// Package ban contains actors to ban/unban users in a channel package ban import ( "context" "fmt" "net/http" "regexp" "github.com/gorilla/mux" "github.com/pkg/errors" "gopkg.in/irc.v4" "github.com/Luzifer/go_helpers/v2/fieldcollection" "github.com/Luzifer/twitch-bot/v3/internal/helpers" "github.com/Luzifer/twitch-bot/v3/pkg/twitch" "github.com/Luzifer/twitch-bot/v3/plugins" ) const actorName = "ban" var ( botTwitchClient func() *twitch.Client formatMessage plugins.MsgFormatter banChatcommandRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^/ban +([^\s]+) +(.+)$`) ) // Register provides the plugins.RegisterFunc func Register(args plugins.RegistrationArguments) (err error) { botTwitchClient = args.GetTwitchClient formatMessage = args.FormatMessage args.RegisterActor(actorName, func() plugins.Actor { return &actor{} }) args.RegisterActorDocumentation(plugins.ActionDocumentation{ Description: "Ban user from chat", Name: "Ban User", Type: "ban", Fields: []plugins.ActionDocumentationField{ { Default: "", Description: "Reason why the user was banned", Key: "reason", Name: "Reason", Optional: false, SupportTemplate: true, Type: plugins.ActionDocumentationFieldTypeString, }, }, }) if err = args.RegisterAPIRoute(plugins.HTTPRouteRegistrationArgs{ Description: "Executes a ban of an user in the specified channel", HandlerFunc: handleAPIBan, Method: http.MethodPost, Module: "ban", Name: "Ban User", Path: "/{channel}/{user}", QueryParams: []plugins.HTTPRouteParamDocumentation{ { Description: "Reason to add to the ban", Name: "reason", Required: true, Type: "string", }, }, RequiresWriteAuth: true, ResponseType: plugins.HTTPRouteResponseTypeTextPlain, RouteParams: []plugins.HTTPRouteParamDocumentation{ { Description: "Channel to ban the user in", Name: "channel", }, { Description: "User to ban", Name: "user", }, }, }); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("registering API route: %w", err) } args.RegisterMessageModFunc("/ban", handleChatCommand) return nil } type actor struct{} func (actor) Execute(_ *irc.Client, m *irc.Message, r *plugins.Rule, eventData *fieldcollection.FieldCollection, attrs *fieldcollection.FieldCollection) (preventCooldown bool, err error) { ptrStringEmpty := func(v string) *string { return &v }("") reason, err := formatMessage(attrs.MustString("reason", ptrStringEmpty), m, r, eventData) if err != nil { return false, errors.Wrap(err, "executing reason template") } return false, errors.Wrap( botTwitchClient().BanUser( context.Background(), plugins.DeriveChannel(m, eventData), plugins.DeriveUser(m, eventData), 0, reason, ), "executing ban", ) } func (actor) IsAsync() bool { return false } func (actor) Name() string { return actorName } func (actor) Validate(tplValidator plugins.TemplateValidatorFunc, attrs *fieldcollection.FieldCollection) (err error) { if err = attrs.ValidateSchema( fieldcollection.MustHaveField(fieldcollection.SchemaField{Name: "reason", NonEmpty: true, Type: fieldcollection.SchemaFieldTypeString}), fieldcollection.MustHaveNoUnknowFields, helpers.SchemaValidateTemplateField(tplValidator, "reason"), ); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("validating attributes: %w", err) } return nil } func handleAPIBan(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var ( vars = mux.Vars(r) channel = vars["channel"] user = vars["user"] reason = r.FormValue("reason") ) if err := botTwitchClient().BanUser(r.Context(), channel, user, 0, reason); err != nil { http.Error(w, errors.Wrap(err, "issuing ban").Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) } func handleChatCommand(m *irc.Message) error { channel := plugins.DeriveChannel(m, nil) matches := banChatcommandRegex.FindStringSubmatch(m.Trailing()) if matches == nil { return errors.New("ban message does not match required format") } if err := botTwitchClient().BanUser(context.Background(), channel, matches[1], 0, matches[2]); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "executing ban") } return plugins.ErrSkipSendingMessage }