mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 02:52:20 +00:00
[core] Remove v2 migration
Signed-off-by: Knut Ahlers <knut@ahlers.me>
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 3 additions and 511 deletions
@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ Usage of twitch-bot:
Supported sub-commands are:
actor-docs Generate markdown documentation for available actors
api-token <token-name> <scope> [...scope] Generate an api-token to be entered into the config
migrate-v2 <old-file> Migrate old (*.json.gz) storage file into new database
reset-secrets Remove encrypted data to reset encryption passphrase
tpl-docs Generate markdown documentation for available template functions
validate-config Try to load configuration file and report errors if any
@ -93,54 +93,3 @@ Just pass the filename you want to use.
--storage-conn-string 'storage.db' \
## Upgrade from `v2.x` to `v3.x`
With the release of `v3.0.0` the bot changed a lot introducing a new storage format. As that storage backend is not compatible with the `v2.x` storage you need to migrate it manually before starting a `v3.x` bot version the first time.
**Before starting the migration make sure to fully stop the bot!**
This section assumes you were starting your `v2.x` bot the following way:
# twitch-bot \
--storage-file storage.json.gz
--twitch-client <clientid> \
--twitch-client-secret <secret>
To execute the migration we need to provide the same `storage-encryption-pass` or `twitch-client` / `twitch-client-secret` combination if no `storage-encryption-pass` was used.
# twitch-bot \
--storage-conn-type <database type> \
--storage-conn-string <database connection string> \
--twitch-client <clientid> \
--twitch-client-secret <secret> \
migrate-v2 storage.json.gz
WARN[0000] No storage encryption passphrase was set, falling back to client-id:client-secret
WARN[0000] Module registered unhandled query-param type module=status type=integer
WARN[0000] Overlays dir not specified, no dir or non existent dir=
INFO[0000] Starting migration... module=variables
INFO[0000] Starting migration... module=mod_punish
INFO[0000] Starting migration... module=mod_overlays
INFO[0000] Starting migration... module=mod_quotedb
INFO[0000] Starting migration... module=core
INFO[0000] Starting migration... module=counter
INFO[0000] Starting migration... module=permissions
INFO[0000] Starting migration... module=timers
INFO[0000] v2 storage file was migrated
If you see the `v2 storage file was migrated` message the contents of your old storage file were migrated to the new database. The old file is not modified in this step.
Afterwards your need to adjust the start parameters of the bot:
# twitch-bot \
--storage-conn-type <database type> \
--storage-conn-string <database connection string> \
--twitch-client <clientid> \
--twitch-client-secret <secret> \
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
package main
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
func init() {
Name: "migrate-v2",
Description: "Migrate old (*.json.gz) storage file into new database",
Params: []string{"<old-file>"},
Run: func(args []string) error {
if len(args) < 2 { //nolint:gomnd // Just a count of parameters
return errors.New("Usage: twitch-bot migrate-v2 <old storage file>")
v2s := v2migrator.NewStorageFile()
if err := v2s.Load(args[1], cfg.StorageEncryptionPass); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "loading v2 storage file")
if err := v2s.Migrate(db); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "migrating v2 storage file")
log.Info("v2 storage file was migrated")
return nil
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ Example:
# Your int this hour: {{ printf "%.0f" (mulf (seededRandom (list "int" .username (now | date "2006-01-02 15") | join ":")) 100) }}%
< Your int this hour: 84%
< Your int this hour: 9%
### `streamUptime`
@ -458,12 +458,3 @@ Example:
# {{ variable "foo" "fallback" }} - {{ variable "unsetvar" "fallback" }}
* test - fallback
## Upgrade from `v2.x` to `v3.x`
When adding [sprig](https://masterminds.github.io/sprig/) function collection some functions collided and needed replacement. You need to adapt your templates accordingly:
- Math functions (`add`, `div`, `mod`, `mul`, `multiply`, `sub`) were replaced with their sprig-equivalent and are now working with integers instead of floats. If you need them to continue to work with floats you need to use their [float-variants](https://masterminds.github.io/sprig/mathf.html).
- `now` does no longer format the current date as a string but return the current date. You need to replace this: `now "2006-01-02"` becomes `now | date "2006-01-02"`.
- `concat` is now used to concat arrays. To join strings you will need to modify your code: `concat ":" "string1" "string2"` becomes `lists "string1" "string2" | join ":"`.
- `toLower` / `toUpper` need to be replaced with their sprig equivalent `lower` and `upper`.
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import (
const (
actorNamePunish = "punish"
actorNameResetPunish = "reset-punish"
moduleUUID = "44ab4646-ce50-4e16-9353-c1f0eb68962b"
oneWeek = 168 * time.Hour
@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ import (
const (
actorName = "quotedb"
moduleUUID = "917c83ee-ed40-41e4-a558-1c2e59fdf1f5"
actorName = "quotedb"
var (
@ -228,20 +228,6 @@ func (s Service) RemoveExendedTwitchCredentials(channel string) error {
// Deprecated: Use SetBotUsername and SetExtendedTwitchCredentials
// instead. This function is only required for the v2 migration tool.
func (s Service) SetBotTwitchCredentials(accessToken, refreshToken string) (err error) {
if err = s.db.StoreEncryptedCoreMeta(coreMetaKeyBotToken, accessToken); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "storing bot access token")
if err = s.db.StoreEncryptedCoreMeta(coreMetaKeyBotRefreshToken, refreshToken); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "storing bot refresh token")
return nil
func (s Service) SetBotUsername(channel string) (err error) {
return errors.Wrap(
s.db.StoreCoreMeta(coreMetaKeyBotUsername, strings.TrimLeft(channel, "#")),
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
package v2migrator
import (
func (s storageFile) migrateCoreKV(db database.Connector) (err error) {
as, err := access.New(db)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating access service")
//nolint:staticcheck // Use of deprecated function is fine for this purpose
if err = as.SetBotTwitchCredentials(s.BotAccessToken, s.BotRefreshToken); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "setting bot credentials")
if err = db.StoreEncryptedCoreMeta("event_sub_secret", s.EventSubSecret); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "storing bot eventsub token")
return nil
func (s storageFile) migrateCounters(db database.Connector) (err error) {
for counterName, value := range s.Counters {
if err = counter.UpdateCounter(db, counterName, value, true); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "storing counter value")
return nil
func (s storageFile) migratePermissions(db database.Connector) (err error) {
as, err := access.New(db)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating access service")
for channel, perms := range s.ExtendedPermissions {
if err = as.SetExtendedTwitchCredentials(
); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "storing channel %q credentials", channel)
return nil
func (s storageFile) migrateTimers(db database.Connector) (err error) {
ts, err := timer.New(db, nil)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "creating timer service")
for id, expiry := range s.Timers {
if err := ts.SetTimer(id, expiry.Time); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "storing counter in database")
return nil
func (s storageFile) migrateVariables(db database.Connector) (err error) {
for key, value := range s.Variables {
if err := variables.SetVariable(db, key, value); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "updating value in database")
return nil
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
package crypt
import (
const encryptedValuePrefix = "enc:"
type encryptAction uint8
const (
handleTagsDecrypt encryptAction = iota
var osslClient = openssl.New()
// DecryptFields iterates through the given struct and decrypts all
// fields marked with a struct tag of `encrypt:"true"`. The fields
// are directly manipulated and the value is replaced.
// The input object needs to be a pointer to a struct!
func DecryptFields(obj interface{}, passphrase string) error {
return handleEncryptedTags(obj, passphrase, handleTagsDecrypt)
// EncryptFields iterates through the given struct and encrypts all
// fields marked with a struct tag of `encrypt:"true"`. The fields
// are directly manipulated and the value is replaced.
// The input object needs to be a pointer to a struct!
func EncryptFields(obj interface{}, passphrase string) error {
return handleEncryptedTags(obj, passphrase, handleTagsEncrypt)
//nolint:gocognit,gocyclo // Reflect loop, cannot reduce complexity
func handleEncryptedTags(obj interface{}, passphrase string, action encryptAction) error {
// Check we got a pointer and can manipulate the struct
if kind := reflect.TypeOf(obj).Kind(); kind != reflect.Ptr {
return errors.Errorf("expected pointer to struct, got %s", kind)
// Check we got a struct in the pointer
if kind := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem().Kind(); kind != reflect.Struct {
return errors.Errorf("expected pointer to struct, got pointer to %s", kind)
// Iterate over fields to find encrypted fields to manipulate
st := reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem()
for i := 0; i < st.NumField(); i++ {
v := st.Field(i)
t := st.Type().Field(i)
if t.PkgPath != "" && !t.Anonymous {
// Caught us an non-exported field, ignore that one
hasEncryption := t.Tag.Get("encrypt") == "true"
switch t.Type.Kind() {
// Type: Map - see whether value is struct
case reflect.Map:
if t.Type.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Type.Elem().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
for _, k := range v.MapKeys() {
if err := handleEncryptedTags(v.MapIndex(k).Interface(), passphrase, action); err != nil {
return err
// Type: Pointer - Recurse if not nil and struct inside
case reflect.Ptr:
if !v.IsNil() && v.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct && t.Type != reflect.TypeOf(&time.Time{}) {
if err := handleEncryptedTags(v.Interface(), passphrase, action); err != nil {
return err
// Type: String - Replace value if required
case reflect.String:
if hasEncryption {
newValue, err := manipulateValue(v.String(), passphrase, action)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "manipulating value")
// Type: Struct - Welcome to recursion
case reflect.Struct:
if t.Type != reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{}) {
if err := handleEncryptedTags(v.Addr().Interface(), passphrase, action); err != nil {
return err
// We don't support anything else. Yet.
if hasEncryption {
return errors.Errorf("unsupported field type for encyption: %s", t.Type.Kind())
return nil
func manipulateValue(val, passphrase string, action encryptAction) (string, error) {
switch action {
case handleTagsDecrypt:
if !strings.HasPrefix(val, encryptedValuePrefix) {
// This is not an encrypted string: Return the value itself for
// working with legacy values in storage
return val, nil
d, err := osslClient.DecryptBytes(passphrase, []byte(strings.TrimPrefix(val, encryptedValuePrefix)), openssl.PBKDF2SHA256)
return string(d), errors.Wrap(err, "decrypting value")
case handleTagsEncrypt:
if strings.HasPrefix(val, encryptedValuePrefix) {
// This is an encrypted string: shouldn't happen but whatever
return val, nil
e, err := osslClient.EncryptBytes(passphrase, []byte(val), openssl.PBKDF2SHA256)
return encryptedValuePrefix + string(e), errors.Wrap(err, "encrypting value")
return "", errors.New("invalid action")
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
package v2migrator
import (
type (
storageModOverlays struct {
ChannelEvents map[string][]overlays.SocketMessage `json:"channel_events"`
func (s storageModOverlays) migrate(db database.Connector) (err error) {
for channel, evts := range s.ChannelEvents {
for _, evt := range evts {
if err := overlays.AddChannelEvent(db, channel, evt); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "storing event to database")
return nil
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
package v2migrator
import (
type (
storageModQuoteDB struct {
ChannelQuotes map[string][]string `json:"channel_quotes"`
func (s storageModQuoteDB) migrate(db database.Connector) (err error) {
for channel, quotes := range s.ChannelQuotes {
if err := quotedb.SetQuotes(db, channel, quotes); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "setting quotes for channel")
return nil
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
package v2migrator
import (
type (
Migrator interface {
Load(filename, encryptionPass string) error
Migrate(db database.Connector) error
storageExtendedPermission struct {
AccessToken string `encrypt:"true" json:"access_token,omitempty"`
RefreshToken string `encrypt:"true" json:"refresh_token,omitempty"`
Scopes []string `json:"scopes,omitempty"`
storageFile struct {
Counters map[string]int64 `json:"counters"`
Timers map[string]plugins.TimerEntry `json:"timers"`
Variables map[string]string `json:"variables"`
ModuleStorage struct {
ModOverlays storageModOverlays `json:"f9ca2b3a-baf6-45ea-a347-c626168665e8"`
ModQuoteDB storageModQuoteDB `json:"917c83ee-ed40-41e4-a558-1c2e59fdf1f5"`
} `json:"module_storage"`
ExtendedPermissions map[string]*storageExtendedPermission `json:"extended_permissions"`
EventSubSecret string `encrypt:"true" json:"event_sub_secret,omitempty"`
BotAccessToken string `encrypt:"true" json:"bot_access_token,omitempty"`
BotRefreshToken string `encrypt:"true" json:"bot_refresh_token,omitempty"`
func NewStorageFile() Migrator {
return &storageFile{
Counters: map[string]int64{},
Timers: map[string]plugins.TimerEntry{},
Variables: map[string]string{},
ExtendedPermissions: map[string]*storageExtendedPermission{},
func (s *storageFile) Load(filename, encryptionPass string) error {
f, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Store init state
return nil
return errors.Wrap(err, "open storage file")
defer f.Close()
zf, err := gzip.NewReader(f)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "create gzip reader")
defer zf.Close()
if err = json.NewDecoder(zf).Decode(s); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "decode storage object")
if err = crypt.DecryptFields(s, encryptionPass); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "decrypting storage object")
return nil
func (s storageFile) Migrate(db database.Connector) error {
var bat string
err := db.ReadCoreMeta("bot_access_token", &bat)
switch {
case err == nil:
return errors.New("Access token is set, database already initialized")
case errors.Is(err, database.ErrCoreMetaNotFound):
// This is the expected state
return errors.Wrap(err, "checking for bot access token")
for name, fn := range map[string]func(database.Connector) error{
// Core
"core": s.migrateCoreKV,
"counter": s.migrateCounters,
"permissions": s.migratePermissions,
"timers": s.migrateTimers,
"variables": s.migrateVariables,
// Modules
"mod_overlays": s.ModuleStorage.ModOverlays.migrate,
"mod_quotedb": s.ModuleStorage.ModQuoteDB.migrate,
} {
logrus.WithField("module", name).Info("Starting migration...")
if err = fn(db); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "executing %q migration", name)
return nil
@ -67,13 +67,4 @@ Example:
{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}
## Upgrade from `v2.x` to `v3.x`
When adding [sprig](https://masterminds.github.io/sprig/) function collection some functions collided and needed replacement. You need to adapt your templates accordingly:
- Math functions (`add`, `div`, `mod`, `mul`, `multiply`, `sub`) were replaced with their sprig-equivalent and are now working with integers instead of floats. If you need them to continue to work with floats you need to use their [float-variants](https://masterminds.github.io/sprig/mathf.html).
- `now` does no longer format the current date as a string but return the current date. You need to replace this: `now "2006-01-02"` becomes `now | date "2006-01-02"`.
- `concat` is now used to concat arrays. To join strings you will need to modify your code: `concat ":" "string1" "string2"` becomes `lists "string1" "string2" | join ":"`.
- `toLower` / `toUpper` need to be replaced with their sprig equivalent `lower` and `upper`.
{{ if false }}<!-- vim: set ft=markdown: -->{{ end }}
Reference in a new issue