// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package s2 // CrossingType defines different ways of reporting edge intersections. type CrossingType int const ( // CrossingTypeInterior reports intersections that occur at a point // interior to both edges (i.e., not at a vertex). CrossingTypeInterior CrossingType = iota // CrossingTypeAll reports all intersections, even those where two edges // intersect only because they share a common vertex. CrossingTypeAll // CrossingTypeNonAdjacent reports all intersections except for pairs of // the form (AB, BC) where both edges are from the same ShapeIndex. CrossingTypeNonAdjacent ) // rangeIterator is a wrapper over ShapeIndexIterator with extra methods // that are useful for merging the contents of two or more ShapeIndexes. type rangeIterator struct { it *ShapeIndexIterator // The min and max leaf cell ids covered by the current cell. If done() is // true, these methods return a value larger than any valid cell id. rangeMin CellID rangeMax CellID } // newRangeIterator creates a new rangeIterator positioned at the first cell of the given index. func newRangeIterator(index *ShapeIndex) *rangeIterator { r := &rangeIterator{ it: index.Iterator(), } r.refresh() return r } func (r *rangeIterator) cellID() CellID { return r.it.CellID() } func (r *rangeIterator) indexCell() *ShapeIndexCell { return r.it.IndexCell() } func (r *rangeIterator) next() { r.it.Next(); r.refresh() } func (r *rangeIterator) done() bool { return r.it.Done() } // seekTo positions the iterator at the first cell that overlaps or follows // the current range minimum of the target iterator, i.e. such that its // rangeMax >= target.rangeMin. func (r *rangeIterator) seekTo(target *rangeIterator) { r.it.seek(target.rangeMin) // If the current cell does not overlap target, it is possible that the // previous cell is the one we are looking for. This can only happen when // the previous cell contains target but has a smaller CellID. if r.it.Done() || r.it.CellID().RangeMin() > target.rangeMax { if r.it.Prev() && r.it.CellID().RangeMax() < target.cellID() { r.it.Next() } } r.refresh() } // seekBeyond positions the iterator at the first cell that follows the current // range minimum of the target iterator. i.e. the first cell such that its // rangeMin > target.rangeMax. func (r *rangeIterator) seekBeyond(target *rangeIterator) { r.it.seek(target.rangeMax.Next()) if !r.it.Done() && r.it.CellID().RangeMin() <= target.rangeMax { r.it.Next() } r.refresh() } // refresh updates the iterators min and max values. func (r *rangeIterator) refresh() { r.rangeMin = r.cellID().RangeMin() r.rangeMax = r.cellID().RangeMax() } // referencePointForShape is a helper function for implementing various Shapes // ReferencePoint functions. // // Given a shape consisting of closed polygonal loops, the interior of the // shape is defined as the region to the left of all edges (which must be // oriented consistently). This function then chooses an arbitrary point and // returns true if that point is contained by the shape. // // Unlike Loop and Polygon, this method allows duplicate vertices and // edges, which requires some extra care with definitions. The rule that we // apply is that an edge and its reverse edge cancel each other: the result // is the same as if that edge pair were not present. Therefore shapes that // consist only of degenerate loop(s) are either empty or full; by convention, // the shape is considered full if and only if it contains an empty loop (see // laxPolygon for details). // // Determining whether a loop on the sphere contains a point is harder than // the corresponding problem in 2D plane geometry. It cannot be implemented // just by counting edge crossings because there is no such thing as a point // at infinity that is guaranteed to be outside the loop. // // This function requires that the given Shape have an interior. func referencePointForShape(shape Shape) ReferencePoint { if shape.NumEdges() == 0 { // A shape with no edges is defined to be full if and only if it // contains an empty loop. return OriginReferencePoint(shape.NumChains() > 0) } // Define a "matched" edge as one that can be paired with a corresponding // reversed edge. Define a vertex as "balanced" if all of its edges are // matched. In order to determine containment, we must find an unbalanced // vertex. Often every vertex is unbalanced, so we start by trying an // arbitrary vertex. edge := shape.Edge(0) if ref, ok := referencePointAtVertex(shape, edge.V0); ok { return ref } // That didn't work, so now we do some extra work to find an unbalanced // vertex (if any). Essentially we gather a list of edges and a list of // reversed edges, and then sort them. The first edge that appears in one // list but not the other is guaranteed to be unmatched. n := shape.NumEdges() var edges = make([]Edge, n) var revEdges = make([]Edge, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { edge := shape.Edge(i) edges[i] = edge revEdges[i] = Edge{V0: edge.V1, V1: edge.V0} } sortEdges(edges) sortEdges(revEdges) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { if edges[i].Cmp(revEdges[i]) == -1 { // edges[i] is unmatched if ref, ok := referencePointAtVertex(shape, edges[i].V0); ok { return ref } } if revEdges[i].Cmp(edges[i]) == -1 { // revEdges[i] is unmatched if ref, ok := referencePointAtVertex(shape, revEdges[i].V0); ok { return ref } } } // All vertices are balanced, so this polygon is either empty or full. By // convention it is defined to be full if it contains any empty loop. for i := 0; i < shape.NumChains(); i++ { if shape.Chain(i).Length == 0 { return OriginReferencePoint(true) } } return OriginReferencePoint(false) } // referencePointAtVertex reports whether the given vertex is unbalanced, and // returns a ReferencePoint indicating if the point is contained. // Otherwise returns false. func referencePointAtVertex(shape Shape, vTest Point) (ReferencePoint, bool) { var ref ReferencePoint // Let P be an unbalanced vertex. Vertex P is defined to be inside the // region if the region contains a particular direction vector starting from // P, namely the direction p.Ortho(). This can be calculated using // ContainsVertexQuery. containsQuery := NewContainsVertexQuery(vTest) n := shape.NumEdges() for e := 0; e < n; e++ { edge := shape.Edge(e) if edge.V0 == vTest { containsQuery.AddEdge(edge.V1, 1) } if edge.V1 == vTest { containsQuery.AddEdge(edge.V0, -1) } } containsSign := containsQuery.ContainsVertex() if containsSign == 0 { return ref, false // There are no unmatched edges incident to this vertex. } ref.Point = vTest ref.Contained = containsSign > 0 return ref, true } // containsBruteForce reports whether the given shape contains the given point. // Most clients should not use this method, since its running time is linear in // the number of shape edges. Instead clients should create a ShapeIndex and use // ContainsPointQuery, since this strategy is much more efficient when many // points need to be tested. // // Polygon boundaries are treated as being semi-open (see ContainsPointQuery // and VertexModel for other options). func containsBruteForce(shape Shape, point Point) bool { if !shape.HasInterior() { return false } refPoint := shape.ReferencePoint() if refPoint.Point == point { return refPoint.Contained } crosser := NewEdgeCrosser(refPoint.Point, point) inside := refPoint.Contained for e := 0; e < shape.NumEdges(); e++ { edge := shape.Edge(e) inside = inside != crosser.EdgeOrVertexCrossing(edge.V0, edge.V1) } return inside }