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329 lines
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package main
import (
const jobExpiryPerSegment = 4 * 24 * 60 // 4d * 24h * 60m
const (
fixAll = "all"
fixCargoOnly = "cargo"
fixTrailerOnly = "trailer"
fixTruckOnly = "truck"
type commSaveDetails struct {
GameTime int64 `json:"game_time"`
ExperiencePoints int64 `json:"experience_points"`
Money int64 `json:"money"`
CargoDamage float32 `json:"cargo_damage"`
TruckWear float32 `json:"truck_wear"`
TrailerAttached bool `json:"trailer_attached"`
TrailerWear float32 `json:"trailer_wear"`
AttachedTrailer string `json:"attached_trailer"`
OwnedTrailers map[string]string `json:"owned_trailers"`
CurrentJob *commSaveJob `json:"current_job"`
type commSaveJob struct {
OriginReference string `json:"origin_reference"`
TargetReference string `json:"target_reference"`
CargoReference string `json:"cargo_reference"`
TrailerReference string `json:"trailer_reference"`
Distance int64 `json:"distance"`
Urgency *int64 `json:"urgency,omitempty"`
Weight float32 `json:"weight,omitempty"`
Expires int64 `json:"expires,omitempty"`
func commSaveDetailsFromUnit(unit *sii.Unit) (out commSaveDetails, err error) {
var economy *sii.Economy
for _, b := range unit.BlocksByClass("economy") {
if v, ok := b.(*sii.Economy); ok {
economy = v
if economy == nil {
return out, errors.New("Found no economy object")
var (
bank *sii.Bank
job *sii.PlayerJob
player *sii.Player
truck *sii.Vehicle
trailer *sii.Trailer
bank = economy.Bank.Resolve().(*sii.Bank)
player = economy.Player.Resolve().(*sii.Player)
out.ExperiencePoints = economy.ExperiencePoints
out.GameTime = economy.GameTime
out.Money = bank.MoneyAccount
out.TrailerAttached = player.AssignedTrailerConnected
if v, ok := player.CurrentJob.Resolve().(*sii.PlayerJob); ok {
job = v
if v, ok := player.AssignedTruck.Resolve().(*sii.Vehicle); ok {
truck = v
if v, ok := player.AssignedTrailer.Resolve().(*sii.Trailer); ok {
out.AttachedTrailer = player.AssignedTrailer.Target
trailer = v
if truck != nil {
for _, pb := range truck.Accessories {
var wear float32
if v, ok := pb.Resolve().(*sii.VehicleAccessory); ok {
wear = v.Wear
if v, ok := pb.Resolve().(*sii.VehicleWheelAccessory); ok {
wear = v.Wear
if wear > out.TruckWear {
out.TruckWear = wear
if len(player.Trailers) > 0 {
out.OwnedTrailers = map[string]string{}
for _, tp := range player.Trailers {
if t, ok := tp.Resolve().(*sii.Trailer); ok {
out.OwnedTrailers[t.Name()] = t.CleanedLicensePlate()
if trailer != nil {
for _, pb := range trailer.Accessories {
var wear float32
if v, ok := pb.Resolve().(*sii.VehicleAccessory); ok {
wear = v.Wear
if v, ok := pb.Resolve().(*sii.VehicleWheelAccessory); ok {
wear = v.Wear
if wear > out.TrailerWear {
out.TrailerWear = wear
out.CargoDamage = trailer.CargoDamage
if job != nil {
out.CurrentJob = &commSaveJob{
OriginReference: job.SourceCompany.Target,
TargetReference: job.TargetCompany.Target,
CargoReference: job.Cargo.Target,
TrailerReference: job.CompanyTrailer.Target,
Distance: job.PlannedDistanceKM,
Urgency: job.Urgency,
return out, nil
func addJobToGame(game *sii.Unit, job commSaveJob, routePartID int) error {
// Get company
company := game.BlockByName(job.OriginReference).(*sii.Company)
// Get cargo
cargo := baseGameUnit.BlockByName(job.CargoReference).(*sii.CargoData)
// Get trailer / truck from other jobs
var cTruck, cTV, cTD string
for _, jp := range company.JobOffer {
j := jp.Resolve().(*sii.JobOfferData)
if j.CompanyTruck.IsNull() || j.TrailerVariant.IsNull() || j.TrailerDefinition.IsNull() {
cTruck, cTV, cTD = j.CompanyTruck.Target, j.TrailerVariant.Target, j.TrailerDefinition.Target
if cTruck == "" || cTV == "" || cTD == "" {
// The company did not have any valid job offers to steal from, lets search globally
for _, jb := range game.BlocksByClass("job_offer_data") {
j := jb.(*sii.JobOfferData)
if j.CompanyTruck.IsNull() || j.TrailerVariant.IsNull() || j.TrailerDefinition.IsNull() {
cTruck, cTV, cTD = j.CompanyTruck.Target, j.TrailerVariant.Target, j.TrailerDefinition.Target
if cTruck == "" || cTV == "" || cTD == "" {
// Even in global jobs there was no proper job, this savegame looks broken
return errors.New("Was not able to find suitable trailer definition")
cargoCount := int64(job.Weight / cargo.Mass)
if cargoCount < 1 {
// Ensure cargo is transported (can happen if only small weight is
// requested and one unit weighs more than requested cargo)
cargoCount = 1
jobID := strings.Join([]string{
strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 16),
strconv.FormatInt(int64(routePartID), 16),
}, ".")
exTime := game.BlocksByClass("economy")[0].(*sii.Economy).GameTime + jobExpiryPerSegment*int64(routePartID+1)
j := &sii.JobOfferData{
// User requested job data
Target: strings.TrimPrefix(job.TargetReference, "company.volatile."),
ExpirationTime: &exTime,
Urgency: job.Urgency,
Cargo: sii.Ptr{Target: job.CargoReference},
UnitsCount: cargoCount,
ShortestDistanceKM: job.Distance,
// Some static data
FillRatio: 1, // Dunno but other jobs have it at 1, so keep for now
// Dunno where this data comes from, it works without it and gets own ones
TrailerPlace: []sii.Placement{},
// Too lazy to implement, just steal it too
CompanyTruck: sii.Ptr{Target: cTruck},
TrailerVariant: sii.Ptr{Target: cTV},
TrailerDefinition: sii.Ptr{Target: cTD},
j.Init("", jobID)
// Add the new job to the game
game.Entries = append(game.Entries, j)
company.JobOffer = append([]sii.Ptr{{Target: j.Name()}}, company.JobOffer...)
return nil
func fixPlayerTruck(unit *sii.Unit, fixType string) error {
// In call cases we need the player as the starting point
var player *sii.Player
for _, b := range unit.Entries {
if v, ok := b.(*sii.Player); ok {
player = v
if player == nil {
return errors.New("Found no player object")
// Fix truck
if fixType == fixAll || fixType == fixTruckOnly {
truck := player.AssignedTruck.Resolve().(*sii.Vehicle)
for _, pb := range truck.Accessories {
if v, ok := pb.Resolve().(*sii.VehicleAccessory); ok {
v.Wear = 0
if v, ok := pb.Resolve().(*sii.VehicleWheelAccessory); ok {
v.Wear = 0
// Fix trailer
if (fixType == fixAll || fixType == fixTrailerOnly) && player.AssignedTrailer.Resolve() != nil {
trailer := player.AssignedTrailer.Resolve().(*sii.Trailer)
for _, pb := range trailer.Accessories {
if v, ok := pb.Resolve().(*sii.VehicleAccessory); ok {
v.Wear = 0
if v, ok := pb.Resolve().(*sii.VehicleWheelAccessory); ok {
v.Wear = 0
// Fix cargo
if (fixType == fixAll || fixType == fixCargoOnly) && player.AssignedTrailer.Resolve() != nil {
trailer := player.AssignedTrailer.Resolve().(*sii.Trailer)
trailer.CargoDamage = 0
return nil
// loadSave reads game- and info- unit and returns them unmodified
func loadSave(profile, save string) (*sii.Unit, *sii.SaveContainer, error) {
var (
saveInfoPath = getSaveFilePath(profile, save, "info.sii")
saveUnitPath = getSaveFilePath(profile, save, "game.sii")
infoUnit, err := sii.ReadUnitFile(saveInfoPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to load save-info")
var info *sii.SaveContainer
for _, b := range infoUnit.Entries {
if v, ok := b.(*sii.SaveContainer); ok {
info = v
gameUnit, err := sii.ReadUnitFile(saveUnitPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, info, errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to load save-unit")
return gameUnit, info, nil
// storeSave writes game- and info- unit without checking for existance!
func storeSave(profile, save string, unit *sii.Unit, info *sii.SaveContainer) error {
var (
saveInfoPath = getSaveFilePath(profile, save, "info.sii")
saveUnitPath = getSaveFilePath(profile, save, "game.sii")
if err := os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(saveInfoPath), 0700); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to create save-dir")
if err := sii.WriteUnitFile(saveInfoPath, &sii.Unit{Entries: []sii.Block{info}}); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to write info unit")
if err := sii.WriteUnitFile(saveUnitPath, unit); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Unable to write game unit")
return nil