Knut Ahlers dd40078301
[ci] Add GHCR publishing
Signed-off-by: Knut Ahlers <knut@ahlers.me>
2024-03-02 11:14:14 +01:00

28 lines
1.4 KiB

# Template to format the commit message containing the changelog change
# which will be used to add the tag to.
release_commit_message: "Release: OTS {{.Version}}"
# Commands to run before committing the changelog and adding the tag.
# Therefore these can add content to be included into the release-
# commit. These commands have access to the `TAG_VERSION` variable
# which contains the tag to be applied after the commit. If the
# command specified here is prefixed with a `-` sign, the exit status
# will not fail the release process. If it is not prefixed with a `-`
# a non-zero exit status will terminate the release process. The
# commands will be run from the repostory root, so sub-dirs MUST be
# specified. All commands are run as `bash -ec "..."` so you can use
# bash inside the commands.
- |-
yq -iP "(select(.spec.template.spec | has(\"containers\")) | .spec.template.spec.containers[] | select(.name == \"ots\").image) = \"ghcr.io/luzifer/ots:v${TAG_VERSION}\"" docs/k8s_example.yml
git add docs/k8s_example.yml
- |-
yq -iP ".services.app.build.context = \"https://github.com/Luzifer/ots.git#v${TAG_VERSION}\"" docker-compose.yml
git add docker-compose.yml
- |-
sed -i -E "s@org.opencontainers.image.version='[^']*'@org.opencontainers.image.version='${TAG_VERSION}'@" Dockerfile Dockerfile.minimal
git add Dockerfile Dockerfile.minimal