`ots` is a one-time-secret sharing platform. The secret is encrypted with a symmetric 256bit AES encryption in the browser before being sent to the server. Afterwards an URL containing the ID of the secret and the password is generated. The password is never sent to the server so the server will never be able to decrypt the secrets it delivers with a reasonable effort. Also the secret is immediately deleted on the first read.
## Features
- AES 256bit encryption
- Server does never get the password
- Secret is deleted on first read
## Setup
- Download the [release](https://github.com/Luzifer/ots/releases)
- Start it and you can access the server on http://localhost:3000/
Download OTS-CLI from the [Releases](https://github.com/Luzifer/ots/releases) section of the repo or build it yourself having a Go toolchain available from the `./cmd/ots-cli` directory.
To set the instance to send the secret to or to attach files see `ots-cli create --help` and to define where downloaded files are stored see `ots-cli fetch --help`.
This is slightly more complex as you first need to encrypt your secret before sending it to the API but in this case you can be sure the server will in no case be able to access the secret. Especially if you are using ots.fyi (my public hosted instance) you should not trust me with your secret but use an encrypted secret:
You will now need to supply the web application with the password in addition to the ID of the secret: `https://ots.fyi/#5e0065ee-5734-4548-9fd3-bb0bcd4c899d|mypass`
In this case due to how browsers are handling hashes in URLs (the part after the `#`) the only URL the server gets to know is `https://ots.fyi/` which loads the frontend. Afterwards the Javascript executed in the browser fetches the encrypted secret at the given ID and decrypts it with the given password (in this case `mypass`). I will not be able to tell the content of your secret and just see the AES 256bit encrypted content.
If you want to help translating the application to your own language please see the [`i18n.yaml`](https://github.com/Luzifer/ots/blob/master/i18n.yaml) file from this repository and translate the English strings inside. Afterwards please [open an issue](https://github.com/Luzifer/ots/issues/new) and attach your translation including the information which language you translated the strings into.