package main import ( "strings" "" "" "" "" "" ) func init() { tplFuncs.Register("arg", func(m *irc.Message, _ *plugins.Rule, _ *fieldcollection.FieldCollection) interface{} { return func(arg int) (string, error) { msgParts := strings.Split(m.Trailing(), " ") if len(msgParts) <= arg { return "", errors.New("argument not found") } return msgParts[arg], nil } }, plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Takes the message sent to the channel, splits by space and returns the Nth element", Syntax: "arg ", Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ MessageContent: "!bsg @tester", Template: `{{ arg 1 }} please refrain from BSG`, ExpectedOutput: `@tester please refrain from BSG`, }, }) tplFuncs.Register("chatterHasBadge", func(m *irc.Message, _ *plugins.Rule, _ *fieldcollection.FieldCollection) interface{} { return func(badge string) bool { badges := twitch.ParseBadgeLevels(m) return badges.Has(badge) } }, plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Checks whether chatter writing the current line has the given badge in the current channel", Syntax: "chatterHasBadge ", Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ Template: `{{ chatterHasBadge "moderator" }}`, ExpectedOutput: "true", }, }) tplFuncs.Register( "fixUsername", plugins.GenericTemplateFunctionGetter(func(username string) string { return strings.TrimLeft(username, "@#") }), plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Ensures the username no longer contains the `@` or `#` prefix", Syntax: "fixUsername ", Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ Template: `{{ fixUsername .channel }} - {{ fixUsername "@luziferus" }}`, ExpectedOutput: "example - luziferus", }, }, ) tplFuncs.Register("group", func(m *irc.Message, r *plugins.Rule, _ *fieldcollection.FieldCollection) interface{} { return func(idx int, fallback ...string) (string, error) { fields := r.GetMatchMessage().FindStringSubmatch(m.Trailing()) if len(fields) <= idx { return "", errors.New("group not found") } if fields[idx] == "" && len(fallback) > 0 { return fallback[0], nil } return fields[idx], nil } }, plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Gets matching group specified by index from `match_message` regular expression, when `fallback` is defined, it is used when group has an empty match", Syntax: "group [fallback]", Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ MatchMessage: "!command ([0-9]+) ([a-z]+) ?([a-z]*)", MessageContent: "!command 12 test", Template: `{{ group 2 "oops" }} - {{ group 3 "oops" }}`, ExpectedOutput: "test - oops", }, }) tplFuncs.Register( "mention", plugins.GenericTemplateFunctionGetter(func(username string) string { return "@" + strings.TrimLeft(username, "@#") }), plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Strips username and converts into a mention", Syntax: "mention ", Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ Template: `{{ mention "@user" }} {{ mention "user" }} {{ mention "#user" }}`, ExpectedOutput: "@user @user @user", }, }, ) tplFuncs.Register("tag", func(m *irc.Message, _ *plugins.Rule, _ *fieldcollection.FieldCollection) interface{} { return func(tag string) string { return m.Tags[tag] } }, plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentation{ Description: "Takes the message sent to the channel, returns the value of the tag specified", Syntax: "tag ", Example: &plugins.TemplateFuncDocumentationExample{ Template: `{{ tag "display-name" }}`, ExpectedOutput: "ExampleUser", }, }) }