package main

import (



func init() {
	registerAction("script", func() plugins.Actor { return &ActorScript{} })

		Description: "Execute external script / command",
		Name:        "Execute Script / Command",
		Type:        "script",

		Fields: []plugins.ActionDocumentationField{
				Default:         "",
				Description:     "Command to execute",
				Key:             "command",
				Name:            "Command",
				Optional:        false,
				SupportTemplate: true,
				Type:            plugins.ActionDocumentationFieldTypeStringSlice,
				Default:         "false",
				Description:     "Do not activate cooldown for route when command exits non-zero",
				Key:             "skip_cooldown_on_error",
				Name:            "Skip Cooldown on Error",
				Optional:        true,
				SupportTemplate: false,
				Type:            plugins.ActionDocumentationFieldTypeBool,

type ActorScript struct{}

func (a ActorScript) Execute(c *irc.Client, m *irc.Message, r *plugins.Rule, eventData *plugins.FieldCollection, attrs *plugins.FieldCollection) (preventCooldown bool, err error) {
	command, err := attrs.StringSlice("command")
	if err != nil {
		return false, errors.Wrap(err, "getting command")

	for i := range command {
		tmp, err := formatMessage(command[i], m, r, eventData)
		if err != nil {
			return false, errors.Wrap(err, "execute command argument template")

		command[i] = tmp

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), cfg.CommandTimeout)
	defer cancel()

	var (
		stdin  = new(bytes.Buffer)
		stdout = new(bytes.Buffer)

	scriptInput := map[string]interface{}{
		"badges":   twitch.ParseBadgeLevels(m),
		"channel":  plugins.DeriveChannel(m, eventData),
		"username": plugins.DeriveUser(m, eventData),

	if m != nil {
		scriptInput["message"] = m.Trailing()
		scriptInput["tags"] = m.Tags

	if err := json.NewEncoder(stdin).Encode(scriptInput); err != nil {
		return false, errors.Wrap(err, "encoding script input")

	cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, command[0], command[1:]...) // #nosec G204 // This is expected to call a command with parameters
	cmd.Env = os.Environ()
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	cmd.Stdin = stdin
	cmd.Stdout = stdout

	if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
		return attrs.MustBool("skip_cooldown_on_error", ptrBoolFalse), errors.Wrap(err, "running command")

	if stdout.Len() == 0 {
		// Script was successful but did not yield actions
		return false, nil

	var (
		actions []*plugins.RuleAction
		decoder = json.NewDecoder(stdout)

	if err := decoder.Decode(&actions); err != nil {
		return false, errors.Wrap(err, "decoding actions output")

	for _, action := range actions {
		apc, err := triggerAction(c, m, r, action, eventData)
		if err != nil {
			return preventCooldown, errors.Wrap(err, "execute returned action")
		preventCooldown = preventCooldown || apc

	return preventCooldown, nil

func (a ActorScript) IsAsync() bool { return false }
func (a ActorScript) Name() string  { return "script" }

func (a ActorScript) Validate(attrs *plugins.FieldCollection) (err error) {
	if cmd, err := attrs.StringSlice("command"); err != nil || len(cmd) == 0 {
		return errors.New("command must be slice of strings with length > 0")

	return nil