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Knut Ahlers 8f80d158ca
Move CLI util
Signed-off-by: Knut Ahlers <knut@ahlers.me>
2017-12-02 19:12:46 +01:00

163 lines
6.9 KiB

// Code generated by private/model/cli/gen-api/main.go. DO NOT EDIT.
package lambda
const (
// ErrCodeCodeStorageExceededException for service response error code
// "CodeStorageExceededException".
// You have exceeded your maximum total code size per account. Limits (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/limits.html)
ErrCodeCodeStorageExceededException = "CodeStorageExceededException"
// ErrCodeEC2AccessDeniedException for service response error code
// "EC2AccessDeniedException".
ErrCodeEC2AccessDeniedException = "EC2AccessDeniedException"
// ErrCodeEC2ThrottledException for service response error code
// "EC2ThrottledException".
// AWS Lambda was throttled by Amazon EC2 during Lambda function initialization
// using the execution role provided for the Lambda function.
ErrCodeEC2ThrottledException = "EC2ThrottledException"
// ErrCodeEC2UnexpectedException for service response error code
// "EC2UnexpectedException".
// AWS Lambda received an unexpected EC2 client exception while setting up for
// the Lambda function.
ErrCodeEC2UnexpectedException = "EC2UnexpectedException"
// ErrCodeENILimitReachedException for service response error code
// "ENILimitReachedException".
// AWS Lambda was not able to create an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) in the
// VPC, specified as part of Lambda function configuration, because the limit
// for network interfaces has been reached.
ErrCodeENILimitReachedException = "ENILimitReachedException"
// ErrCodeInvalidParameterValueException for service response error code
// "InvalidParameterValueException".
// One of the parameters in the request is invalid. For example, if you provided
// an IAM role for AWS Lambda to assume in the CreateFunction or the UpdateFunctionConfiguration
// API, that AWS Lambda is unable to assume you will get this exception.
ErrCodeInvalidParameterValueException = "InvalidParameterValueException"
// ErrCodeInvalidRequestContentException for service response error code
// "InvalidRequestContentException".
// The request body could not be parsed as JSON.
ErrCodeInvalidRequestContentException = "InvalidRequestContentException"
// ErrCodeInvalidRuntimeException for service response error code
// "InvalidRuntimeException".
// The runtime or runtime version specified is not supported.
ErrCodeInvalidRuntimeException = "InvalidRuntimeException"
// ErrCodeInvalidSecurityGroupIDException for service response error code
// "InvalidSecurityGroupIDException".
// The Security Group ID provided in the Lambda function VPC configuration is
// invalid.
ErrCodeInvalidSecurityGroupIDException = "InvalidSecurityGroupIDException"
// ErrCodeInvalidSubnetIDException for service response error code
// "InvalidSubnetIDException".
// The Subnet ID provided in the Lambda function VPC configuration is invalid.
ErrCodeInvalidSubnetIDException = "InvalidSubnetIDException"
// ErrCodeInvalidZipFileException for service response error code
// "InvalidZipFileException".
// AWS Lambda could not unzip the function zip file.
ErrCodeInvalidZipFileException = "InvalidZipFileException"
// ErrCodeKMSAccessDeniedException for service response error code
// "KMSAccessDeniedException".
// Lambda was unable to decrypt the environment variables because KMS access
// was denied. Check the Lambda function's KMS permissions.
ErrCodeKMSAccessDeniedException = "KMSAccessDeniedException"
// ErrCodeKMSDisabledException for service response error code
// "KMSDisabledException".
// Lambda was unable to decrypt the environment variables because the KMS key
// used is disabled. Check the Lambda function's KMS key settings.
ErrCodeKMSDisabledException = "KMSDisabledException"
// ErrCodeKMSInvalidStateException for service response error code
// "KMSInvalidStateException".
// Lambda was unable to decrypt the environment variables because the KMS key
// used is in an invalid state for Decrypt. Check the function's KMS key settings.
ErrCodeKMSInvalidStateException = "KMSInvalidStateException"
// ErrCodeKMSNotFoundException for service response error code
// "KMSNotFoundException".
// Lambda was unable to decrypt the environment variables because the KMS key
// was not found. Check the function's KMS key settings.
ErrCodeKMSNotFoundException = "KMSNotFoundException"
// ErrCodePolicyLengthExceededException for service response error code
// "PolicyLengthExceededException".
// Lambda function access policy is limited to 20 KB.
ErrCodePolicyLengthExceededException = "PolicyLengthExceededException"
// ErrCodeRequestTooLargeException for service response error code
// "RequestTooLargeException".
// The request payload exceeded the Invoke request body JSON input limit. For
// more information, see Limits (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/limits.html).
ErrCodeRequestTooLargeException = "RequestTooLargeException"
// ErrCodeResourceConflictException for service response error code
// "ResourceConflictException".
// The resource already exists.
ErrCodeResourceConflictException = "ResourceConflictException"
// ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException for service response error code
// "ResourceNotFoundException".
// The resource (for example, a Lambda function or access policy statement)
// specified in the request does not exist.
ErrCodeResourceNotFoundException = "ResourceNotFoundException"
// ErrCodeServiceException for service response error code
// "ServiceException".
// The AWS Lambda service encountered an internal error.
ErrCodeServiceException = "ServiceException"
// ErrCodeSubnetIPAddressLimitReachedException for service response error code
// "SubnetIPAddressLimitReachedException".
// AWS Lambda was not able to set up VPC access for the Lambda function because
// one or more configured subnets has no available IP addresses.
ErrCodeSubnetIPAddressLimitReachedException = "SubnetIPAddressLimitReachedException"
// ErrCodeTooManyRequestsException for service response error code
// "TooManyRequestsException".
// You will get this exception for the following reasons. ConcurrentInvocationLimitExceeded
// is returned if you have no functions with reserved-concurrency and have exceeded
// your account concurrent limit or if a function without reserved concurrency
// exceeds the account's unreserved concurrency limit. ReservedFunctionConcurrentInvocationLimitExceeded
// is returned when a function with reserved concurrency exceeds its configured
// concurrent limit. CallerRateLimitExceeded is returned when your account limit
// is exceeded and you have not reserved concurrency on any function. For more
// information, see concurrent-executions
ErrCodeTooManyRequestsException = "TooManyRequestsException"
// ErrCodeUnsupportedMediaTypeException for service response error code
// "UnsupportedMediaTypeException".
// The content type of the Invoke request body is not JSON.
ErrCodeUnsupportedMediaTypeException = "UnsupportedMediaTypeException"