package quotedb import ( "math/rand" "time" "" "" "" "" ) type ( quote struct { ID uint64 `gorm:"primaryKey"` Channel string `gorm:"not null;uniqueIndex:ensure_sort_idx;size:32"` CreatedAt int64 `gorm:"uniqueIndex:ensure_sort_idx"` Quote string } ) func addQuote(db database.Connector, channel, quoteStr string) error { return errors.Wrap( helpers.RetryTransaction(db.DB(), func(tx *gorm.DB) error { return tx.Create("e{ Channel: channel, CreatedAt: time.Now().UnixNano(), Quote: quoteStr, }).Error }), "adding quote to database", ) } func delQuote(db database.Connector, channel string, quoteIdx int) error { _, createdAt, _, err := getQuoteRaw(db, channel, quoteIdx) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "fetching specified quote") } return errors.Wrap( helpers.RetryTransaction(db.DB(), func(tx *gorm.DB) error { return tx.Delete("e{}, "channel = ? AND created_at = ?", channel, createdAt).Error }), "deleting quote", ) } func getChannelQuotes(db database.Connector, channel string) ([]string, error) { var qs []quote if err := helpers.Retry(func() error { return db.DB().Where("channel = ?", channel).Order("created_at").Find(&qs).Error }); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "querying quotes") } var quotes []string for _, q := range qs { quotes = append(quotes, q.Quote) } return quotes, nil } func getMaxQuoteIdx(db database.Connector, channel string) (int, error) { var count int64 if err := helpers.Retry(func() error { return db.DB(). Model("e{}). Where("channel = ?", channel). Count(&count). Error }); err != nil { return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "getting quote count") } return int(count), nil } func getQuote(db database.Connector, channel string, quote int) (int, string, error) { quoteIdx, _, quoteText, err := getQuoteRaw(db, channel, quote) return quoteIdx, quoteText, err } func getQuoteRaw(db database.Connector, channel string, quoteIdx int) (int, int64, string, error) { if quoteIdx == 0 { max, err := getMaxQuoteIdx(db, channel) if err != nil { return 0, 0, "", errors.Wrap(err, "getting max quote idx") } quoteIdx = rand.Intn(max) + 1 // #nosec G404 // no need for cryptographic safety } var q quote err := helpers.Retry(func() error { return db.DB(). Where("channel = ?", channel). Limit(1). Offset(quoteIdx - 1). First(&q).Error }) switch { case err == nil: return quoteIdx, q.CreatedAt, q.Quote, nil case errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound): return 0, 0, "", nil default: return 0, 0, "", errors.Wrap(err, "getting quote from DB") } } func setQuotes(db database.Connector, channel string, quotes []string) error { return errors.Wrap( helpers.RetryTransaction(db.DB(), func(tx *gorm.DB) error { if err := tx.Where("channel = ?", channel).Delete("e{}).Error; err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "deleting quotes for channel") } t := time.Now() for _, quoteStr := range quotes { if err := tx.Create("e{ Channel: channel, CreatedAt: t.UnixNano(), Quote: quoteStr, }).Error; err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "adding quote") } t = t.Add(time.Nanosecond) // Increase by one ns to adhere to unique index } return nil }), "replacing quotes", ) } func updateQuote(db database.Connector, channel string, idx int, quoteStr string) error { _, createdAt, _, err := getQuoteRaw(db, channel, idx) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "fetching specified quote") } return errors.Wrap( helpers.RetryTransaction(db.DB(), func(tx *gorm.DB) error { return tx.Where("channel = ? AND created_at = ?", channel, createdAt). Update("quote", quoteStr). Error }), "updating quote", ) }