--- title: "Installation" weight: 1 --- {{< lead >}} Installation is the first step you need to take, therefore choose how you want to proceed: {{< /lead >}} ## Downloading a pre-compiled Binary You can always find the latest pre-compiled binary on the [Releases-Page](https://github.com/Luzifer/twitch-bot/releases) of the Github repository. The latest release contains binaries for MacOS (`darwin`), Linux (`amd64` / `arm`) and Windows. This way of installation is the easiest one: - Download the archive for your system - Unzip / untar the archive - Find a binary in the location you unpacked the archive to The binary you get from this is everything you need: It contains the bot as well as the web-interface to configure the bot. Move this binary to a location you will find it again later. ## Using a pre-built Docker image The Docker image is automatically built from the source and provided in two different variants: | Image | Description | | ----- | ----------- | | `ghcr.io/luzifer/twitch-bot:develop` | The latest development version, not recommended for use as your main bot, perfect for testing the latest changes not yet released. | | `ghcr.io/luzifer/twitch-bot:latest` | Automatically updated on every versioned release, you just can use this tag to always have the latest stable version. Pay attention: This automatically switches over on major / breaking releases! | | `ghcr.io/luzifer/twitch-bot:` | If you don't want to auto-update you can use the tagged version in the Docker image (i.e. tag `v3.15.0` would be available as `luzifer/twitch-bot:v3.15.0`) | ## Building the Binary yourself If you want to do customizations or just don't trust my build system you can execute the whole build yourself which requires you to have the [latest Golang release](https://go.dev/dl/) and [LTS NodeJS release](https://nodejs.org/en) available on your machine. ```console # First checkout the code $ git clone https://github.com/Luzifer/twitch-bot.git $ cd twitch-bot # Optionally switch to a release tag $ git checkout v3.15.0 # Second build the binary $ make build_prod ``` Move this binary to a location you will find it again later.