There are [lots of examples]( included. They're mostly for testing the code, but they're good for learning, too.
## Creating Contexts
There are a few ways of creating a context.
NewContext(width, height int) *Context
NewContextForImage(im image.Image) *Context
NewContextForRGBA(im *image.RGBA) *Context
## Drawing Functions
Ever used a graphics library that didn't have functions for drawing rectangles
or circles? What a pain!
DrawPoint(x, y, r float64)
DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2 float64)
DrawRectangle(x, y, w, h float64)
DrawRoundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, r float64)
DrawCircle(x, y, r float64)
DrawArc(x, y, r, angle1, angle2 float64)
DrawEllipse(x, y, rx, ry float64)
DrawEllipticalArc(x, y, rx, ry, angle1, angle2 float64)
DrawRegularPolygon(n int, x, y, r, rotation float64)
DrawImage(im image.Image, x, y int)
DrawImageAnchored(im image.Image, x, y int, ax, ay float64)
SetPixel(x, y int)
MoveTo(x, y float64)
LineTo(x, y float64)
QuadraticTo(x1, y1, x2, y2 float64)
CubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 float64)
It is often desired to center an image at a point. Use `DrawImageAnchored` with `ax` and `ay` set to 0.5 to do this. Use 0 to left or top align. Use 1 to right or bottom align. `DrawStringAnchored` does the same for text, so you don't need to call `MeasureString` yourself.
## Text Functions
It will even do word wrap for you!
DrawString(s string, x, y float64)
DrawStringAnchored(s string, x, y, ax, ay float64)
Colors can be set in several different ways for your convenience.
SetRGB(r, g, b float64)
SetRGBA(r, g, b, a float64)
SetRGB255(r, g, b int)
SetRGBA255(r, g, b, a int)
SetColor(c color.Color)
SetHexColor(x string)
## Stroke & Fill Options
SetLineWidth(lineWidth float64)
SetLineCap(lineCap LineCap)
SetLineJoin(lineJoin LineJoin)
SetDash(dashes ...float64)
SetFillRule(fillRule FillRule)
## Gradients & Patterns
`gg` supports linear and radial gradients and surface patterns. You can also implement your own patterns.
SetFillStyle(pattern Pattern)
SetStrokeStyle(pattern Pattern)
NewSolidPattern(color color.Color)
NewLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1 float64)
NewRadialGradient(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1 float64)
NewSurfacePattern(im image.Image, op RepeatOp)
## Transformation Functions
Translate(x, y float64)
Scale(x, y float64)
Rotate(angle float64)
Shear(x, y float64)
ScaleAbout(sx, sy, x, y float64)
RotateAbout(angle, x, y float64)
ShearAbout(sx, sy, x, y float64)
TransformPoint(x, y float64) (tx, ty float64)
It is often desired to rotate or scale about a point that is not the origin. The functions `RotateAbout`, `ScaleAbout`, `ShearAbout` are provided as a convenience.
`InvertY` is provided in case Y should increase from bottom to top vs. the default top to bottom.