Twitch-Bot General Auto-Messages {{ autoMessages.length }} Rules {{ rules.length }} {{ error }} Your change was submitted and is pending, please wait for config to be updated! Login with Twitch
Send message as action (/me)
@every [time] or Cron syntax

Send only when channel is live
Template expression resulting in true to disable the rule or false to enable it
Getting Help

For information about available template functions and variables to use in the Message see the Templating section of the Wiki.

For information about the Cron syntax have a look at the site. Aditionally you can use @every [time] syntax. The [time] part is in format 1h30m20s. You can leave out every segment but need to specify the unit of every segment. So for example @every 1h or @every 10m would be a valid specification.

Matcher {{ countRuleMatchers }}
Cooldown {{ countRuleCooldowns }}
Conditions {{ countRuleConditions }}

Disable rule…

completely when channel is offline when user has permit
Template expression resulting in true to disable the rule or false to enable it
{{ getActionDefinitionByType(action.type).name }} This action has no attributes.