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Knut Ahlers 8f80d158ca
Move CLI util
Signed-off-by: Knut Ahlers <knut@ahlers.me>
2017-12-02 19:12:46 +01:00
client Move CLI util 2017-12-02 19:12:46 +01:00
server Move CLI util 2017-12-02 19:12:46 +01:00
README.md Move CLI util 2017-12-02 19:12:46 +01:00

Presigned Amazon S3 API Operation Example

This example demonstrates how you can build a client application to retrieve and upload object data from Amazon S3 without needing to know anything about Amazon S3 or have access to any AWS credentials. Only the service would have knowledge of how and where the objects are stored in Amazon S3.

The example is split into two parts server.go and client.go. These two parts simulate the client/server architecture. In this example the client will represent a third part user that will request resource URLs from the service. The service will generate presigned S3 URLs which the client can use to download and upload S3 object content.

The service supports generating presigned URLs for two S3 APIs; GetObject and PutObject. The client will request a presigned URL from the service with an object Key. In this example the value is the S3 object's key. Alternatively, you could use your own pattern with no visible relation to the S3 object's key. The server would then perform a cross reference with client provided value to one that maps to the S3 object's key.

Before using the client to upload and download S3 objects you'll need to start the service. The service will use the SDK's default credential chain to source your AWS credentials. See the Configuring Credentials section of the SDK's API Reference guide on how the SDK loads your AWS credentials.

The server requires the S3 -b bucket the presigned URLs will be generated for. A -r region is only needed if the bucket is in AWS China or AWS Gov Cloud. For buckets in AWS the server will use the s3manager.GetBucketRegion utility to lookup the bucket's region.

You should run the service in the background or in a separate terminal tab before moving onto the client.

go run -tags example server/server.go -b mybucket
> Starting Server On:

Use the --help flag to see a list of additional configuration flags, and their defaults.

Downloading an Amazon S3 Object

Use the client application to request a presigned URL from the server and use that presigned URL to download the object from S3. Calling the client with the -get key flag will do this. An optional -f filename flag can be provided as well to write the object to. If no flag is provided the object will be written to stdout

go run -tags example client/client.go -get "my-object/key" -f outputfilename

Use the --help flag to see a list of additional configuration flags, and their defaults.

The following curl request demonstrates the request the client makes to the server for the presigned URL for the my-object/key S3 object. The method query parameter lets the server know that we are requesting the GetObject's presigned URL. The method value can be GET or PUT for the GetObject or PutObject APIs.

curl -v ""

The server will respond with a JSON value. The value contains three pieces of information that the client will need to correctly make the request. First is the presigned URL. This is the URL the client will make the request to. Second is the HTTP method the request should be sent as. This is included to simplify the client's request building. Finally the response will include a list of additional headers that the client should include that the presigned request was signed with.

	"URL": "https://mybucket.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/my-object/key?<signature>",
	"Method": "GET",
	"Header": {

With this URL our client will build a HTTP request for the S3 object's data. The client.go will then write the object's data to the filename if one is provided, or to stdout of a filename is not set in the command line arguments.

Uploading a File to Amazon S3

Just like the download, uploading a file to S3 will use a presigned URL requested from the server. The resigned URL will be built into an HTTP request using the URL, Method, and Headers. The -put key flag will upload the content of -f filename or stdin if no filename is provided to S3 using a presigned URL provided by the service

go run -tags example client/client.go -put "my-object/key" -f filename

Like the download case this will make a HTTP request to the server for the presigned URL. The Server will respond with a presigned URL for S3's PutObject API operation. In addition the method query parameter the client will also include a contentLength this value instructs the server to generate the presigned PutObject request with a Content-Length header value included in the signature. This is done so the content that is uploaded by the client can only be the size the presigned request was generated for.

curl -v ""

Expanding the Example

This example provides a spring board you can use to vend presigned URLs to your clients instead of streaming the object's content through your service. This client and server example can be expanded and customized. Adding new functionality such as additional constraints the server puts on the presigned URLs like Content-Type.

In addition to adding constraints to the presigned URLs the service could be updated to obfuscate S3 object's key. Instead of the client knowing the object's key, a lookup system could be used instead. This could be substitution based, or lookup into an external data store such as DynamoDB.