// Package punish contains an actor to punish behaviour in a channel // with rising punishments package punish import ( "context" "fmt" "math" "strings" "time" "github.com/pkg/errors" "gopkg.in/irc.v4" "gorm.io/gorm" "github.com/Luzifer/go_helpers/v2/fieldcollection" "github.com/Luzifer/twitch-bot/v3/internal/helpers" "github.com/Luzifer/twitch-bot/v3/pkg/database" "github.com/Luzifer/twitch-bot/v3/pkg/twitch" "github.com/Luzifer/twitch-bot/v3/plugins" ) const ( actorNamePunish = "punish" actorNameResetPunish = "reset-punish" oneWeek = 168 * time.Hour ) var ( botTwitchClient func() *twitch.Client db database.Connector formatMessage plugins.MsgFormatter ) // Register provides the plugins.RegisterFunc func Register(args plugins.RegistrationArguments) error { db = args.GetDatabaseConnector() if err := db.DB().AutoMigrate(&punishLevel{}); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "applying schema migration") } args.RegisterCopyDatabaseFunc("punish", func(src, target *gorm.DB) error { return database.CopyObjects(src, target, &punishLevel{}) }) botTwitchClient = args.GetTwitchClient formatMessage = args.FormatMessage args.RegisterActor(actorNamePunish, func() plugins.Actor { return &actorPunish{} }) args.RegisterActor(actorNameResetPunish, func() plugins.Actor { return &actorResetPunish{} }) args.RegisterActorDocumentation(plugins.ActionDocumentation{ Description: "Apply increasing punishments to user", Name: "Punish User", Type: actorNamePunish, Fields: []plugins.ActionDocumentationField{ { Default: "168h", Description: "When to lower the punishment level after the last punishment", Key: "cooldown", Name: "Cooldown", Optional: true, SupportTemplate: false, Type: plugins.ActionDocumentationFieldTypeDuration, }, { Default: "", Description: "Actions for each punishment level (ban, delete, duration-value i.e. 1m)", Key: "levels", Name: "Levels", Optional: false, SupportTemplate: false, Type: plugins.ActionDocumentationFieldTypeStringSlice, }, { Default: "", Description: "Reason why the user was banned / timeouted", Key: "reason", Name: "Reason", Optional: true, SupportTemplate: false, Type: plugins.ActionDocumentationFieldTypeString, }, { Default: "", Description: "User to apply the action to", Key: "user", Name: "User", Optional: false, SupportTemplate: true, Type: plugins.ActionDocumentationFieldTypeString, }, { Default: "", Description: "Unique identifier for this punishment to differentiate between punishments in the same channel", Key: "uuid", Name: "UUID", Optional: true, SupportTemplate: false, Type: plugins.ActionDocumentationFieldTypeString, }, }, }) args.RegisterActorDocumentation(plugins.ActionDocumentation{ Description: "Reset punishment level for user", Name: "Reset User Punishment", Type: actorNameResetPunish, Fields: []plugins.ActionDocumentationField{ { Default: "", Description: "User to reset the level for", Key: "user", Name: "User", Optional: false, SupportTemplate: true, Type: plugins.ActionDocumentationFieldTypeString, }, { Default: "", Description: "Unique identifier for this punishment to differentiate between punishments in the same channel", Key: "uuid", Name: "UUID", Optional: true, SupportTemplate: false, Type: plugins.ActionDocumentationFieldTypeString, }, }, }) return nil } type ( actorPunish struct{} actorResetPunish struct{} levelConfig struct { LastLevel int `json:"last_level"` Executed time.Time `json:"executed"` Cooldown time.Duration `json:"cooldown"` } ) // Punish func (actorPunish) Execute(_ *irc.Client, m *irc.Message, r *plugins.Rule, eventData *fieldcollection.FieldCollection, attrs *fieldcollection.FieldCollection) (preventCooldown bool, err error) { var ( cooldown = attrs.MustDuration("cooldown", helpers.Ptr(oneWeek)) reason = attrs.MustString("reason", helpers.Ptr("")) user = attrs.MustString("user", nil) uuid = attrs.MustString("uuid", helpers.Ptr("")) ) levels, err := attrs.StringSlice("levels") if err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "getting level config") } if user, err = formatMessage(user, m, r, eventData); err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "preparing user") } lvl, err := getPunishment(db, plugins.DeriveChannel(m, eventData), user, uuid) if err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "getting stored punishment") } nLvl := int(math.Min(float64(len(levels)-1), float64(lvl.LastLevel+1))) switch lt := levels[nLvl]; lt { case "ban": if err = botTwitchClient().BanUser( context.Background(), plugins.DeriveChannel(m, eventData), strings.TrimLeft(user, "@"), 0, reason, ); err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "executing user ban") } case "delete": msgID, ok := m.Tags["id"] if !ok || msgID == "" { return false, errors.New("found no mesage id") } if err = botTwitchClient().DeleteMessage( context.Background(), plugins.DeriveChannel(m, eventData), msgID, ); err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "deleting message") } default: to, err := time.ParseDuration(lt) if err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "parsing punishment level") } if err = botTwitchClient().BanUser( context.Background(), plugins.DeriveChannel(m, eventData), strings.TrimLeft(user, "@"), to, reason, ); err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "executing user ban") } } lvl.Cooldown = cooldown lvl.Executed = time.Now().UTC() lvl.LastLevel = nLvl return false, errors.Wrap( setPunishment(db, plugins.DeriveChannel(m, eventData), user, uuid, lvl), "storing punishment level", ) } func (actorPunish) IsAsync() bool { return false } func (actorPunish) Name() string { return actorNamePunish } func (actorPunish) Validate(tplValidator plugins.TemplateValidatorFunc, attrs *fieldcollection.FieldCollection) (err error) { if err = attrs.ValidateSchema( fieldcollection.MustHaveField(fieldcollection.SchemaField{Name: "levels", NonEmpty: true, Type: fieldcollection.SchemaFieldTypeStringSlice}), fieldcollection.MustHaveField(fieldcollection.SchemaField{Name: "user", NonEmpty: true, Type: fieldcollection.SchemaFieldTypeString}), fieldcollection.CanHaveField(fieldcollection.SchemaField{Name: "cooldown", Type: fieldcollection.SchemaFieldTypeDuration}), fieldcollection.CanHaveField(fieldcollection.SchemaField{Name: "reason", NonEmpty: true, Type: fieldcollection.SchemaFieldTypeString}), fieldcollection.CanHaveField(fieldcollection.SchemaField{Name: "uuid", NonEmpty: true, Type: fieldcollection.SchemaFieldTypeString}), fieldcollection.MustHaveNoUnknowFields, helpers.SchemaValidateTemplateField(tplValidator, "user"), ); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("validating attributes: %w", err) } return nil } // Reset func (actorResetPunish) Execute(_ *irc.Client, m *irc.Message, r *plugins.Rule, eventData *fieldcollection.FieldCollection, attrs *fieldcollection.FieldCollection) (preventCooldown bool, err error) { var ( user = attrs.MustString("user", nil) uuid = attrs.MustString("uuid", helpers.Ptr("")) ) if user, err = formatMessage(user, m, r, eventData); err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "preparing user") } return false, errors.Wrap( deletePunishment(db, plugins.DeriveChannel(m, eventData), user, uuid), "resetting punishment level", ) } func (actorResetPunish) IsAsync() bool { return false } func (actorResetPunish) Name() string { return actorNameResetPunish } func (actorResetPunish) Validate(tplValidator plugins.TemplateValidatorFunc, attrs *fieldcollection.FieldCollection) (err error) { if err = attrs.ValidateSchema( fieldcollection.MustHaveField(fieldcollection.SchemaField{Name: "user", NonEmpty: true, Type: fieldcollection.SchemaFieldTypeString}), fieldcollection.CanHaveField(fieldcollection.SchemaField{Name: "uuid", NonEmpty: true, Type: fieldcollection.SchemaFieldTypeString}), fieldcollection.MustHaveNoUnknowFields, helpers.SchemaValidateTemplateField(tplValidator, "user"), ); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("validating attributes: %w", err) } return nil }