# Luzifer / rust-server This repository contains a Docker setup for [Linux Game Server Managers](https://gameservermanagers.com/) [Rust](http://playrust.com/) management script. ## How to use - Choose a directory which will be used to persist downloaded gameserver data, maps, player data, ... (Needs ~6GB disk-space) This README will use `/data/rust` as chosen directory. So replace that one with your choice in all commands. - Execute `chown 1000:1000 /data/rust` to enable the unprivileged user in the container to write into that directory - Do a first installation of the server: (This will require quite a time as it downloads a 5.8GB gameserver) `docker run --rm -ti -v /data/rust:/home/rustserver --name rust luzifer/rust-server auto-install` - Edit `/data/rust/rustserver` script and exchange RCON password and other configuration variables - Edit `/data/rust/serverfiles/server/rust-server/cfg/server.cfg` and set the description, image and URL of your server - Start your server: ``` docker run -d -p 28015:28015/udp -p 28016:28016 \ -v /data/rust:/home/rustserver --name rust \ luzifer/rust-server start ``` - To stop the server I recommend using the RCON console and the command `quit`. This will ensure the server has created a proper savegame. - To update the server stop it and afterwards execute the update: `docker run --rm -ti -v /data/rust:/home/rustserver luzifer/rust-server update`