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// Package validator implements value validations
// Copyright 2014 Roberto Teixeira <robteix@robteix.com>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package validator_test
import (
// This example demonstrates a custom function to process template text.
// It installs the strings.Title function and uses it to
// Make Title Text Look Good In Our Template's Output.
func ExampleValidate() {
// First create a struct to be validated
// according to the validator tags.
type ValidateExample struct {
Name string `validate:"nonzero"`
Description string
Age int `validate:"min=18"`
Email string `validate:"regexp=^[0-9a-z]+@[0-9a-z]+(\\.[0-9a-z]+)+$"`
Address struct {
Street string `validate:"nonzero"`
City string `validate:"nonzero"`
// Fill in some values
ve := ValidateExample{
Name: "Joe Doe", // valid as it's nonzero
Description: "", // valid no validation tag exists
Age: 17, // invalid as age is less than required 18
// invalid as Email won't match the regular expression
ve.Email = "@not.a.valid.email"
ve.Address.City = "Some City" // valid
ve.Address.Street = "" // invalid
err := validator.Validate(ve)
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Values are valid.")
} else {
errs := err.(validator.ErrorMap)
// See if Address was empty
if errs["Address.Street"][0] == validator.ErrZeroValue {
fmt.Println("Street cannot be empty.")
// Iterate through the list of fields and respective errors
fmt.Println("Invalid due to fields:")
// Here we have to sort the arrays to ensure map ordering does not
// fail our example, typically it's ok to just range through the err
// list when order is not important.
var errOuts []string
for f, e := range errs {
errOuts = append(errOuts, fmt.Sprintf("\t - %s (%v)\n", f, e))
// Again this part is extraneous and you should not need this in real
// code.
for _, str := range errOuts {
// Output:
// Street cannot be empty.
// Invalid due to fields:
// - Address.Street (zero value)
// - Age (less than min)
// - Email (regular expression mismatch)
// This example shows how to use the Valid helper
// function to validator any number of values
func ExampleValid() {
err := validator.Valid(42, "min=10,max=100,nonzero")
fmt.Printf("42: valid=%v, errs=%v\n", err == nil, err)
var ptr *int
if err := validator.Valid(ptr, "nonzero"); err != nil {
fmt.Println("ptr: Invalid nil pointer.")
err = validator.Valid("ABBA", "regexp=[ABC]*")
fmt.Printf("ABBA: valid=%v\n", err == nil)
// Output:
// 42: valid=true, errs=<nil>
// ptr: Invalid nil pointer.
// ABBA: valid=true
// This example shows you how to change the tag name
func ExampleSetTag() {
type T struct {
A int `foo:"nonzero" bar:"min=10"`
t := T{5}
v := validator.NewValidator()
err := v.Validate(t)
fmt.Printf("foo --> valid: %v, errs: %v\n", err == nil, err)
err = v.Validate(t)
errs := err.(validator.ErrorMap)
fmt.Printf("bar --> valid: %v, errs: %v\n", err == nil, errs)
// Output:
// foo --> valid: true, errs: <nil>
// bar --> valid: false, errs: A: less than min
// This example shows you how to change the tag name
func ExampleWithTag() {
type T struct {
A int `foo:"nonzero" bar:"min=10"`
t := T{5}
err := validator.WithTag("foo").Validate(t)
fmt.Printf("foo --> valid: %v, errs: %v\n", err == nil, err)
err = validator.WithTag("bar").Validate(t)
fmt.Printf("bar --> valid: %v, errs: %v\n", err == nil, err)
// Output:
// foo --> valid: true, errs: <nil>
// bar --> valid: false, errs: A: less than min