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Knut Ahlers 8f80d158ca
Move CLI util
Signed-off-by: Knut Ahlers <knut@ahlers.me>
2017-12-02 19:12:46 +01:00

422 lines
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// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
package route53
const (
// ErrCodeConcurrentModification for service response error code
// "ConcurrentModification".
// Another user submitted a request to create, update, or delete the object
// at the same time that you did. Retry the request.
ErrCodeConcurrentModification = "ConcurrentModification"
// ErrCodeConflictingDomainExists for service response error code
// "ConflictingDomainExists".
// The cause of this error depends on whether you're trying to create a public
// or a private hosted zone:
// * Public hosted zone: Two hosted zones that have the same name or that
// have a parent/child relationship (example.com and test.example.com) can't
// have any common name servers. You tried to create a hosted zone that has
// the same name as an existing hosted zone or that's the parent or child
// of an existing hosted zone, and you specified a delegation set that shares
// one or more name servers with the existing hosted zone.
// * Private hosted zone: You specified an Amazon VPC that you're already
// using for another hosted zone, and the domain that you specified for one
// of the hosted zones is a subdomain of the domain that you specified for
// the other hosted zone. For example, you can't use the same Amazon VPC
// for the hosted zones for example.com and test.example.com.
ErrCodeConflictingDomainExists = "ConflictingDomainExists"
// ErrCodeConflictingTypes for service response error code
// "ConflictingTypes".
// You tried to update a traffic policy instance by using a traffic policy version
// that has a different DNS type than the current type for the instance. You
// specified the type in the JSON document in the CreateTrafficPolicy or CreateTrafficPolicyVersionrequest.
ErrCodeConflictingTypes = "ConflictingTypes"
// ErrCodeDelegationSetAlreadyCreated for service response error code
// "DelegationSetAlreadyCreated".
// A delegation set with the same owner and caller reference combination has
// already been created.
ErrCodeDelegationSetAlreadyCreated = "DelegationSetAlreadyCreated"
// ErrCodeDelegationSetAlreadyReusable for service response error code
// "DelegationSetAlreadyReusable".
// The specified delegation set has already been marked as reusable.
ErrCodeDelegationSetAlreadyReusable = "DelegationSetAlreadyReusable"
// ErrCodeDelegationSetInUse for service response error code
// "DelegationSetInUse".
// The specified delegation contains associated hosted zones which must be deleted
// before the reusable delegation set can be deleted.
ErrCodeDelegationSetInUse = "DelegationSetInUse"
// ErrCodeDelegationSetNotAvailable for service response error code
// "DelegationSetNotAvailable".
// You can create a hosted zone that has the same name as an existing hosted
// zone (example.com is common), but there is a limit to the number of hosted
// zones that have the same name. If you get this error, Amazon Route 53 has
// reached that limit. If you own the domain name and Amazon Route 53 generates
// this error, contact Customer Support.
ErrCodeDelegationSetNotAvailable = "DelegationSetNotAvailable"
// ErrCodeDelegationSetNotReusable for service response error code
// "DelegationSetNotReusable".
// A reusable delegation set with the specified ID does not exist.
ErrCodeDelegationSetNotReusable = "DelegationSetNotReusable"
// ErrCodeHealthCheckAlreadyExists for service response error code
// "HealthCheckAlreadyExists".
// The health check you're attempting to create already exists. Amazon Route
// 53 returns this error when you submit a request that has the following values:
// * The same value for CallerReference as an existing health check, and
// one or more values that differ from the existing health check that has
// the same caller reference.
// * The same value for CallerReference as a health check that you created
// and later deleted, regardless of the other settings in the request.
ErrCodeHealthCheckAlreadyExists = "HealthCheckAlreadyExists"
// ErrCodeHealthCheckInUse for service response error code
// "HealthCheckInUse".
// This error code is not in use.
ErrCodeHealthCheckInUse = "HealthCheckInUse"
// ErrCodeHealthCheckVersionMismatch for service response error code
// "HealthCheckVersionMismatch".
// The value of HealthCheckVersion in the request doesn't match the value of
// HealthCheckVersion in the health check.
ErrCodeHealthCheckVersionMismatch = "HealthCheckVersionMismatch"
// ErrCodeHostedZoneAlreadyExists for service response error code
// "HostedZoneAlreadyExists".
// The hosted zone you're trying to create already exists. Amazon Route 53 returns
// this error when a hosted zone has already been created with the specified
// CallerReference.
ErrCodeHostedZoneAlreadyExists = "HostedZoneAlreadyExists"
// ErrCodeHostedZoneNotEmpty for service response error code
// "HostedZoneNotEmpty".
// The hosted zone contains resource records that are not SOA or NS records.
ErrCodeHostedZoneNotEmpty = "HostedZoneNotEmpty"
// ErrCodeHostedZoneNotFound for service response error code
// "HostedZoneNotFound".
// The specified HostedZone can't be found.
ErrCodeHostedZoneNotFound = "HostedZoneNotFound"
// ErrCodeHostedZoneNotPrivate for service response error code
// "HostedZoneNotPrivate".
// The specified hosted zone is a public hosted zone, not a private hosted zone.
ErrCodeHostedZoneNotPrivate = "HostedZoneNotPrivate"
// ErrCodeIncompatibleVersion for service response error code
// "IncompatibleVersion".
// The resource you're trying to access is unsupported on this Amazon Route
// 53 endpoint.
ErrCodeIncompatibleVersion = "IncompatibleVersion"
// ErrCodeInsufficientCloudWatchLogsResourcePolicy for service response error code
// "InsufficientCloudWatchLogsResourcePolicy".
// Amazon Route 53 doesn't have the permissions required to create log streams
// and send query logs to log streams. Possible causes include the following:
// * There is no resource policy that specifies the log group ARN in the
// value for Resource.
// * The resource policy that includes the log group ARN in the value for
// Resource doesn't have the necessary permissions.
// * The resource policy hasn't finished propagating yet.
ErrCodeInsufficientCloudWatchLogsResourcePolicy = "InsufficientCloudWatchLogsResourcePolicy"
// ErrCodeInvalidArgument for service response error code
// "InvalidArgument".
// Parameter name is invalid.
ErrCodeInvalidArgument = "InvalidArgument"
// ErrCodeInvalidChangeBatch for service response error code
// "InvalidChangeBatch".
// This exception contains a list of messages that might contain one or more
// error messages. Each error message indicates one error in the change batch.
ErrCodeInvalidChangeBatch = "InvalidChangeBatch"
// ErrCodeInvalidDomainName for service response error code
// "InvalidDomainName".
// The specified domain name is not valid.
ErrCodeInvalidDomainName = "InvalidDomainName"
// ErrCodeInvalidInput for service response error code
// "InvalidInput".
// The input is not valid.
ErrCodeInvalidInput = "InvalidInput"
// ErrCodeInvalidPaginationToken for service response error code
// "InvalidPaginationToken".
// The value that you specified to get the second or subsequent page of results
// is invalid.
ErrCodeInvalidPaginationToken = "InvalidPaginationToken"
// ErrCodeInvalidTrafficPolicyDocument for service response error code
// "InvalidTrafficPolicyDocument".
// The format of the traffic policy document that you specified in the Document
// element is invalid.
ErrCodeInvalidTrafficPolicyDocument = "InvalidTrafficPolicyDocument"
// ErrCodeInvalidVPCId for service response error code
// "InvalidVPCId".
// The VPC ID that you specified either isn't a valid ID or the current account
// is not authorized to access this VPC.
ErrCodeInvalidVPCId = "InvalidVPCId"
// ErrCodeLastVPCAssociation for service response error code
// "LastVPCAssociation".
// The VPC that you're trying to disassociate from the private hosted zone is
// the last VPC that is associated with the hosted zone. Amazon Route 53 doesn't
// support disassociating the last VPC from a hosted zone.
ErrCodeLastVPCAssociation = "LastVPCAssociation"
// ErrCodeLimitsExceeded for service response error code
// "LimitsExceeded".
// This operation can't be completed either because the current account has
// reached the limit on reusable delegation sets that it can create or because
// you've reached the limit on the number of Amazon VPCs that you can associate
// with a private hosted zone. To get the current limit on the number of reusable
// delegation sets, see GetAccountLimit. To get the current limit on the number
// of Amazon VPCs that you can associate with a private hosted zone, see GetHostedZoneLimit.
// To request a higher limit, create a case (http://aws.amazon.com/route53-request)
// with the AWS Support Center.
ErrCodeLimitsExceeded = "LimitsExceeded"
// ErrCodeNoSuchChange for service response error code
// "NoSuchChange".
// A change with the specified change ID does not exist.
ErrCodeNoSuchChange = "NoSuchChange"
// ErrCodeNoSuchCloudWatchLogsLogGroup for service response error code
// "NoSuchCloudWatchLogsLogGroup".
// There is no CloudWatch Logs log group with the specified ARN.
ErrCodeNoSuchCloudWatchLogsLogGroup = "NoSuchCloudWatchLogsLogGroup"
// ErrCodeNoSuchDelegationSet for service response error code
// "NoSuchDelegationSet".
// A reusable delegation set with the specified ID does not exist.
ErrCodeNoSuchDelegationSet = "NoSuchDelegationSet"
// ErrCodeNoSuchGeoLocation for service response error code
// "NoSuchGeoLocation".
// Amazon Route 53 doesn't support the specified geolocation.
ErrCodeNoSuchGeoLocation = "NoSuchGeoLocation"
// ErrCodeNoSuchHealthCheck for service response error code
// "NoSuchHealthCheck".
// No health check exists with the ID that you specified in the DeleteHealthCheck
// request.
ErrCodeNoSuchHealthCheck = "NoSuchHealthCheck"
// ErrCodeNoSuchHostedZone for service response error code
// "NoSuchHostedZone".
// No hosted zone exists with the ID that you specified.
ErrCodeNoSuchHostedZone = "NoSuchHostedZone"
// ErrCodeNoSuchQueryLoggingConfig for service response error code
// "NoSuchQueryLoggingConfig".
// There is no DNS query logging configuration with the specified ID.
ErrCodeNoSuchQueryLoggingConfig = "NoSuchQueryLoggingConfig"
// ErrCodeNoSuchTrafficPolicy for service response error code
// "NoSuchTrafficPolicy".
// No traffic policy exists with the specified ID.
ErrCodeNoSuchTrafficPolicy = "NoSuchTrafficPolicy"
// ErrCodeNoSuchTrafficPolicyInstance for service response error code
// "NoSuchTrafficPolicyInstance".
// No traffic policy instance exists with the specified ID.
ErrCodeNoSuchTrafficPolicyInstance = "NoSuchTrafficPolicyInstance"
// ErrCodeNotAuthorizedException for service response error code
// "NotAuthorizedException".
// Associating the specified VPC with the specified hosted zone has not been
// authorized.
ErrCodeNotAuthorizedException = "NotAuthorizedException"
// ErrCodePriorRequestNotComplete for service response error code
// "PriorRequestNotComplete".
// If Amazon Route 53 can't process a request before the next request arrives,
// it will reject subsequent requests for the same hosted zone and return an
// HTTP 400 error (Bad request). If Amazon Route 53 returns this error repeatedly
// for the same request, we recommend that you wait, in intervals of increasing
// duration, before you try the request again.
ErrCodePriorRequestNotComplete = "PriorRequestNotComplete"
// ErrCodePublicZoneVPCAssociation for service response error code
// "PublicZoneVPCAssociation".
// You're trying to associate a VPC with a public hosted zone. Amazon Route
// 53 doesn't support associating a VPC with a public hosted zone.
ErrCodePublicZoneVPCAssociation = "PublicZoneVPCAssociation"
// ErrCodeQueryLoggingConfigAlreadyExists for service response error code
// "QueryLoggingConfigAlreadyExists".
// You can create only one query logging configuration for a hosted zone, and
// a query logging configuration already exists for this hosted zone.
ErrCodeQueryLoggingConfigAlreadyExists = "QueryLoggingConfigAlreadyExists"
// ErrCodeThrottlingException for service response error code
// "ThrottlingException".
// The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
ErrCodeThrottlingException = "ThrottlingException"
// ErrCodeTooManyHealthChecks for service response error code
// "TooManyHealthChecks".
// This health check can't be created because the current account has reached
// the limit on the number of active health checks.
// For information about default limits, see Limits (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/DNSLimitations.html)
// in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.
// For information about how to get the current limit for an account, see GetAccountLimit.
// To request a higher limit, create a case (http://aws.amazon.com/route53-request)
// with the AWS Support Center.
// You have reached the maximum number of active health checks for an AWS account.
// To request a higher limit, create a case (http://aws.amazon.com/route53-request)
// with the AWS Support Center.
ErrCodeTooManyHealthChecks = "TooManyHealthChecks"
// ErrCodeTooManyHostedZones for service response error code
// "TooManyHostedZones".
// This operation can't be completed either because the current account has
// reached the limit on the number of hosted zones or because you've reached
// the limit on the number of hosted zones that can be associated with a reusable
// delegation set.
// For information about default limits, see Limits (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/DNSLimitations.html)
// in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.
// To get the current limit on hosted zones that can be created by an account,
// see GetAccountLimit.
// To get the current limit on hosted zones that can be associated with a reusable
// delegation set, see GetReusableDelegationSetLimit.
// To request a higher limit, create a case (http://aws.amazon.com/route53-request)
// with the AWS Support Center.
ErrCodeTooManyHostedZones = "TooManyHostedZones"
// ErrCodeTooManyTrafficPolicies for service response error code
// "TooManyTrafficPolicies".
// This traffic policy can't be created because the current account has reached
// the limit on the number of traffic policies.
// For information about default limits, see Limits (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/DNSLimitations.html)
// in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.
// To get the current limit for an account, see GetAccountLimit.
// To request a higher limit, create a case (http://aws.amazon.com/route53-request)
// with the AWS Support Center.
ErrCodeTooManyTrafficPolicies = "TooManyTrafficPolicies"
// ErrCodeTooManyTrafficPolicyInstances for service response error code
// "TooManyTrafficPolicyInstances".
// This traffic policy instance can't be created because the current account
// has reached the limit on the number of traffic policy instances.
// For information about default limits, see Limits (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/DNSLimitations.html)
// in the Amazon Route 53 Developer Guide.
// For information about how to get the current limit for an account, see GetAccountLimit.
// To request a higher limit, create a case (http://aws.amazon.com/route53-request)
// with the AWS Support Center.
ErrCodeTooManyTrafficPolicyInstances = "TooManyTrafficPolicyInstances"
// ErrCodeTooManyVPCAssociationAuthorizations for service response error code
// "TooManyVPCAssociationAuthorizations".
// You've created the maximum number of authorizations that can be created for
// the specified hosted zone. To authorize another VPC to be associated with
// the hosted zone, submit a DeleteVPCAssociationAuthorization request to remove
// an existing authorization. To get a list of existing authorizations, submit
// a ListVPCAssociationAuthorizations request.
ErrCodeTooManyVPCAssociationAuthorizations = "TooManyVPCAssociationAuthorizations"
// ErrCodeTrafficPolicyAlreadyExists for service response error code
// "TrafficPolicyAlreadyExists".
// A traffic policy that has the same value for Name already exists.
ErrCodeTrafficPolicyAlreadyExists = "TrafficPolicyAlreadyExists"
// ErrCodeTrafficPolicyInUse for service response error code
// "TrafficPolicyInUse".
// One or more traffic policy instances were created by using the specified
// traffic policy.
ErrCodeTrafficPolicyInUse = "TrafficPolicyInUse"
// ErrCodeTrafficPolicyInstanceAlreadyExists for service response error code
// "TrafficPolicyInstanceAlreadyExists".
// There is already a traffic policy instance with the specified ID.
ErrCodeTrafficPolicyInstanceAlreadyExists = "TrafficPolicyInstanceAlreadyExists"
// ErrCodeVPCAssociationAuthorizationNotFound for service response error code
// "VPCAssociationAuthorizationNotFound".
// The VPC that you specified is not authorized to be associated with the hosted
// zone.
ErrCodeVPCAssociationAuthorizationNotFound = "VPCAssociationAuthorizationNotFound"
// ErrCodeVPCAssociationNotFound for service response error code
// "VPCAssociationNotFound".
// The specified VPC and hosted zone are not currently associated.
ErrCodeVPCAssociationNotFound = "VPCAssociationNotFound"