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// Copyright 2013, 2014 Peter Vasil, Tomo Krajina. All
// rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed
// by a BSD-style license that can be found in the
// LICENSE file.
package gpx
import (
const DEFAULT_CREATOR = "https://github.com/tkrajina/gpxgo"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gpx 1.0 Stuff
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func convertToGpx10Models(gpxDoc *GPX) *gpx10Gpx {
gpx10Doc := &gpx10Gpx{}
//gpx10Doc.XMLNs = gpxDoc.XMLNs
gpx10Doc.XMLNs = "http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0"
gpx10Doc.XmlNsXsi = gpxDoc.XmlNsXsi
gpx10Doc.XmlSchemaLoc = gpxDoc.XmlSchemaLoc
gpx10Doc.Version = "1.0"
if len(gpxDoc.Creator) == 0 {
gpx10Doc.Creator = DEFAULT_CREATOR
} else {
gpx10Doc.Creator = gpxDoc.Creator
gpx10Doc.Name = gpxDoc.Name
gpx10Doc.Desc = gpxDoc.Description
gpx10Doc.Author = gpxDoc.AuthorName
gpx10Doc.Email = gpxDoc.AuthorEmail
if len(gpxDoc.AuthorLink) > 0 || len(gpxDoc.AuthorLinkText) > 0 {
if len(gpxDoc.Link) > 0 || len(gpxDoc.LinkText) > 0 {
gpx10Doc.Url = gpxDoc.Link
gpx10Doc.UrlName = gpxDoc.LinkText
if gpxDoc.Time != nil {
gpx10Doc.Time = formatGPXTime(gpxDoc.Time)
gpx10Doc.Keywords = gpxDoc.Keywords
if gpxDoc.Waypoints != nil {
gpx10Doc.Waypoints = make([]*gpx10GpxPoint, len(gpxDoc.Waypoints))
for waypointNo, waypoint := range gpxDoc.Waypoints {
gpx10Doc.Waypoints[waypointNo] = convertPointToGpx10(&waypoint)
if gpxDoc.Routes != nil {
gpx10Doc.Routes = make([]*gpx10GpxRte, len(gpxDoc.Routes))
for routeNo, route := range gpxDoc.Routes {
r := new(gpx10GpxRte)
r.Name = route.Name
r.Cmt = route.Comment
r.Desc = route.Description
r.Src = route.Source
//r.Links = route.Links
r.Number = route.Number
r.Type = route.Type
//r.RoutePoints = route.RoutePoints
gpx10Doc.Routes[routeNo] = r
if route.Points != nil {
r.Points = make([]*gpx10GpxPoint, len(route.Points))
for pointNo, point := range route.Points {
r.Points[pointNo] = convertPointToGpx10(&point)
if gpxDoc.Tracks != nil {
gpx10Doc.Tracks = make([]*gpx10GpxTrk, len(gpxDoc.Tracks))
for trackNo, track := range gpxDoc.Tracks {
gpx10Track := new(gpx10GpxTrk)
gpx10Track.Name = track.Name
gpx10Track.Cmt = track.Comment
gpx10Track.Desc = track.Description
gpx10Track.Src = track.Source
gpx10Track.Number = track.Number
gpx10Track.Type = track.Type
if track.Segments != nil {
gpx10Track.Segments = make([]*gpx10GpxTrkSeg, len(track.Segments))
for segmentNo, segment := range track.Segments {
gpx10Segment := new(gpx10GpxTrkSeg)
if segment.Points != nil {
gpx10Segment.Points = make([]*gpx10GpxPoint, len(segment.Points))
for pointNo, point := range segment.Points {
gpx10Point := convertPointToGpx10(&point)
//gpx10Point.Speed = point.Speed
//gpx10Point.Speed = point.Speed
gpx10Segment.Points[pointNo] = gpx10Point
gpx10Track.Segments[segmentNo] = gpx10Segment
gpx10Doc.Tracks[trackNo] = gpx10Track
return gpx10Doc
func convertFromGpx10Models(gpx10Doc *gpx10Gpx) *GPX {
gpxDoc := new(GPX)
gpxDoc.XMLNs = gpx10Doc.XMLNs
gpxDoc.XmlNsXsi = gpx10Doc.XmlNsXsi
gpxDoc.XmlSchemaLoc = gpx10Doc.XmlSchemaLoc
gpxDoc.Creator = gpx10Doc.Creator
gpxDoc.Version = gpx10Doc.Version
gpxDoc.Name = gpx10Doc.Name
gpxDoc.Description = gpx10Doc.Desc
gpxDoc.AuthorName = gpx10Doc.Author
gpxDoc.AuthorEmail = gpx10Doc.Email
if len(gpx10Doc.Url) > 0 || len(gpx10Doc.UrlName) > 0 {
gpxDoc.Link = gpx10Doc.Url
gpxDoc.LinkText = gpx10Doc.UrlName
if len(gpx10Doc.Time) > 0 {
gpxDoc.Time, _ = parseGPXTime(gpx10Doc.Time)
gpxDoc.Keywords = gpx10Doc.Keywords
if gpx10Doc.Waypoints != nil {
waypoints := make([]GPXPoint, len(gpx10Doc.Waypoints))
for waypointNo, waypoint := range gpx10Doc.Waypoints {
waypoints[waypointNo] = *convertPointFromGpx10(waypoint)
gpxDoc.Waypoints = waypoints
if gpx10Doc.Routes != nil {
gpxDoc.Routes = make([]GPXRoute, len(gpx10Doc.Routes))
for routeNo, route := range gpx10Doc.Routes {
r := new(GPXRoute)
r.Name = route.Name
r.Comment = route.Cmt
r.Description = route.Desc
r.Source = route.Src
//r.Links = route.Links
r.Number = route.Number
r.Type = route.Type
//r.RoutePoints = route.RoutePoints
if route.Points != nil {
r.Points = make([]GPXPoint, len(route.Points))
for pointNo, point := range route.Points {
r.Points[pointNo] = *convertPointFromGpx10(point)
gpxDoc.Routes[routeNo] = *r
if gpx10Doc.Tracks != nil {
gpxDoc.Tracks = make([]GPXTrack, len(gpx10Doc.Tracks))
for trackNo, track := range gpx10Doc.Tracks {
gpxTrack := new(GPXTrack)
gpxTrack.Name = track.Name
gpxTrack.Comment = track.Cmt
gpxTrack.Description = track.Desc
gpxTrack.Source = track.Src
gpxTrack.Number = track.Number
gpxTrack.Type = track.Type
if track.Segments != nil {
gpxTrack.Segments = make([]GPXTrackSegment, len(track.Segments))
for segmentNo, segment := range track.Segments {
gpxSegment := GPXTrackSegment{}
if segment.Points != nil {
gpxSegment.Points = make([]GPXPoint, len(segment.Points))
for pointNo, point := range segment.Points {
gpxSegment.Points[pointNo] = *convertPointFromGpx10(point)
gpxTrack.Segments[segmentNo] = gpxSegment
gpxDoc.Tracks[trackNo] = *gpxTrack
return gpxDoc
func convertPointToGpx10(original *GPXPoint) *gpx10GpxPoint {
result := new(gpx10GpxPoint)
result.Lat = original.Latitude
result.Lon = original.Longitude
result.Ele = original.Elevation
result.Timestamp = formatGPXTime(&original.Timestamp)
result.MagVar = original.MagneticVariation
result.GeoIdHeight = original.GeoidHeight
result.Name = original.Name
result.Cmt = original.Comment
result.Desc = original.Description
result.Src = original.Source
//w.Links = original.Links
result.Sym = original.Symbol
result.Type = original.Type
result.Fix = original.TypeOfGpsFix
if original.Satellites.NotNull() {
value := original.Satellites.Value()
result.Sat = &value
if original.HorizontalDilution.NotNull() {
value := original.HorizontalDilution.Value()
result.Hdop = &value
if original.VerticalDilution.NotNull() {
value := original.VerticalDilution.Value()
result.Vdop = &value
if original.PositionalDilution.NotNull() {
value := original.PositionalDilution.Value()
result.Pdop = &value
if original.AgeOfDGpsData.NotNull() {
value := original.AgeOfDGpsData.Value()
result.AgeOfDGpsData = &value
if original.DGpsId.NotNull() {
value := original.DGpsId.Value()
result.DGpsId = &value
return result
func convertPointFromGpx10(original *gpx10GpxPoint) *GPXPoint {
result := new(GPXPoint)
result.Latitude = original.Lat
result.Longitude = original.Lon
result.Elevation = original.Ele
time, _ := parseGPXTime(original.Timestamp)
if time != nil {
result.Timestamp = *time
result.MagneticVariation = original.MagVar
result.GeoidHeight = original.GeoIdHeight
result.Name = original.Name
result.Comment = original.Cmt
result.Description = original.Desc
result.Source = original.Src
//w.Links = original.Links
result.Symbol = original.Sym
result.Type = original.Type
result.TypeOfGpsFix = original.Fix
if original.Sat != nil {
result.Satellites = *NewNullableInt(*original.Sat)
if original.Hdop != nil {
result.HorizontalDilution = *NewNullableFloat64(*original.Hdop)
if original.Vdop != nil {
result.VerticalDilution = *NewNullableFloat64(*original.Vdop)
if original.Pdop != nil {
result.PositionalDilution = *NewNullableFloat64(*original.Pdop)
if original.AgeOfDGpsData != nil {
result.AgeOfDGpsData = *NewNullableFloat64(*original.AgeOfDGpsData)
if original.DGpsId != nil {
result.DGpsId = *NewNullableInt(*original.DGpsId)
return result
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gpx 1.1 Stuff
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func convertToGpx11Models(gpxDoc *GPX) *gpx11Gpx {
gpx11Doc := &gpx11Gpx{}
gpx11Doc.Version = "1.1"
gpx11Doc.XMLNs = "http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1"
gpx11Doc.XmlNsXsi = gpxDoc.XmlNsXsi
gpx11Doc.XmlSchemaLoc = gpxDoc.XmlSchemaLoc
if len(gpxDoc.Creator) == 0 {
gpx11Doc.Creator = DEFAULT_CREATOR
} else {
gpx11Doc.Creator = gpxDoc.Creator
gpx11Doc.Name = gpxDoc.Name
gpx11Doc.Desc = gpxDoc.Description
gpx11Doc.AuthorName = gpxDoc.AuthorName
if len(gpxDoc.AuthorEmail) > 0 {
parts := strings.Split(gpxDoc.AuthorEmail, "@")
if len(parts) == 1 {
gpx11Doc.AuthorEmail = new(gpx11GpxEmail)
gpx11Doc.AuthorEmail.Id = parts[0]
} else if len(parts) > 1 {
gpx11Doc.AuthorEmail = new(gpx11GpxEmail)
gpx11Doc.AuthorEmail.Id = parts[0]
gpx11Doc.AuthorEmail.Domain = parts[1]
if len(gpxDoc.AuthorLink) > 0 || len(gpxDoc.AuthorLinkText) > 0 || len(gpxDoc.AuthorLinkType) > 0 {
gpx11Doc.AuthorLink = new(gpx11GpxLink)
gpx11Doc.AuthorLink.Href = gpxDoc.AuthorLink
gpx11Doc.AuthorLink.Text = gpxDoc.AuthorLinkText
gpx11Doc.AuthorLink.Type = gpxDoc.AuthorLinkType
if len(gpxDoc.Copyright) > 0 || len(gpxDoc.CopyrightYear) > 0 || len(gpxDoc.CopyrightLicense) > 0 {
gpx11Doc.Copyright = new(gpx11GpxCopyright)
gpx11Doc.Copyright.Author = gpxDoc.Copyright
gpx11Doc.Copyright.Year = gpxDoc.CopyrightYear
gpx11Doc.Copyright.License = gpxDoc.CopyrightLicense
if len(gpxDoc.Link) > 0 || len(gpxDoc.LinkText) > 0 || len(gpxDoc.LinkType) > 0 {
gpx11Doc.Link = new(gpx11GpxLink)
gpx11Doc.Link.Href = gpxDoc.Link
gpx11Doc.Link.Text = gpxDoc.LinkText
gpx11Doc.Link.Type = gpxDoc.LinkType
if gpxDoc.Time != nil {
gpx11Doc.Timestamp = formatGPXTime(gpxDoc.Time)
gpx11Doc.Keywords = gpxDoc.Keywords
if gpxDoc.Waypoints != nil {
gpx11Doc.Waypoints = make([]*gpx11GpxPoint, len(gpxDoc.Waypoints))
for waypointNo, waypoint := range gpxDoc.Waypoints {
gpx11Doc.Waypoints[waypointNo] = convertPointToGpx11(&waypoint)
if gpxDoc.Routes != nil {
gpx11Doc.Routes = make([]*gpx11GpxRte, len(gpxDoc.Routes))
for routeNo, route := range gpxDoc.Routes {
r := new(gpx11GpxRte)
r.Name = route.Name
r.Cmt = route.Comment
r.Desc = route.Description
r.Src = route.Source
//r.Links = route.Links
r.Number = route.Number
r.Type = route.Type
//r.RoutePoints = route.RoutePoints
gpx11Doc.Routes[routeNo] = r
if route.Points != nil {
r.Points = make([]*gpx11GpxPoint, len(route.Points))
for pointNo, point := range route.Points {
r.Points[pointNo] = convertPointToGpx11(&point)
if gpxDoc.Tracks != nil {
gpx11Doc.Tracks = make([]*gpx11GpxTrk, len(gpxDoc.Tracks))
for trackNo, track := range gpxDoc.Tracks {
gpx11Track := new(gpx11GpxTrk)
gpx11Track.Name = track.Name
gpx11Track.Cmt = track.Comment
gpx11Track.Desc = track.Description
gpx11Track.Src = track.Source
gpx11Track.Number = track.Number
gpx11Track.Type = track.Type
if track.Segments != nil {
gpx11Track.Segments = make([]*gpx11GpxTrkSeg, len(track.Segments))
for segmentNo, segment := range track.Segments {
gpx11Segment := new(gpx11GpxTrkSeg)
if segment.Points != nil {
gpx11Segment.Points = make([]*gpx11GpxPoint, len(segment.Points))
for pointNo, point := range segment.Points {
gpx11Segment.Points[pointNo] = convertPointToGpx11(&point)
gpx11Track.Segments[segmentNo] = gpx11Segment
gpx11Doc.Tracks[trackNo] = gpx11Track
return gpx11Doc
func convertFromGpx11Models(gpx11Doc *gpx11Gpx) *GPX {
gpxDoc := new(GPX)
gpxDoc.XMLNs = gpxDoc.XMLNs
gpxDoc.XmlNsXsi = gpxDoc.XmlNsXsi
gpxDoc.XmlSchemaLoc = gpxDoc.XmlSchemaLoc
gpxDoc.Creator = gpx11Doc.Creator
gpxDoc.Version = gpx11Doc.Version
gpxDoc.Name = gpx11Doc.Name
gpxDoc.Description = gpx11Doc.Desc
gpxDoc.AuthorName = gpx11Doc.AuthorName
if gpx11Doc.AuthorEmail != nil {
gpxDoc.AuthorEmail = gpx11Doc.AuthorEmail.Id + "@" + gpx11Doc.AuthorEmail.Domain
if gpx11Doc.AuthorLink != nil {
gpxDoc.AuthorLink = gpx11Doc.AuthorLink.Href
gpxDoc.AuthorLinkText = gpx11Doc.AuthorLink.Text
gpxDoc.AuthorLinkType = gpx11Doc.AuthorLink.Type
if gpx11Doc.Extensions != nil {
gpxDoc.Extensions = &gpx11Doc.Extensions.Bytes
if len(gpx11Doc.Timestamp) > 0 {
gpxDoc.Time, _ = parseGPXTime(gpx11Doc.Timestamp)
if gpx11Doc.Copyright != nil {
gpxDoc.Copyright = gpx11Doc.Copyright.Author
gpxDoc.CopyrightYear = gpx11Doc.Copyright.Year
gpxDoc.CopyrightLicense = gpx11Doc.Copyright.License
if gpx11Doc.Link != nil {
gpxDoc.Link = gpx11Doc.Link.Href
gpxDoc.LinkText = gpx11Doc.Link.Text
gpxDoc.LinkType = gpx11Doc.Link.Type
gpxDoc.Keywords = gpx11Doc.Keywords
if gpx11Doc.Waypoints != nil {
waypoints := make([]GPXPoint, len(gpx11Doc.Waypoints))
for waypointNo, waypoint := range gpx11Doc.Waypoints {
waypoints[waypointNo] = *convertPointFromGpx11(waypoint)
gpxDoc.Waypoints = waypoints
if gpx11Doc.Routes != nil {
gpxDoc.Routes = make([]GPXRoute, len(gpx11Doc.Routes))
for routeNo, route := range gpx11Doc.Routes {
r := new(GPXRoute)
r.Name = route.Name
r.Comment = route.Cmt
r.Description = route.Desc
r.Source = route.Src
//r.Links = route.Links
r.Number = route.Number
r.Type = route.Type
//r.RoutePoints = route.RoutePoints
if route.Points != nil {
r.Points = make([]GPXPoint, len(route.Points))
for pointNo, point := range route.Points {
r.Points[pointNo] = *convertPointFromGpx11(point)
gpxDoc.Routes[routeNo] = *r
if gpx11Doc.Tracks != nil {
gpxDoc.Tracks = make([]GPXTrack, len(gpx11Doc.Tracks))
for trackNo, track := range gpx11Doc.Tracks {
gpxTrack := new(GPXTrack)
gpxTrack.Name = track.Name
gpxTrack.Comment = track.Cmt
gpxTrack.Description = track.Desc
gpxTrack.Source = track.Src
gpxTrack.Number = track.Number
gpxTrack.Type = track.Type
if track.Segments != nil {
gpxTrack.Segments = make([]GPXTrackSegment, len(track.Segments))
for segmentNo, segment := range track.Segments {
gpxSegment := GPXTrackSegment{}
if segment.Points != nil {
gpxSegment.Points = make([]GPXPoint, len(segment.Points))
for pointNo, point := range segment.Points {
gpxSegment.Points[pointNo] = *convertPointFromGpx11(point)
gpxTrack.Segments[segmentNo] = gpxSegment
gpxDoc.Tracks[trackNo] = *gpxTrack
return gpxDoc
func convertPointToGpx11(original *GPXPoint) *gpx11GpxPoint {
result := new(gpx11GpxPoint)
result.Lat = original.Latitude
result.Lon = original.Longitude
result.Ele = original.Elevation
result.Timestamp = formatGPXTime(&original.Timestamp)
result.MagVar = original.MagneticVariation
result.GeoIdHeight = original.GeoidHeight
result.Name = original.Name
result.Cmt = original.Comment
result.Desc = original.Description
result.Src = original.Source
//w.Links = original.Links
result.Sym = original.Symbol
result.Type = original.Type
result.Fix = original.TypeOfGpsFix
if original.Satellites.NotNull() {
value := original.Satellites.Value()
result.Sat = &value
if original.HorizontalDilution.NotNull() {
value := original.HorizontalDilution.Value()
result.Hdop = &value
if original.VerticalDilution.NotNull() {
value := original.VerticalDilution.Value()
result.Vdop = &value
if original.PositionalDilution.NotNull() {
value := original.PositionalDilution.Value()
result.Pdop = &value
if original.AgeOfDGpsData.NotNull() {
value := original.AgeOfDGpsData.Value()
result.AgeOfDGpsData = &value
if original.DGpsId.NotNull() {
value := original.DGpsId.Value()
result.DGpsId = &value
return result
func convertPointFromGpx11(original *gpx11GpxPoint) *GPXPoint {
result := new(GPXPoint)
result.Latitude = original.Lat
result.Longitude = original.Lon
result.Elevation = original.Ele
time, _ := parseGPXTime(original.Timestamp)
if time != nil {
result.Timestamp = *time
result.MagneticVariation = original.MagVar
result.GeoidHeight = original.GeoIdHeight
result.Name = original.Name
result.Comment = original.Cmt
result.Description = original.Desc
result.Source = original.Src
//w.Links = original.Links
result.Symbol = original.Sym
result.Type = original.Type
result.TypeOfGpsFix = original.Fix
if original.Sat != nil {
result.Satellites = *NewNullableInt(*original.Sat)
if original.Hdop != nil {
result.HorizontalDilution = *NewNullableFloat64(*original.Hdop)
if original.Vdop != nil {
result.VerticalDilution = *NewNullableFloat64(*original.Vdop)
if original.Pdop != nil {
result.PositionalDilution = *NewNullableFloat64(*original.Pdop)
if original.AgeOfDGpsData != nil {
result.AgeOfDGpsData = *NewNullableFloat64(*original.AgeOfDGpsData)
if original.DGpsId != nil {
result.DGpsId = *NewNullableInt(*original.DGpsId)
return result