadgeCollection, evtData *FieldCollection) bool {
	if r.DisableOnTemplate == nil || *r.DisableOnTemplate == "" {
		// No match criteria set, does not speak against matching
		return true

	res, err := r.msgFormatter(*r.DisableOnTemplate, m, r, evtData)
	if err != nil {
		logger.WithError(err).Error("Unable to check DisableOnTemplate field")
		// Caused an error, forbid execution
		return false

	if res == "true" {
		logger.Trace("Non-Match: Template")
		return false

	return true

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteEventWhitelist(logger *log.Entry, _ *irc.Message, event *string, _ twitch.BadgeCollection, _ *FieldCollection) bool {
	if r.MatchEvent == nil || *r.MatchEvent == "" {
		// No match criteria set, does not speak against matching
		return true

	if event == nil || *r.MatchEvent != *event {
		logger.Trace("Non-Match: Event")
		return false

	return true

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteMessageMatcherBlacklist(logger *log.Entry, m *irc.Message, _ *string, _ twitch.BadgeCollection, _ *FieldCollection) bool {
	if len(r.DisableOnMatchMessages) == 0 {
		// No match criteria set, does not speak against matching
		return true

	// If the regexps were not pre-compiled, do it now
	if len(r.disableOnMatchMessages) != len(r.DisableOnMatchMessages) {
		r.disableOnMatchMessages = nil
		for _, dm := range r.DisableOnMatchMessages {
			dmr, err := regexp.Compile(dm)
			if err != nil {
				logger.WithError(err).Error("Unable to compile expression")
				return false
			r.disableOnMatchMessages = append(r.disableOnMatchMessages, dmr)

	for _, rex := range r.disableOnMatchMessages {
		if m != nil && rex.MatchString(m.Trailing()) {
			logger.Trace("Non-Match: Disable-On-Message")
			return false

	return true

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteMessageMatcherWhitelist(logger *log.Entry, m *irc.Message, _ *string, _ twitch.BadgeCollection, _ *FieldCollection) bool {
	if r.MatchMessage == nil {
		// No match criteria set, does not speak against matching
		return true

	var err error

	// If the regexp was not yet compiled, cache it
	if r.matchMessage == nil {
		if r.matchMessage, err = regexp.Compile(*r.MatchMessage); err != nil {
			logger.WithError(err).Error("Unable to compile expression")
			return false

	// Check whether the message matches
	if m == nil || !r.matchMessage.MatchString(m.Trailing()) {
		logger.Trace("Non-Match: Message")
		return false

	return true

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteRuleCooldown(logger *log.Entry, _ *irc.Message, _ *string, badges twitch.BadgeCollection, _ *FieldCollection) bool {
	if r.Cooldown == nil {
		// No match criteria set, does not speak against matching
		return true

	inCooldown, err := r.timerStore.InCooldown(TimerTypeCooldown, "", r.MatcherID())
	if err != nil {
		logger.WithError(err).Error("checking rule cooldown")
		return false

	if !inCooldown {
		return true

	for _, b := range r.SkipCooldownFor {
		if badges.Has(b) {
			return true

	return false

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteUserCooldown(logger *log.Entry, m *irc.Message, _ *string, badges twitch.BadgeCollection, evtData *FieldCollection) bool {
	if r.UserCooldown == nil {
		// No match criteria set, does not speak against matching
		return true

	inCooldown, err := r.timerStore.InCooldown(TimerTypeCooldown, DeriveUser(m, evtData), r.MatcherID())
	if err != nil {
		logger.WithError(err).Error("checking user cooldown")
		return false

	if DeriveUser(m, evtData) == "" || !inCooldown {
		return true

	for _, b := range r.SkipCooldownFor {
		if badges.Has(b) {
			return true

	return false

func (r *Rule) allowExecuteUserWhitelist(logger *log.Entry, m *irc.Message, _ *string, _ twitch.BadgeCollection, evtData *FieldCollection) bool {
	if len(r.MatchUsers) == 0 {
		// No match criteria set, does not speak against matching
		return true

	if DeriveUser(m, evtData) == "" || !str.StringInSlice(strings.ToLower(DeriveUser(m, evtData)), r.MatchUsers) {
		logger.Trace("Non-Match: Users")
		return false

	return true

func (r Rule) fileTypeFromRequest(remoteURL *url.URL, resp *http.Response) (string, error) {
	switch path.Ext(remoteURL.Path) {
	case ".json":
		return contentTypeJSON, nil

	case ".yaml", ".yml":
		return contentTypeYAML, nil

	switch strings.Split(resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"), ";")[0] {
	case "application/json":
		return contentTypeJSON, nil

	case "application/yaml", "application/x-yaml", "text/x-yaml":
		return contentTypeYAML, nil

	return "", errors.New("no valid file type detected")

func (r Rule) hash() string {
	h, err := hashstructure.Hash(r, hashstructure.FormatV2, nil)
	if err != nil {
		panic(errors.Wrap(err, "hashing rule"))
	return fmt.Sprintf("hashstructure:%x", h)