--- title: "Available Actions" --- {{ "{{< lead >}}" }} All these actions can be executed by your bot as soon as you add them to rules. Read their documentation to learn how to master them. {{ "{{< /lead >}}" }} {{ range .Actors }} ## {{ .Name }} {{ .Description }} ```yaml - type: {{ .Type }} {{- if gt (len .Fields) 0 }} attributes: {{- range .Fields }} # {{ .Description }} # Optional: {{ .Optional }} {{- if eq .Type "bool" }} # Type: {{ .Type }}{{ if .SupportTemplate }} (Supports Templating){{ end }} {{ .Key }}: {{ eq .Default "true" }}{{ if .DefaultComment }} # {{ .DefaultComment }}{{ end }} {{- end }} {{- if eq .Type "duration" }} # Type: {{ .Type }}{{ if .SupportTemplate }} (Supports Templating){{ end }} {{ .Key }}: {{ if eq .Default "" }}0s{{ else }}{{ .Default }}{{ end }}{{ if .DefaultComment }} # {{ .DefaultComment }}{{ end }} {{- end }} {{- if eq .Type "int64" }} # Type: {{ .Type }}{{ if .SupportTemplate }} (Supports Templating){{ end }} {{ .Key }}: {{ if eq .Default "" }}0{{ else }}{{ .Default }}{{ end }}{{ if .DefaultComment }} # {{ .DefaultComment }}{{ end }} {{- end }} {{- if eq .Type "string" }} # Type: {{ .Type }}{{ if .SupportTemplate }} (Supports Templating){{ end }} {{ .Key }}: "{{ .Default }}"{{ if .DefaultComment }} # {{ .DefaultComment }}{{ end }} {{- end }} {{- if eq .Type "stringslice" }} # Type: array of strings{{ if .SupportTemplate }} (Supports Templating in each string){{ end }} {{ .Key }}: []{{ if .DefaultComment }} # {{ .DefaultComment }}{{ end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- else }} # Does not have configuration attributes {{- end }} ``` {{ end }} {{ if false }}{{ end }}