const allUsersURI = '' const dateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss' const defaultCacheControl = 'no-cache' // showAlert creates an alert message and displays it function showAlert(type, msg, timeout = 0, actions = {}) { let alrt = $(`
`) for (let key in actions) { let lnk = $(`${key}`) lnk.bind('click', (e) => { actions[key]() $('.alert').alert('close') return false }) lnk.appendTo(alrt) } alrt.appendTo($('#errorDisplay')) if (timeout > 0) { window.setTimeout(() => alrt.alert('close'), timeout) } } // deleteFile removes the specified file from the AWS bucket function deleteFile(filename) { let s3 = new AWS.S3() s3.deleteObject({ Bucket: window.past3_config.bucket, Key: getFilePrefix() + filename, }, fileActionCallback) window.localStorage.removeItem(filename) } // error displays the error in the frontend function error(err) { showAlert('danger', err, 0) } // fileActionCallback is used to trigger a reload of the file list function fileActionCallback(err, data) { if (err) { return error(err) } listFiles() } // filenameInput is the callback for changes in the filename function filenameInput(e) { updateFileURL() } // formatDate formats a Date() object into iso-like format function formatDate(src) { return moment(src).format(dateFormat) } // getAWSCredentials retrieves AWS credentials via Cognito using the Google ID Token function getAWSCredentials(googleIDToken) { AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({ IdentityPoolId: window.past3_config.identity_pool_id, Logins: { '': googleIDToken, } }) AWS.config.credentials.get(() => { $('#signin').modal('hide') listFiles() $(window).trigger('hashchange') }) } // getCurrentFileListEntry returns the element of the currently loaded file list entry function getCurrentFileListEntry() { let filename = $('#filename').val() let resp = null $(".file-list-item").each((idx, e) => { if ($(e).data('file') === filename) { resp = $(e) } }) return resp } // getFile retrieves an object from the bucket and loads it into the editor function getFile(filename) { let s3 = new AWS.S3() s3.getObject({ Bucket: window.past3_config.bucket, Key: getFilePrefix() + filename, ResponseCacheControl: defaultCacheControl, }, loadFileIntoEditor) // Check whether the file is public s3.getObjectAcl({ Bucket: window.past3_config.bucket, Key: getFilePrefix() + filename, }, (err, data) => { if (err) return error(err) for (let grant of data.Grants) { if (grant.Grantee.Type == "Group" && grant.Grantee.URI == allUsersURI) { $('#acl').data('public', true) return updateFileURL() } } $('#acl').data('public', false) return updateFileURL() }) $('#filename').val(filename) updateFileURL() } // getFilePrefix retrieves the file prefix using the Cognito identityId function getFilePrefix() { let s3 = new AWS.S3() return `${s3.config.credentials.identityId}/` } // getMimeType uses CodeMirror mime guessing to get the mime type of // the file and falls back to txt if none is found function getMimeType(filename) { let name_parts = filename.split('.') let ext = name_parts[name_parts.length - 1] let mime = CodeMirror.findModeByExtension(ext) if (mime === undefined) { mime = CodeMirror.findModeByExtension('txt') } return mime } // getPublicURL returns the public URL of the file. If the file is private and // the signed parameter is set to true a presigned URL will be created function getPublicURL(signed = false) { let pub = $('#acl').data('public') let filename = $('#filename').val() if (pub) { return window.past3_config.base_url + getFilePrefix() + filename } if (signed) { let s3 = new AWS.S3() return s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', { Bucket: window.past3_config.bucket, Expires: window.past3_config.private_share_expiry, Key: getFilePrefix() + filename, }) } return 'File is private, no URL available' } // info displays the info in the frontend function info(msg) { showAlert('info', msg, 10000) } // init initializes the interface with its listeners function init() { // Show sign-in modal $('#signin').modal({ backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false, }) // Configure AWS and CodeMirror AWS.config.region = window.past3_config.region CodeMirror.modeURL = '' // Initialize the editor window.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById('editor'), { extraKeys: { Tab: (cm) => cm.replaceSelection(Array(cm.getOption("indentUnit") + 1).join(" ")), }, lineNumbers: true, viewportMargin: 25, }) window.editor.setSize(null, '100%') window.editor.on('change', (cm, change) => { if (change.origin === 'setValue') { // Do not cache file when a set was done return } // Store a local copy let filename = $('#filename').val() if (filename !== '') { window.localStorage.setItem(filename, JSON.stringify({ date: new Date(), text: btoa(cm.getValue()), })) } let cf = getCurrentFileListEntry() if (cf) cf.find('i').removeClass('fa-file').addClass('fa-file-upload') }) $('#acl').data('public', window.past3_config.default_public) // Set up bindings $('#acl').bind('click', (e) => { let el = $('public', !'public')) updateFileURL() return false }) $('#filename').bind('input', filenameInput) $('#newFile').bind('click', () => { $('#filename').val('') $('#file-url').val('n/a') window.editor.setValue('') $('.file-list-item').removeClass('active') }) $('#saveFile').bind('click', () => { let filename = $('#filename').val() let content = $('#editor').val() saveFile(filename, content) }) $('#deleteFile').bind('click', () => deleteFile($('#filename').val())) $('#file-url').bind('click', (e) => $( $(window).bind('hashchange', () => { if (window.location.hash.length > 1) { let filename = window.location.hash.substring(1) getFile(filename) $('.file-list-item').removeClass('active') let cf = getCurrentFileListEntry() if (cf) cf.addClass('active') } }) $(window).bind('keydown', (e) => { if ((e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode == 83) { // cmd + s / ctrl + s $('#saveFile').trigger('click') e.preventDefault() return false } if ((e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode == 78) { // cmd + n / ctrl + n $('#newFile').trigger('click') e.preventDefault() return false } if ((e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode == 82) { // cmd + r / ctrl + r listFiles() e.preventDefault() return false } if ((e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.keyCode == 76) { // cmd + l / ctrl + l $('#acl').trigger('click') e.preventDefault() return false } }) new ClipboardJS('#copyURL', { text: () => { return getPublicURL(true) } }) } // listFiles triggers a reload of the file list function listFiles() { let s3 = new AWS.S3() s3.listObjects({ Bucket: window.past3_config.bucket, Prefix: getFilePrefix(), }, loadFileList) } // loadFileIntoEditor sets the editor content function loadFileIntoEditor(err, data) { if (err) { return error(err) } let lastModified = new Date(data.LastModified) let cached = window.localStorage.getItem($('#filename').val()) if (cached !== null) { let cd = JSON.parse(cached) let cdChange = new Date( if (lastModified < cdChange) { window.editor.setValue(atob(cd.text)) showAlert('info', `Recovered working copy stored ${formatDate(cdChange)}`, 10000, { 'Dismiss working copy': () => { window.localStorage.removeItem($('#filename').val()) getFile($('#filename').val()) listFiles() return false }, }) return } } window.editor.setValue(String(data.Body)) } // loadFileList re-renders the file list from the AWS bucket list response function loadFileList(err, data) { if (err) { return error(err) } $('.file-list-item').remove() for (let obj of data.Contents) { let key = obj.Key.replace(getFilePrefix(), '') let fileIcon = 'file-alt' if (window.localStorage.getItem(key) !== null) { fileIcon = 'file-upload' } else if (obj.Size === 0) { fileIcon = 'file' } let li = $(` ${key}`)'file', key) let badge = $(`${formatDate(obj.LastModified)}`) badge.appendTo(li) if (key === $('#filename').val()) { li.addClass('active') } li.appendTo($('#fileList')) } } // refreshGoogleLogin triggers a refresh of the Google token function refreshGoogleLogin() { console.log("Refreshing Google login / AWS credentials to keep editor working") gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().currentUser.get().reloadAuthResponse() .then((data) => getAWSCredentials(data.id_token)) } // renderButton displays the sign-in with Google button function renderButton() { gapi.signin2.render('signInButton', { 'scope': 'profile email', 'width': 240, 'height': 30, 'longtitle': true, 'theme': 'dark', 'onsuccess': signinCallback, }) } // saveFile saves the editor content into the S3 bucket function saveFile(filename, content) { let mime = getMimeType(filename) let pub = $('#acl').data('public') let s3 = new AWS.S3() s3.putObject({ ACL: pub ? 'public-read' : 'private', Body: content, Bucket: window.past3_config.bucket, ContentType: mime.mime, Key: getFilePrefix() + filename, ServerSideEncryption: 'AES256', }, saveFileCallback) } // saveFileCallback is triggered after a file save and removes the local copy of the file function saveFileCallback(err, data) { if (err) { return error(err) } window.localStorage.removeItem($('#filename').val()) fileActionCallback(err, data) } // setEditorMime updates the mime type of the file content loaded into the editor function setEditorMime(filename) { if (window.mime_detect) { window.clearTimeout(window.mime_detect) } window.mime_detect = window.setTimeout(() => { let autoMime = getMimeType(filename) window.editor.setOption('mode', autoMime.mime) CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(window.editor, autoMime.mode) }, 100) } // signinCallback is triggered by the Google sign-in button function signinCallback(authResult) { if (authResult.Zi.id_token) { getAWSCredentials(authResult.Zi.id_token) window.past3_credential_refresh = window.setInterval(() => { if (new Date(AWS.config.credentials.expireTime - 300000) < new Date()) { refreshGoogleLogin() } }, 10000) } } // updateFileURL sets the public URL of the file and adjusts the ACL button function updateFileURL() { let pub = $('#acl').data('public') let filename = $('#filename').val() setEditorMime(filename) $('#file-url').val(getPublicURL(false)) if (pub) { $('#acl').find('i').removeClass('fa-unlock').addClass('fa-lock') } else { $('#acl').find('i').removeClass('fa-lock').addClass('fa-unlock') } } // Initialize app on document ready $(() => init())