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Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package s2
// Polygon represents a sequence of zero or more loops; recall that the
// interior of a loop is defined to be its left-hand side (see Loop).
// When the polygon is initialized, the given loops are automatically converted
// into a canonical form consisting of "shells" and "holes". Shells and holes
// are both oriented CCW, and are nested hierarchically. The loops are
// reordered to correspond to a preorder traversal of the nesting hierarchy.
// Polygons may represent any region of the sphere with a polygonal boundary,
// including the entire sphere (known as the "full" polygon). The full polygon
// consists of a single full loop (see Loop), whereas the empty polygon has no
// loops at all.
// Use FullPolygon() to construct a full polygon. The zero value of Polygon is
// treated as the empty polygon.
// Polygons have the following restrictions:
// - Loops may not cross, i.e. the boundary of a loop may not intersect
// both the interior and exterior of any other loop.
// - Loops may not share edges, i.e. if a loop contains an edge AB, then
// no other loop may contain AB or BA.
// - Loops may share vertices, however no vertex may appear twice in a
// single loop (see Loop).
// - No loop may be empty. The full loop may appear only in the full polygon.
type Polygon struct {
loops []*Loop
// loopDepths keeps track of how deep a given loop is in this polygon.
// The depths tracked in this slice are kept in 1:1 lockstep with the
// elements in the loops list.
// Holes inside a polygon are stored as odd numbers, and shells are even.
loopDepths []int
// index is a spatial index of all the polygon loops.
index ShapeIndex
// hasHoles tracks if this polygon has at least one hole.
hasHoles bool
// numVertices keeps the running total of all of the vertices of the contained loops.
numVertices int
// numEdges tracks the total number of edges in all the loops in this polygon.
numEdges int
// bound is a conservative bound on all points contained by this loop.
// If l.ContainsPoint(P), then l.bound.ContainsPoint(P).
bound Rect
// Since bound is not exact, it is possible that a loop A contains
// another loop B whose bounds are slightly larger. subregionBound
// has been expanded sufficiently to account for this error, i.e.
// if A.Contains(B), then A.subregionBound.Contains(B.bound).
subregionBound Rect
// A slice where element i is the cumulative number of edges in the
// preceding loops in the polygon. This field is used for polygons that
// have a large number of loops, and may be empty for polygons with few loops.
cumulativeEdges []int
// PolygonFromLoops constructs a polygon from the given hierarchically nested
// loops. The polygon interior consists of the points contained by an odd
// number of loops. (Recall that a loop contains the set of points on its
// left-hand side.)
// This method figures out the loop nesting hierarchy and assigns every loop a
// depth. Shells have even depths, and holes have odd depths.
// NOTE: this function is NOT YET IMPLEMENTED for more than one loop and will
// panic if given a slice of length > 1.
func PolygonFromLoops(loops []*Loop) *Polygon {
if len(loops) > 1 {
panic("PolygonFromLoops for multiple loops is not yet implemented")
p := &Polygon{
loops: loops,
// TODO(roberts): This is explicitly set as depth of 0 for the one loop in
// the polygon. When multiple loops are supported, fix this to set the depths.
loopDepths: []int{0},
numVertices: len(loops[0].Vertices()), // TODO(roberts): Once multi-loop is supported, fix this.
// TODO(roberts): Compute these bounds.
bound: loops[0].RectBound(),
subregionBound: EmptyRect(),
const maxLinearSearchLoops = 12 // Based on benchmarks.
if len(loops) > maxLinearSearchLoops {
p.cumulativeEdges = make([]int, 0, len(loops))
for _, l := range loops {
if p.cumulativeEdges != nil {
p.cumulativeEdges = append(p.cumulativeEdges, p.numEdges)
p.numEdges += len(l.Vertices())
return p
// FullPolygon returns a special "full" polygon.
func FullPolygon() *Polygon {
return &Polygon{
loops: []*Loop{
loopDepths: []int{0},
numVertices: len(FullLoop().Vertices()),
bound: FullRect(),
subregionBound: FullRect(),
// IsEmpty reports whether this is the special "empty" polygon (consisting of no loops).
func (p *Polygon) IsEmpty() bool {
return len(p.loops) == 0
// IsFull reports whether this is the special "full" polygon (consisting of a
// single loop that encompasses the entire sphere).
func (p *Polygon) IsFull() bool {
return len(p.loops) == 1 && p.loops[0].IsFull()
// NumLoops returns the number of loops in this polygon.
func (p *Polygon) NumLoops() int {
return len(p.loops)
// Loops returns the loops in this polygon.
func (p *Polygon) Loops() []*Loop {
return p.loops
// Loop returns the loop at the given index. Note that during initialization,
// the given loops are reordered according to a preorder traversal of the loop
// nesting hierarchy. This implies that every loop is immediately followed by
// its descendants. This hierarchy can be traversed using the methods Parent,
// LastDescendant, and Loop.depth.
func (p *Polygon) Loop(k int) *Loop {
return p.loops[k]
// Parent returns the index of the parent of loop k.
// If the loop does not have a parent, ok=false is returned.
func (p *Polygon) Parent(k int) (index int, ok bool) {
// See where we are on the depth heirarchy.
depth := p.loopDepths[k]
if depth == 0 {
return -1, false
// There may be several loops at the same nesting level as us that share a
// parent loop with us. (Imagine a slice of swiss cheese, of which we are one loop.
// we don't know how many may be next to us before we get back to our parent loop.)
// Move up one position from us, and then begin traversing back through the set of loops
// until we find the one that is our parent or we get to the top of the polygon.
for k--; k >= 0 && p.loopDepths[k] <= depth; k-- {
return k, true
// LastDescendant returns the index of the last loop that is contained within loop k.
// If k is negative, it returns the last loop in the polygon.
// Note that loops are indexed according to a preorder traversal of the nesting
// hierarchy, so the immediate children of loop k can be found by iterating over
// the loops (k+1)..LastDescendant(k) and selecting those whose depth is equal
// to Loop(k).depth+1.
func (p *Polygon) LastDescendant(k int) int {
if k < 0 {
return len(p.loops) - 1
depth := p.loopDepths[k]
// Find the next loop immediately past us in the set of loops, and then start
// moving down the list until we either get to the end or find the next loop
// that is higher up the heirarchy than we are.
for k++; k < len(p.loops) && p.loopDepths[k] > depth; k++ {
return k - 1
// loopIsHole reports whether the given loop represents a hole in this polygon.
func (p *Polygon) loopIsHole(k int) bool {
return p.loopDepths[k]&1 != 0
// loopSign returns -1 if this loop represents a hole in this polygon.
// Otherwise, it returns +1. This is used when computing the area of a polygon.
// (holes are subtracted from the total area).
func (p *Polygon) loopSign(k int) int {
if p.loopIsHole(k) {
return -1
return 1
// CapBound returns a bounding spherical cap.
func (p *Polygon) CapBound() Cap { return p.bound.CapBound() }
// RectBound returns a bounding latitude-longitude rectangle.
func (p *Polygon) RectBound() Rect { return p.bound }
// ContainsCell reports whether the polygon contains the given cell.
// TODO(roberts)
//func (p *Polygon) ContainsCell(c Cell) bool { ... }
// IntersectsCell reports whether the polygon intersects the given cell.
// TODO(roberts)
//func (p *Polygon) IntersectsCell(c Cell) bool { ... }
// Shape Interface
// NumEdges returns the number of edges in this shape.
func (p *Polygon) NumEdges() int {
return p.numEdges
// Edge returns endpoints for the given edge index.
func (p *Polygon) Edge(e int) (a, b Point) {
var i int
if len(p.cumulativeEdges) > 0 {
for i = range p.cumulativeEdges {
if i+1 >= len(p.cumulativeEdges) || e < p.cumulativeEdges[i+1] {
e -= p.cumulativeEdges[i]
} else {
// When the number of loops is small, use linear search. Most often
// there is exactly one loop and the code below executes zero times.
for i = 0; e >= len(p.Loop(i).vertices); i++ {
e -= len(p.Loop(i).vertices)
// TODO(roberts): C++ uses the oriented vertices from Loop. Move to those when
// they are implmented here.
return p.Loop(i).Vertex(e), p.Loop(i).Vertex(e + 1)
// HasInterior reports whether this Polygon has an interior.
func (p *Polygon) HasInterior() bool {
return p.dimension() == polygonGeometry
// ContainsOrigin returns whether this shape contains the origin.
func (p *Polygon) ContainsOrigin() bool {
containsOrigin := false
for _, l := range p.loops {
containsOrigin = containsOrigin != l.ContainsOrigin()
return containsOrigin
// dimension returns the dimension of the geometry represented by this Polygon.
func (p *Polygon) dimension() dimension { return polygonGeometry }
// numChains reports the number of contiguous edge chains in the Polygon.
func (p *Polygon) numChains() int {
if p.IsFull() {
return 0
return p.NumLoops()
// chainStart returns the id of the first edge in the i-th edge chain in this Polygon.
func (p *Polygon) chainStart(i int) int {
if p.cumulativeEdges != nil {
if i == p.NumLoops() {
return p.numEdges
return p.cumulativeEdges[i]
e := 0
for i--; i >= 0; i-- {
e += len(p.Loop(i).vertices)
return e
// TODO(roberts): Differences from C++
// InitNestedFromLoops
// InitFromLoop
// InitOrientedFromLoops
// IsValid
// Area
// Centroid
// SnapLevel
// DistanceToPoint
// DistanceToBoundary
// Project
// ProjectToBoundary
// Contains/ApproxContains/Intersects/ApproxDisjoint for Polygons
// InitTo{Intersection/ApproxIntersection/Union/ApproxUnion/Diff/ApproxDiff}
// InitToSimplified
// InitToSnapped
// IntersectWithPolyline
// ApproxIntersectWithPolyline
// SubtractFromPolyline
// ApproxSubtractFromPolyline
// DestructiveUnion
// DestructiveApproxUnion
// InitToCellUnionBorder
// IsNormalized
// Equals/BoundaryEquals/BoundaryApproxEquals/BoundaryNear Polygons
// BreakEdgesAndAddToBuilder
// clearLoops
// findLoopNestingError
// initLoops
// initToSimplifiedInternal
// internalClipPolyline
// compareBoundary
// containsBoundary
// excludesBoundary
// containsNonCrossingBoundary
// excludesNonCrossingShells