// Package counter contains actors and template functions to work with // database stored counters package counter import ( "fmt" "net/http" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/pkg/errors" "gopkg.in/irc.v4" "gorm.io/gorm" "github.com/Luzifer/go_helpers/v2/fieldcollection" "github.com/Luzifer/twitch-bot/v3/internal/helpers" "github.com/Luzifer/twitch-bot/v3/pkg/database" "github.com/Luzifer/twitch-bot/v3/plugins" ) var ( db database.Connector formatMessage plugins.MsgFormatter ) // Register provides the plugins.RegisterFunc // //nolint:funlen // This function is a few lines too long but only contains definitions func Register(args plugins.RegistrationArguments) (err error) { db = args.GetDatabaseConnector() if err = db.DB().AutoMigrate(&counter{}); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "applying schema migration") } args.RegisterCopyDatabaseFunc("counter", func(src, target *gorm.DB) error { return database.CopyObjects(src, target, &counter{}) }) formatMessage = args.FormatMessage args.RegisterActor("counter", func() plugins.Actor { return &actorCounter{} }) args.RegisterActorDocumentation(plugins.ActionDocumentation{ Description: "Update counter values", Name: "Modify Counter", Type: "counter", Fields: []plugins.ActionDocumentationField{ { Default: "", Description: "Name of the counter to update", Key: "counter", Name: "Counter", Optional: false, SupportTemplate: true, Type: plugins.ActionDocumentationFieldTypeString, }, { Default: "1", Description: "Value to add to the counter", Key: "counter_step", Name: "Counter Step", Optional: true, SupportTemplate: true, Type: plugins.ActionDocumentationFieldTypeString, }, { Default: "", Description: "Value to set the counter to", Key: "counter_set", Name: "Counter Set", Optional: true, SupportTemplate: true, Type: plugins.ActionDocumentationFieldTypeString, }, }, }) if err = args.RegisterAPIRoute(plugins.HTTPRouteRegistrationArgs{ Description: "Returns the (formatted) value as a plain string", HandlerFunc: routeActorCounterGetValue, Method: http.MethodGet, Module: "counter", Name: "Get Counter Value", Path: "/{name}", QueryParams: []plugins.HTTPRouteParamDocumentation{ { Description: "Template to apply to the value: Variations of %d sprintf template are supported once", Name: "template", Required: false, Type: "string", }, }, ResponseType: plugins.HTTPRouteResponseTypeTextPlain, RouteParams: []plugins.HTTPRouteParamDocumentation{ { Description: "Name of the counter to query", Name: "name", }, }, }); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("registering API route: %w", err) } if err = args.RegisterAPIRoute(plugins.HTTPRouteRegistrationArgs{ Description: "Updates the value of the counter", HandlerFunc: routeActorCounterSetValue, Method: http.MethodPatch, Module: "counter", Name: "Set Counter Value", Path: "/{name}", QueryParams: []plugins.HTTPRouteParamDocumentation{ { Description: "If set to `true` the given value is set instead of added", Name: "absolute", Required: false, Type: "boolean", }, { Description: "Value to add / set for the given counter", Name: "value", Required: true, Type: "int64", }, }, RequiresWriteAuth: true, RouteParams: []plugins.HTTPRouteParamDocumentation{ { Description: "Name of the counter to update", Name: "name", }, }, }); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("registering API route: %w", err) } args.RegisterTemplateFunction("channelCounter", func(_ *irc.Message, _ *plugins.Rule, fields *fieldcollection.FieldCollection) interface{} { return func(name string) (string, error) { channel, err := fields.String("channel") if err != nil { return "", errors.Wrap(err, "channel not available") } return strings.Join([]string{channel, name}, ":"), nil } }, plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Wraps the counter name into a channel specific counter name including the channel name", Syntax: "channelCounter ", Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ Template: `{{ channelCounter "test" }}`, ExpectedOutput: "#example:test", }, }) args.RegisterTemplateFunction("counterRank", plugins.GenericTemplateFunctionGetter(func(prefix, name string) (res struct{ Rank, Count int64 }, err error) { res.Rank, res.Count, err = getCounterRank(db, prefix, name) return res, errors.Wrap(err, "getting counter rank") }), plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Returns the rank of the given counter and the total number of counters in given counter prefix", Syntax: `counterRank `, Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ Template: `{{ $cr := counterRank (list .channel "test" "" | join ":") (list .channel "test" "foo" | join ":") }}{{ $cr.Rank }}/{{ $cr.Count }}`, FakedOutput: "2/6", }, }) args.RegisterTemplateFunction("counterTopList", plugins.GenericTemplateFunctionGetter(func(prefix string, n int, orderBy string) ([]counter, error) { return getCounterTopList(db, prefix, n, orderBy) }), plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Returns the top n counters for the given prefix as objects with Name and Value fields. Can be ordered by `name` / `value` / `first_seen` / `last_modified` ascending (`ASC`) or descending (`DESC`): i.e. `last_modified DESC` defaults to `value DESC`", Syntax: `counterTopList [orderBy]`, Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ Template: `{{ range (counterTopList (list .channel "test" "" | join ":") 3) }}{{ .Name }}: {{ .Value }} - {{ end }}`, FakedOutput: "#example:test:foo: 5 - #example:test:bar: 4 - ", }, }) args.RegisterTemplateFunction("counterValue", plugins.GenericTemplateFunctionGetter(func(name string, _ ...string) (int64, error) { return getCounterValue(db, name) }), plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Returns the current value of the counter which identifier was supplied", Syntax: "counterValue ", Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ Template: `{{ counterValue (list .channel "test" | join ":") }}`, FakedOutput: "5", }, }) args.RegisterTemplateFunction("counterValueAdd", plugins.GenericTemplateFunctionGetter(func(name string, val ...int64) (int64, error) { var mod int64 = 1 if len(val) > 0 { mod = val[0] } if err := updateCounter(db, name, mod, false, time.Now()); err != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "updating counter") } return getCounterValue(db, name) }), plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Adds the given value (or 1 if no value) to the counter and returns its new value", Syntax: "counterValueAdd [increase=1]", Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ Template: `{{ counterValueAdd "myCounter" }} {{ counterValueAdd "myCounter" 5 }}`, FakedOutput: "1 6", }, }) return nil } type actorCounter struct{} func (actorCounter) Execute(_ *irc.Client, m *irc.Message, r *plugins.Rule, eventData *fieldcollection.FieldCollection, attrs *fieldcollection.FieldCollection) (preventCooldown bool, err error) { counterName, err := formatMessage(attrs.MustString("counter", nil), m, r, eventData) if err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "preparing response") } if counterSet := attrs.MustString("counter_set", helpers.Ptr("")); counterSet != "" { parseValue, err := formatMessage(counterSet, m, r, eventData) if err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "execute counter value template") } counterValue, err := strconv.ParseInt(parseValue, 10, 64) if err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "parse counter value") } return false, errors.Wrap( updateCounter(db, counterName, counterValue, true, time.Now()), "set counter", ) } var counterStep int64 = 1 if s := attrs.MustString("counter_step", helpers.Ptr("")); s != "" { parseStep, err := formatMessage(s, m, r, eventData) if err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "execute counter step template") } counterStep, err = strconv.ParseInt(parseStep, 10, 64) if err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "parse counter step") } } return false, errors.Wrap( updateCounter(db, counterName, counterStep, false, time.Now()), "update counter", ) } func (actorCounter) IsAsync() bool { return false } func (actorCounter) Name() string { return "counter" } func (actorCounter) Validate(tplValidator plugins.TemplateValidatorFunc, attrs *fieldcollection.FieldCollection) (err error) { if err = attrs.ValidateSchema( fieldcollection.MustHaveField(fieldcollection.SchemaField{Name: "counter", NonEmpty: true, Type: fieldcollection.SchemaFieldTypeString}), fieldcollection.CanHaveField(fieldcollection.SchemaField{Name: "counter_step", Type: fieldcollection.SchemaFieldTypeString}), fieldcollection.CanHaveField(fieldcollection.SchemaField{Name: "counter_set", Type: fieldcollection.SchemaFieldTypeString}), fieldcollection.MustHaveNoUnknowFields, helpers.SchemaValidateTemplateField(tplValidator, "counter", "counter_step", "counter_set"), ); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("validating attributes: %w", err) } return nil } func routeActorCounterGetValue(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { template := r.FormValue("template") if template == "" { template = "%d" } cv, err := getCounterValue(db, mux.Vars(r)["name"]) if err != nil { http.Error(w, errors.Wrap(err, "getting value").Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text-plain") fmt.Fprintf(w, template, cv) } func routeActorCounterSetValue(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var ( absolute = r.FormValue("absolute") == "true" err error value int64 ) if value, err = strconv.ParseInt(r.FormValue("value"), 10, 64); err != nil { http.Error(w, errors.Wrap(err, "parsing value").Error(), http.StatusBadRequest) return } if err = updateCounter(db, mux.Vars(r)["name"], value, absolute, time.Now()); err != nil { http.Error(w, errors.Wrap(err, "updating value").Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) }