bundleid me.knut.pwd category Tools connections F8CBCF9B-3B33-400E-B6AD-6B8500938BA4 destinationuid F417810A-4CC7-4844-9B6E-DA2D6B40543C modifiers 0 modifiersubtext createdby Knut Ahlers description Generate secure passwords using Luzifer/password tool disabled name Password Generator objects config autopaste clipboardtext {query} type alfred.workflow.output.clipboard uid F417810A-4CC7-4844-9B6E-DA2D6B40543C version 0 config argumenttype 1 escaping 0 keyword pwd queuedelaycustom 1 queuedelayimmediatelyinitially queuedelaymode 0 queuemode 1 runningsubtext Generating password... script import subprocess, sys from feedback import Feedback password_length = 20 use_special = False for arg in '{query}'.split(): if arg.isdigit(): password_length = int(arg) elif arg == 's': use_special = True if password_length < 5 or password_length > 128: fb = Feedback() fb.add_item(title="Password length out of bounds", subtitle="Please use a reasonable password length between 5 and 128") print fb sys.exit(1) command = ["./password", "get", "-l", str(password_length)] if use_special: command.append("-s") result = subprocess.check_output(command).strip() fb = Feedback() fb.add_item(title=result, arg=result) print fb subtext Generates a secure password with <n> length title Password Generator type 3 withspace type alfred.workflow.input.scriptfilter uid F8CBCF9B-3B33-400E-B6AD-6B8500938BA4 version 0 readme uidata F417810A-4CC7-4844-9B6E-DA2D6B40543C ypos 170 F8CBCF9B-3B33-400E-B6AD-6B8500938BA4 ypos 170 webaddress https://github.com/Luzifer/password