# Keepalive gRPC sends http2 pings on the transport to detect if the connection is down. If the ping is not acknowledged by the other side within a certain period, the connection will be close. Note that pings are only necessary when there's no activity on the connection. For how to configure keepalive, see https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc/keepalive for the options. ## What should I set? It should be sufficient for most users to set [client parameters](https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc/keepalive) as a [dial option](https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#WithKeepaliveParams). ## What will happen? (The behavior described here is specific for gRPC-go, it might be slightly different in other languages.) When there's no activity on a connection (note that an ongoing stream results in __no activity__ when there's no message being sent), after `Time`, a ping will be sent by the client and the server will send a ping ack when it gets the ping. Client will wait for `Timeout`, and check if there's any activity on the connection during this period (a ping ack is an activity). ## What about server side? Server has similar `Time` and `Timeout` settings as client. Server can also configure connection max-age. See [server parameters](https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc/keepalive#ServerParameters) for details. ### Enforcement policy [Enforcement policy](https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc/keepalive#EnforcementPolicy) is a special setting on server side to protect server from malicious or misbehaving clients. Server sends GOAWAY with ENHANCE_YOUR_CALM and close the connection when bad behaviors are detected: - Client sends too frequent pings - Client sends pings when there's no stream and this is disallowed by server config