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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package s2
import (
const (
// intersectionError can be set somewhat arbitrarily, because the algorithm
// uses more precision if necessary in order to achieve the specified error.
// The only strict requirement is that intersectionError >= dblEpsilon
// radians. However, using a larger error tolerance makes the algorithm more
// efficient because it reduces the number of cases where exact arithmetic is
// needed.
intersectionError = s1.Angle(8 * dblEpsilon)
// intersectionMergeRadius is used to ensure that intersection points that
// are supposed to be coincident are merged back together into a single
// vertex. This is required in order for various polygon operations (union,
// intersection, etc) to work correctly. It is twice the intersection error
// because two coincident intersection points might have errors in
// opposite directions.
intersectionMergeRadius = 2 * intersectionError
// A Crossing indicates how edges cross.
type Crossing int
const (
// Cross means the edges cross.
Cross Crossing = iota
// MaybeCross means two vertices from different edges are the same.
// DoNotCross means the edges do not cross.
func (c Crossing) String() string {
switch c {
case Cross:
return "Cross"
case MaybeCross:
return "MaybeCross"
case DoNotCross:
return "DoNotCross"
return fmt.Sprintf("(BAD CROSSING %d)", c)
// CrossingSign reports whether the edge AB intersects the edge CD.
// If AB crosses CD at a point that is interior to both edges, Cross is returned.
// If any two vertices from different edges are the same it returns MaybeCross.
// Otherwise it returns DoNotCross.
// If either edge is degenerate (A == B or C == D), the return value is MaybeCross
// if two vertices from different edges are the same and DoNotCross otherwise.
// Properties of CrossingSign:
// (1) CrossingSign(b,a,c,d) == CrossingSign(a,b,c,d)
// (2) CrossingSign(c,d,a,b) == CrossingSign(a,b,c,d)
// (3) CrossingSign(a,b,c,d) == MaybeCross if a==c, a==d, b==c, b==d
// (3) CrossingSign(a,b,c,d) == DoNotCross or MaybeCross if a==b or c==d
// This method implements an exact, consistent perturbation model such
// that no three points are ever considered to be collinear. This means
// that even if you have 4 points A, B, C, D that lie exactly in a line
// (say, around the equator), C and D will be treated as being slightly to
// one side or the other of AB. This is done in a way such that the
// results are always consistent (see RobustSign).
func CrossingSign(a, b, c, d Point) Crossing {
crosser := NewChainEdgeCrosser(a, b, c)
return crosser.ChainCrossingSign(d)
// VertexCrossing reports whether two edges "cross" in such a way that point-in-polygon
// containment tests can be implemented by counting the number of edge crossings.
// Given two edges AB and CD where at least two vertices are identical
// (i.e. CrossingSign(a,b,c,d) == 0), the basic rule is that a "crossing"
// occurs if AB is encountered after CD during a CCW sweep around the shared
// vertex starting from a fixed reference point.
// Note that according to this rule, if AB crosses CD then in general CD
// does not cross AB. However, this leads to the correct result when
// counting polygon edge crossings. For example, suppose that A,B,C are
// three consecutive vertices of a CCW polygon. If we now consider the edge
// crossings of a segment BP as P sweeps around B, the crossing number
// changes parity exactly when BP crosses BA or BC.
// Useful properties of VertexCrossing (VC):
// (1) VC(a,a,c,d) == VC(a,b,c,c) == false
// (2) VC(a,b,a,b) == VC(a,b,b,a) == true
// (3) VC(a,b,c,d) == VC(a,b,d,c) == VC(b,a,c,d) == VC(b,a,d,c)
// (3) If exactly one of a,b equals one of c,d, then exactly one of
// VC(a,b,c,d) and VC(c,d,a,b) is true
// It is an error to call this method with 4 distinct vertices.
func VertexCrossing(a, b, c, d Point) bool {
// If A == B or C == D there is no intersection. We need to check this
// case first in case 3 or more input points are identical.
if a == b || c == d {
return false
// If any other pair of vertices is equal, there is a crossing if and only
// if OrderedCCW indicates that the edge AB is further CCW around the
// shared vertex O (either A or B) than the edge CD, starting from an
// arbitrary fixed reference point.
switch {
case a == d:
return OrderedCCW(Point{a.Ortho()}, c, b, a)
case b == c:
return OrderedCCW(Point{b.Ortho()}, d, a, b)
case a == c:
return OrderedCCW(Point{a.Ortho()}, d, b, a)
case b == d:
return OrderedCCW(Point{b.Ortho()}, c, a, b)
return false
// EdgeOrVertexCrossing is a convenience function that calls CrossingSign to
// handle cases where all four vertices are distinct, and VertexCrossing to
// handle cases where two or more vertices are the same. This defines a crossing
// function such that point-in-polygon containment tests can be implemented
// by simply counting edge crossings.
func EdgeOrVertexCrossing(a, b, c, d Point) bool {
switch CrossingSign(a, b, c, d) {
case DoNotCross:
return false
case Cross:
return true
return VertexCrossing(a, b, c, d)
// Intersection returns the intersection point of two edges AB and CD that cross
// (CrossingSign(a,b,c,d) == Crossing).
// Useful properties of Intersection:
// (1) Intersection(b,a,c,d) == Intersection(a,b,d,c) == Intersection(a,b,c,d)
// (2) Intersection(c,d,a,b) == Intersection(a,b,c,d)
// The returned intersection point X is guaranteed to be very close to the
// true intersection point of AB and CD, even if the edges intersect at a
// very small angle.
func Intersection(a0, a1, b0, b1 Point) Point {
// It is difficult to compute the intersection point of two edges accurately
// when the angle between the edges is very small. Previously we handled
// this by only guaranteeing that the returned intersection point is within
// intersectionError of each edge. However, this means that when the edges
// cross at a very small angle, the computed result may be very far from the
// true intersection point.
// Instead this function now guarantees that the result is always within
// intersectionError of the true intersection. This requires using more
// sophisticated techniques and in some cases extended precision.
// - intersectionStable computes the intersection point using
// projection and interpolation, taking care to minimize cancellation
// error.
// - intersectionExact computes the intersection point using precision
// arithmetic and converts the final result back to an Point.
pt, ok := intersectionStable(a0, a1, b0, b1)
if !ok {
pt = intersectionExact(a0, a1, b0, b1)
// Make sure the intersection point is on the correct side of the sphere.
// Since all vertices are unit length, and edges are less than 180 degrees,
// (a0 + a1) and (b0 + b1) both have positive dot product with the
// intersection point. We use the sum of all vertices to make sure that the
// result is unchanged when the edges are swapped or reversed.
if pt.Dot((a0.Add(a1.Vector)).Add(b0.Add(b1.Vector))) < 0 {
pt = Point{pt.Mul(-1)}
return pt
// Computes the cross product of two vectors, normalized to be unit length.
// Also returns the length of the cross
// product before normalization, which is useful for estimating the amount of
// error in the result. For numerical stability, the vectors should both be
// approximately unit length.
func robustNormalWithLength(x, y r3.Vector) (r3.Vector, float64) {
var pt r3.Vector
// This computes 2 * (x.Cross(y)), but has much better numerical
// stability when x and y are unit length.
tmp := x.Sub(y).Cross(x.Add(y))
length := tmp.Norm()
if length != 0 {
pt = tmp.Mul(1 / length)
return pt, 0.5 * length // Since tmp == 2 * (x.Cross(y))
// intersectionSimple is not used by the C++ so it is skipped here.
// projection returns the projection of aNorm onto X (x.Dot(aNorm)), and a bound
// on the error in the result. aNorm is not necessarily unit length.
// The remaining parameters (the length of aNorm (aNormLen) and the edge endpoints
// a0 and a1) allow this dot product to be computed more accurately and efficiently.
func projection(x, aNorm r3.Vector, aNormLen float64, a0, a1 Point) (proj, bound float64) {
// The error in the dot product is proportional to the lengths of the input
// vectors, so rather than using x itself (a unit-length vector) we use
// the vectors from x to the closer of the two edge endpoints. This
// typically reduces the error by a huge factor.
x0 := x.Sub(a0.Vector)
x1 := x.Sub(a1.Vector)
x0Dist2 := x0.Norm2()
x1Dist2 := x1.Norm2()
// If both distances are the same, we need to be careful to choose one
// endpoint deterministically so that the result does not change if the
// order of the endpoints is reversed.
var dist float64
if x0Dist2 < x1Dist2 || (x0Dist2 == x1Dist2 && x0.Cmp(x1) == -1) {
dist = math.Sqrt(x0Dist2)
proj = x0.Dot(aNorm)
} else {
dist = math.Sqrt(x1Dist2)
proj = x1.Dot(aNorm)
// This calculation bounds the error from all sources: the computation of
// the normal, the subtraction of one endpoint, and the dot product itself.
// dblEpsilon appears because the input points are assumed to be
// normalized in double precision.
// For reference, the bounds that went into this calculation are:
// ||N'-N|| <= ((1 + 2 * sqrt(3))||N|| + 32 * sqrt(3) * dblEpsilon) * epsilon
// |(A.B)'-(A.B)| <= (1.5 * (A.B) + 1.5 * ||A|| * ||B||) * epsilon
// ||(X-Y)'-(X-Y)|| <= ||X-Y|| * epsilon
bound = (((3.5+2*math.Sqrt(3))*aNormLen+32*math.Sqrt(3)*dblEpsilon)*dist + 1.5*math.Abs(proj)) * epsilon
return proj, bound
// compareEdges reports whether (a0,a1) is less than (b0,b1) with respect to a total
// ordering on edges that is invariant under edge reversals.
func compareEdges(a0, a1, b0, b1 Point) bool {
if a0.Cmp(a1.Vector) != -1 {
a0, a1 = a1, a0
if b0.Cmp(b1.Vector) != -1 {
b0, b1 = b1, b0
return a0.Cmp(b0.Vector) == -1 || (a0 == b0 && b0.Cmp(b1.Vector) == -1)
// intersectionStable returns the intersection point of the edges (a0,a1) and
// (b0,b1) if it can be computed to within an error of at most intersectionError
// by this function.
// The intersection point is not guaranteed to have the correct sign because we
// choose to use the longest of the two edges first. The sign is corrected by
// Intersection.
func intersectionStable(a0, a1, b0, b1 Point) (Point, bool) {
// Sort the two edges so that (a0,a1) is longer, breaking ties in a
// deterministic way that does not depend on the ordering of the endpoints.
// This is desirable for two reasons:
// - So that the result doesn't change when edges are swapped or reversed.
// - It reduces error, since the first edge is used to compute the edge
// normal (where a longer edge means less error), and the second edge
// is used for interpolation (where a shorter edge means less error).
aLen2 := a1.Sub(a0.Vector).Norm2()
bLen2 := b1.Sub(b0.Vector).Norm2()
if aLen2 < bLen2 || (aLen2 == bLen2 && compareEdges(a0, a1, b0, b1)) {
return intersectionStableSorted(b0, b1, a0, a1)
return intersectionStableSorted(a0, a1, b0, b1)
// intersectionStableSorted is a helper function for intersectionStable.
// It expects that the edges (a0,a1) and (b0,b1) have been sorted so that
// the first edge passed in is longer.
func intersectionStableSorted(a0, a1, b0, b1 Point) (Point, bool) {
var pt Point
// Compute the normal of the plane through (a0, a1) in a stable way.
aNorm := a0.Sub(a1.Vector).Cross(a0.Add(a1.Vector))
aNormLen := aNorm.Norm()
bLen := b1.Sub(b0.Vector).Norm()
// Compute the projection (i.e., signed distance) of b0 and b1 onto the
// plane through (a0, a1). Distances are scaled by the length of aNorm.
b0Dist, b0Error := projection(b0.Vector, aNorm, aNormLen, a0, a1)
b1Dist, b1Error := projection(b1.Vector, aNorm, aNormLen, a0, a1)
// The total distance from b0 to b1 measured perpendicularly to (a0,a1) is
// |b0Dist - b1Dist|. Note that b0Dist and b1Dist generally have
// opposite signs because b0 and b1 are on opposite sides of (a0, a1). The
// code below finds the intersection point by interpolating along the edge
// (b0, b1) to a fractional distance of b0Dist / (b0Dist - b1Dist).
// It can be shown that the maximum error in the interpolation fraction is
// (b0Dist * b1Error - b1Dist * b0Error) / (distSum * (distSum - errorSum))
// We save ourselves some work by scaling the result and the error bound by
// "distSum", since the result is normalized to be unit length anyway.
distSum := math.Abs(b0Dist - b1Dist)
errorSum := b0Error + b1Error
if distSum <= errorSum {
return pt, false // Error is unbounded in this case.
x := b1.Mul(b0Dist).Sub(b0.Mul(b1Dist))
err := bLen*math.Abs(b0Dist*b1Error-b1Dist*b0Error)/
(distSum-errorSum) + 2*distSum*epsilon
// Finally we normalize the result, compute the corresponding error, and
// check whether the total error is acceptable.
xLen := x.Norm()
maxError := intersectionError
if err > (float64(maxError)-epsilon)*xLen {
return pt, false
return Point{x.Mul(1 / xLen)}, true
// intersectionExact returns the intersection point of (a0, a1) and (b0, b1)
// using precise arithmetic. Note that the result is not exact because it is
// rounded down to double precision at the end. Also, the intersection point
// is not guaranteed to have the correct sign (i.e., the return value may need
// to be negated).
func intersectionExact(a0, a1, b0, b1 Point) Point {
// Since we are using presice arithmetic, we don't need to worry about
// numerical stability.
a0P := r3.PreciseVectorFromVector(a0.Vector)
a1P := r3.PreciseVectorFromVector(a1.Vector)
b0P := r3.PreciseVectorFromVector(b0.Vector)
b1P := r3.PreciseVectorFromVector(b1.Vector)
aNormP := a0P.Cross(a1P)
bNormP := b0P.Cross(b1P)
xP := aNormP.Cross(bNormP)
// The final Normalize() call is done in double precision, which creates a
// directional error of up to 2*dblEpsilon. (Precise conversion and Normalize()
// each contribute up to dblEpsilon of directional error.)
x := xP.Vector()
if x == (r3.Vector{}) {
// The two edges are exactly collinear, but we still consider them to be
// "crossing" because of simulation of simplicity. Out of the four
// endpoints, exactly two lie in the interior of the other edge. Of
// those two we return the one that is lexicographically smallest.
x = r3.Vector{10, 10, 10} // Greater than any valid S2Point
aNorm := Point{aNormP.Vector()}
bNorm := Point{bNormP.Vector()}
if OrderedCCW(b0, a0, b1, bNorm) && a0.Cmp(x) == -1 {
return a0
if OrderedCCW(b0, a1, b1, bNorm) && a1.Cmp(x) == -1 {
return a1
if OrderedCCW(a0, b0, a1, aNorm) && b0.Cmp(x) == -1 {
return b0
if OrderedCCW(a0, b1, a1, aNorm) && b1.Cmp(x) == -1 {
return b1
return Point{x}