sudo: false language: go go: - 1.9.x - 1.8.x - 1.7.x - master matrix: allow_failures: - go: master fast_finish: true env: secure: "IrnPmy/rkIP6Nrbqji+u7MCAibQlA6WvPLEllmDQ2yZP/uIe3wLwwYbTu9BOkgzoLA+f8PA6u3pp/RhY/rtaM4NzHAO2nVfGIv9UHUQ3NGq0DYS6rODjVKhq7vkhELoagRewyqFVN4rE0LnExkknRMgjQfRke6/DA7u7Xm8JyhY=" # COVERALLS_TOKEN install: - go get - go get - # Do not install go-github yet, since we want it to happen inside the script step. script: - go get -t -v ./... - diff -u <(echo -n) <(gofmt -d -s .) - go generate -x ./... && git diff --exit-code; code=$?; git checkout -- .; (exit $code) # Check that go generate ./... produces a zero diff; clean up any changes afterwards. - go tool vet . - go test -v -race ./... - go test -v -tags=integration -run=^$ ./test/integration # Check that integration test builds successfully, but don't run any of the tests (they hit live GitHub API). # Generate test coverage report. This must be after all other tests. #- rm github/github-accessors.go # exclude generated code #- go test -v -covermode=count -coverprofile=coverage.out ./github #- $HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -coverprofile=coverage.out -service=travis-ci -repotoken $COVERALLS_TOKEN