package twitch import ( "context" "fmt" "strings" "time" "" "" ) func init() { regFn = append( regFn, tplTwitchRecentGame, tplTwitchRecentTitle, tplTwitchStreamUptime, ) } func tplTwitchRecentGame(args plugins.RegistrationArguments) { args.RegisterTemplateFunction("recentGame", plugins.GenericTemplateFunctionGetter(func(username string, v ...string) (string, error) { game, _, err := args.GetTwitchClient().GetRecentStreamInfo(context.Background(), strings.TrimLeft(username, "#")) if len(v) > 0 && (err != nil || game == "") { return v[0], nil //nolint:nilerr // This is a default fallback } return game, errors.Wrap(err, "getting stream info") }), plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Returns the last played game name of the specified user (see shoutout example) or the `fallback` if the game could not be fetched. If no fallback was supplied the message will fail and not be sent.", Syntax: "recentGame [fallback]", Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ Template: `{{ recentGame "luziferus" "none" }} - {{ recentGame "thisuserdoesnotexist123" "none" }}`, FakedOutput: "Metro Exodus - none", }, }) } func tplTwitchRecentTitle(args plugins.RegistrationArguments) { args.RegisterTemplateFunction("recentTitle", plugins.GenericTemplateFunctionGetter(func(username string, v ...string) (string, error) { _, title, err := args.GetTwitchClient().GetRecentStreamInfo(context.Background(), strings.TrimLeft(username, "#")) if len(v) > 0 && (err != nil || title == "") { return v[0], nil //nolint:nilerr // This is a default fallback } return title, errors.Wrap(err, "getting stream info") }), plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Returns the last stream title of the specified user or the `fallback` if the title could not be fetched. If no fallback was supplied the message will fail and not be sent.", Syntax: "recentTitle [fallback]", Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ Template: `{{ recentGame "luziferus" "none" }} - {{ recentGame "thisuserdoesnotexist123" "none" }}`, FakedOutput: "Die Oper haben wir überlebt, mal sehen was uns sonst noch alles töten möchte… - none", }, }) } func tplTwitchStreamUptime(args plugins.RegistrationArguments) { args.RegisterTemplateFunction("streamUptime", plugins.GenericTemplateFunctionGetter(func(username string) (time.Duration, error) { si, err := args.GetTwitchClient().GetCurrentStreamInfo(context.Background(), strings.TrimLeft(username, "#")) if err != nil { return 0, fmt.Errorf("getting stream info: %w", err) } return time.Since(si.StartedAt), nil }), plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Returns the duration the stream is online (causes an error if no current stream is found)", Syntax: "streamUptime ", Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ Template: `{{ formatDuration (streamUptime "luziferus") "hours" "minutes" "" }}`, FakedOutput: "3 hours, 56 minutes", }, }) }