User spent bits in the channel. The full message is available like in a normal chat message, additionally the `{{ .bits }}` field is added with the total amount of bits spent.
-`bits` - Total amount of bits spent in the message
-`channel` - The channel the event occurred in
-`username` - The login-name of the user who spent the bits
A custom channel-point reward was redeemed in the given channel. (Only available when EventSub support is available and streamer granted required permissions!)
-`channel` - The channel the event occurred in
-`reward_cost` - Number of points the user paid for the reward
-`reward_id` - ID of the reward the user redeemed
-`reward_title` - Title of the reward the user redeemed
-`status` - Status of the reward (one of `unknown`, `unfulfilled`, `fulfilled`, and `canceled`)
-`user_id` - The ID of the user who redeemed the reward
-`user_input` - The text the user entered into the input for the reward
-`user` - The login-name of the user who redeemed the reward
User joined the channel-chat. This is **NOT** an indicator they are viewing, the event is **NOT** reliably sent when the user really joined the chat. The event will be sent with some delay after they join the chat and is sometimes repeated multiple times during their stay. So **DO NOT** use this to greet users!
User left the channel-chat. This is **NOT** an indicator they are no longer viewing, the event is **NOT** reliably sent when the user really leaves the chat. The event will be sent with some delay after they leave the chat and is sometimes repeated multiple times during their stay. So this does **NOT** mean they do no longer read the chat!
A poll was started / was ended / had changes in the given channel.
-`channel` - The channel the event occurred in
-`poll` - The poll object describing the poll, see schema in [`pkg/twitch/eventsub.go#L92`](
-`status` - The status of the poll (one of `completed`, `terminated` or `archived`) - only available in `poll_end`
-`title` - The title of the poll the event was generated for
-`username` - The login-name of the user who raided the channel
-`viewercount` - The amount of users who have been raided (this number is not fully accurate)
## `resub`
The user shared their resubscription. (This event is triggered manually by the user using the "Share my Resub" button and does not occur when the user does not actively share their sub!)
-`channel` - The channel the event occurred in
-`plan` - The sub-plan they are using (`1000` = T1, `2000` = T2, `3000` = T3, `Prime`)
-`subscribed_months` - How long have they been subscribed
-`username` - The login-name of the user who resubscribed