package main // import "" import ( "crypto/x509" "fmt" "log" "net/http" "net/url" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" ) var ( config = struct { Debug bool `flag:"debug" default:"false" description:"Output debugging data"` ExpireWarning string `flag:"expire-warning" default:"744h" description:"When to warn about a soon expiring certificate"` Probes []string `flag:"probe" default:"" description:"URLs to check for certificate issues"` expireWarning time.Duration }{} version = "dev" probeMonitors = map[string]*probeMonitor{} ) type probeMonitor struct { IsValid prometheus.Gauge `json:"-"` Expires prometheus.Gauge `json:"-"` Status probeResult Certificate *x509.Certificate } type redirectFoundError struct{} func (r redirectFoundError) Error() string { return "Found a redirect." } func init() { var err error rconfig.Parse(&config) config.expireWarning, err = time.ParseDuration(config.ExpireWarning) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("You need to specify a valid expire-warning: %s", err) } } func main() { http.DefaultClient.CheckRedirect = func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error { return redirectFoundError{} } registerProbes() refreshCertificateStatus() fmt.Printf("PromCertcheck %s...\nStarting to listen on\n", version) c := cron.New() c.AddFunc("0 0 * * * *", refreshCertificateStatus) c.Start() r := mux.NewRouter() r.Handle("/metrics", prometheus.Handler()) r.HandleFunc("/", htmlHandler) r.HandleFunc("/results.json", jsonHandler) http.ListenAndServe(":3000", r) } func registerProbes() { for _, probe := range config.Probes { probeURL, _ := url.Parse(probe) monitors := &probeMonitor{} monitors.Expires = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: "certcheck_expires", Help: "Expiration date in unix timestamp (UTC)", ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{ "host": probeURL.Host, }, }) monitors.IsValid = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: "certcheck_valid", Help: "Validity of the certificate (0/1)", ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{ "host": probeURL.Host, }, }) prometheus.MustRegister(monitors.Expires) prometheus.MustRegister(monitors.IsValid) probeMonitors[probeURL.Host] = monitors } } func refreshCertificateStatus() { for _, probe := range config.Probes { probeURL, _ := url.Parse(probe) verificationResult, verifyCert := checkCertificate(probeURL) if config.Debug { fmt.Printf("---\nProbe: %s\nResult: %s\n", probeURL.Host, verificationResult, ) if verifyCert != nil { fmt.Printf("Version: %d\nSerial: %d\nSubject: %s\nExpires: %s\nIssuer: %s\nAlt Names: %s\n", verifyCert.Version, verifyCert.SerialNumber, verifyCert.Subject.CommonName, verifyCert.NotAfter, verifyCert.Issuer.CommonName, strings.Join(verifyCert.DNSNames, ", "), ) } } if verifyCert != nil { probeMonitors[probeURL.Host].Expires.Set(float64(verifyCert.NotAfter.UTC().Unix())) } switch verificationResult { case certificateExpiresSoon, certificateOK: probeMonitors[probeURL.Host].IsValid.Set(1) case certificateInvalid, certificateNotFound: probeMonitors[probeURL.Host].IsValid.Set(0) default: probeMonitors[probeURL.Host].IsValid.Set(0) } probeMonitors[probeURL.Host].Status = verificationResult probeMonitors[probeURL.Host].Certificate = verifyCert } } func inSlice(slice []string, needle string) bool { for _, i := range slice { if i == needle { return true } } return false }