`share` is a small replacement I wrote for sharing my files through external services like CloudApp using Amazon S3. Files are uploaded using this utility into S3 and previewed (if supported) using the included frontend.
You can specify where in the bucket the file should be stored and how it should be named by passing the `--file-template` parameter. It takes a Go template with these placeholders:
-`{{ .Ext }}` - The extension of the file (including the leading dot, i.e. `.txt`)
-`{{ .FileName }}` - The original filename without changes (i.e. `my video.mp4`)
-`{{ .Hash }}` - The SHA1 hash of the file content
-`{{ .SafeFileName }}` - URL-safe version of the filename (i.e. `my-video.mp4`)
-`{{ .UUID }}` - Random UUIDv4 to be used within the URL to make it hard to guess