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Knut Ahlers e56709f7fa
Add mondash-nagios wrapper
Signed-off-by: Knut Ahlers <knut@ahlers.me>
2018-01-20 19:59:23 +01:00

421 lines
13 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// Copyright 2013 by Dobrosław Żybort. All rights reserved.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package slug
import (
func TestSlugMake(t *testing.T) {
var testCases = []struct {
in string
want string
{"DOBROSLAWZYBORT", "dobroslawzybort"},
{"Dobroslaw Zybort", "dobroslaw-zybort"},
{" Dobroslaw Zybort ?", "dobroslaw-zybort"},
{"Dobrosław Żybort", "dobroslaw-zybort"},
{"Ala ma 6 kotów.", "ala-ma-6-kotow"},
{"áÁàÀãÃâÂäÄąĄą̊Ą̊", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa"},
{"ćĆĉĈçÇ", "cccccc"},
{"éÉèÈẽẼêÊëËęĘ", "eeeeeeeeeeee"},
{"íÍìÌĩĨîÎïÏįĮ", "iiiiiiiiiiii"},
{"łŁ", "ll"},
{"ńŃ", "nn"},
{"óÓòÒõÕôÔöÖǫǪǭǬø", "ooooooooooooooo"},
{"śŚ", "ss"},
{"úÚùÙũŨûÛüÜųŲ", "uuuuuuuuuuuu"},
{"y̨Y̨", "yy"},
{"źŹżŹ", "zzzz"},
{"·/,:;`˜'\"", ""},
{"20002013", "2000-2013"},
{"style—not", "style-not"},
{"test_slug", "test_slug"},
{"Æ", "ae"},
{"Ich heiße", "ich-heisse"},
{"This & that", "this-and-that"},
{"fácil €", "facil-eu"},
{"smile ☺", "smile"},
{"Hellö Wörld хелло ворлд", "hello-world-khello-vorld"},
{"\"C'est déjà lété.\"", "cest-deja-lete"},
{"jaja---lol-méméméoo--a", "jaja-lol-mememeoo-a"},
{"影師", "ying-shi"},
for index, st := range testCases {
got := Make(st.in)
if got != st.want {
"%d. Make(%#v) = %#v; want %#v",
index, st.in, got, st.want)
func TestSlugMakeLang(t *testing.T) {
var testCases = []struct {
lang string
in string
want string
{"en", "This & that", "this-and-that"},
{"de", "This & that", "this-und-that"},
{"pl", "This & that", "this-i-that"},
{"es", "This & that", "this-y-that"},
{"gr", "This & that", "this-kai-that"},
{"test", "This & that", "this-and-that"}, // unknown lang, fallback to "en"
for index, smlt := range testCases {
got := MakeLang(smlt.in, smlt.lang)
if got != smlt.want {
"%d. MakeLang(%#v, %#v) = %#v; want %#v",
index, smlt.in, smlt.lang, got, smlt.want)
func TestSlugMakeUserSubstituteLang(t *testing.T) {
var testCases = []struct {
cSub map[string]string
lang string
in string
want string
{map[string]string{"'": " "}, "en", "That's great", "that-s-great"},
{map[string]string{"&": "or"}, "en", "This & that", "this-or-that"}, // by default "&" => "and"
{map[string]string{"&": "or"}, "de", "This & that", "this-or-that"}, // by default "&" => "und"
{map[string]string{"&": "or", "@": "the"}, "de", "@ This & that", "the-this-or-that"}, // by default "&" => "und", "@" => "an"
for index, smust := range testCases {
CustomSub = smust.cSub
got := MakeLang(smust.in, smust.lang)
if got != smust.want {
"%d. %#v; MakeLang(%#v, %#v) = %#v; want %#v",
index, smust.cSub, smust.in, smust.lang,
got, smust.want)
func TestSlugMakeSubstituteOrderLang(t *testing.T) {
// Always substitute runes first
var testCases = []struct {
rSub map[rune]string
sSub map[string]string
in string
want string
{map[rune]string{'o': "left"}, map[string]string{"o": "right"}, "o o", "left-left"},
{map[rune]string{'o': "left", 'a': "r"}, map[string]string{"o": "right"}, "o a o", "left-r-left"},
{map[rune]string{'o': "left"}, map[string]string{"o": "right", "a": "r"}, "a o a o", "r-left-r-left"},
{map[rune]string{'&': "down"}, map[string]string{"&": "up"}, "&", "down"},
for index, smsot := range testCases {
CustomRuneSub = smsot.rSub
CustomSub = smsot.sSub
got := Make(smsot.in)
if got != smsot.want {
"%d. %#v; %#v; Make(%#v) = %#v; want %#v",
index, smsot.rSub, smsot.sSub, smsot.in,
got, smsot.want)
func TestSubstituteLang(t *testing.T) {
var testCases = []struct {
cSub map[string]string
in string
want string
{map[string]string{"o": "no"}, "o o o", "no no no"},
{map[string]string{"o": "no", "a": "or"}, "o a o", "no nor no"},
{map[string]string{"a": "or", "o": "no"}, "o a o", "no nor no"},
{map[string]string{"'": " "}, "That's great", "That s great"},
for index, sst := range testCases {
got := Substitute(sst.in, sst.cSub)
if got != sst.want {
"%d. Substitute(%#v, %#v) = %#v; want %#v",
index, sst.in, sst.cSub, got, sst.want)
func TestSubstituteRuneLang(t *testing.T) {
var testCases = []struct {
cSub map[rune]string
in string
want string
{map[rune]string{'o': "no"}, "o o o", "no no no"},
{map[rune]string{'o': "no", 'a': "or"}, "o a o", "no or no"},
{map[rune]string{'a': "or", 'o': "no"}, "o a o", "no or no"},
{map[rune]string{'\'': " "}, "That's great", "That s great"},
for index, ssrt := range testCases {
got := SubstituteRune(ssrt.in, ssrt.cSub)
if got != ssrt.want {
"%d. SubstituteRune(%#v, %#v) = %#v; want %#v",
index, ssrt.in, ssrt.cSub, got, ssrt.want)
func TestSlugMakeSmartTruncate(t *testing.T) {
var testCases = []struct {
in string
maxLength int
want string
{"DOBROSLAWZYBORT", 100, "dobroslawzybort"},
{"Dobroslaw Zybort", 100, "dobroslaw-zybort"},
{"Dobroslaw Zybort", 12, "dobroslaw"},
{" Dobroslaw Zybort ?", 12, "dobroslaw"},
{"Ala ma 6 kotów.", 10, "ala-ma-6"},
{"Dobrosław Żybort", 5, "dobro"},
for index, smstt := range testCases {
MaxLength = smstt.maxLength
got := Make(smstt.in)
if got != smstt.want {
"%d. MaxLength = %v; Make(%#v) = %#v; want %#v",
index, smstt.maxLength, smstt.in, got, smstt.want)
func TestIsSlug(t *testing.T) {
MaxLength = 0
type args struct {
text string
tests := []struct {
name string
args args
want bool
{"some", args{"some"}, true},
{"with -", args{"some-more"}, true},
{"with _", args{"some_more"}, true},
{"with numbers", args{"number-2"}, true},
{"empty string", args{""}, false},
{"upper case", args{"Some-more"}, false},
{"space", args{"some more"}, false},
{"starts with '-'", args{"-some"}, false},
{"ends with '-'", args{"some-"}, false},
{"starts with '_'", args{"_some"}, false},
{"ends with '_'", args{"some_"}, false},
{"outside ASCII", args{"Dobrosław Żybort"}, false},
{"outside ASCII ", args{"20002013"}, false},
{"smile ☺", args{"smile ☺"}, false},
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
if got := IsSlug(tt.args.text); got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("IsSlug() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
t.Run("MaxLength", func(t *testing.T) {
MaxLength = 4
if got := IsSlug("012345"); got != false {
t.Errorf("IsSlug() = %v, want %v", got, false)
MaxLength = 0
func BenchmarkMakeShortAscii(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
Make("Hello world")
func BenchmarkMakeShort(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
Make("хелло ворлд")
func BenchmarkMakeShortSymbols(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
Make("·/,:;`˜'\" &€£¥")
func BenchmarkMakeMediumAscii(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
func BenchmarkMakeMedium(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
Make("ヲァィゥェ ォャュョッ ーアイウエ オカキクケ コサシスセ ソタチツテ トナニヌネ ノハヒフヘ ホマミムメ モヤユヨラ リルレロワ")
func BenchmarkMakeLongAscii(b *testing.B) {
longStr := "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi " +
"pulvinar sodales ultrices. Nulla facilisi. Sed at vestibulum erat. Ut " +
"sit amet urna posuere, sagittis eros ac, varius nisi. Morbi ullamcorper " +
"odio at nunc pulvinar mattis. Vestibulum rutrum, ante eu dictum mattis, " +
"elit risus finibus nunc, consectetur facilisis eros leo ut sapien. Sed " +
"pulvinar volutpat mi. Cras semper mi ac eros accumsan, at feugiat massa " +
"elementum. Morbi eget dolor sit amet purus condimentum egestas non ut " +
"sapien. Duis feugiat magna vitae nisi lobortis, quis finibus sem " +
"sollicitudin. Pellentesque eleifend blandit ipsum, ut porta arcu " +
"ultricies et. Fusce vel ipsum porta, placerat diam ac, consectetur " +
"magna. Nulla in porta sem. Suspendisse commodo, felis in molestie " +
"ultricies, arcu ipsum aliquet turpis, elementum dapibus ipsum lorem a " +
"nisl. Etiam varius imperdiet placerat. Aliquam euismod lacus arcu, " +
"ultrices hendrerit est pellentesque vel. Aliquam sit amet laoreet leo. " +
"Integer eros libero, mollis sed posuere."
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
func BenchmarkSubstituteRuneShort(b *testing.B) {
shortStr := "Hello/Hi world"
subs := map[rune]string{'o': "no", '/': "slash"}
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
SubstituteRune(shortStr, subs)
func BenchmarkSubstituteRuneLong(b *testing.B) {
longStr := "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi " +
"pulvinar sodales ultrices. Nulla facilisi. Sed at vestibulum erat. Ut " +
"sit amet urna posuere, sagittis eros ac, varius nisi. Morbi ullamcorper " +
"odio at nunc pulvinar mattis. Vestibulum rutrum, ante eu dictum mattis, " +
"elit risus finibus nunc, consectetur facilisis eros leo ut sapien. Sed " +
"pulvinar volutpat mi. Cras semper mi ac eros accumsan, at feugiat massa " +
"elementum. Morbi eget dolor sit amet purus condimentum egestas non ut " +
"sapien. Duis feugiat magna vitae nisi lobortis, quis finibus sem " +
"sollicitudin. Pellentesque eleifend blandit ipsum, ut porta arcu " +
"ultricies et. Fusce vel ipsum porta, placerat diam ac, consectetur " +
"magna. Nulla in porta sem. Suspendisse commodo, felis in molestie " +
"ultricies, arcu ipsum aliquet turpis, elementum dapibus ipsum lorem a " +
"nisl. Etiam varius imperdiet placerat. Aliquam euismod lacus arcu, " +
"ultrices hendrerit est pellentesque vel. Aliquam sit amet laoreet leo. " +
"Integer eros libero, mollis sed posuere."
subs := map[rune]string{
'o': "no",
'/': "slash",
'i': "done",
'E': "es",
'a': "ASD",
'1': "one",
'l': "onetwo",
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
SubstituteRune(longStr, subs)
func BenchmarkSmartTruncateShort(b *testing.B) {
shortStr := "Hello-world"
MaxLength = 8
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
func BenchmarkSmartTruncateLong(b *testing.B) {
longStr := "Lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet,-consectetur-adipiscing-elit.-Morbi-" +
"pulvinar-sodales-ultrices.-Nulla-facilisi.-Sed-at-vestibulum-erat.-Ut-" +
"sit-amet-urna-posuere,-sagittis-eros-ac,-varius-nisi.-Morbi-ullamcorper-" +
"odio-at-nunc-pulvinar-mattis.-Vestibulum-rutrum,-ante-eu-dictum-mattis,-" +
"elit-risus-finibus-nunc,-consectetur-facilisis-eros-leo-ut-sapien.-Sed-" +
"pulvinar-volutpat-mi.-Cras-semper-mi-ac-eros-accumsan,-at-feugiat-massa-" +
"elementum.-Morbi-eget-dolor-sit-amet-purus-condimentum-egestas-non-ut-" +
"sapien.-Duis-feugiat-magna-vitae-nisi-lobortis,-quis-finibus-sem-" +
"sollicitudin.-Pellentesque-eleifend-blandit-ipsum,-ut-porta-arcu-" +
"ultricies-et.-Fusce-vel-ipsum-porta,-placerat-diam-ac,-consectetur-" +
"magna.-Nulla-in-porta-sem.-Suspendisse-commodo,-felis-in-molestie-" +
"ultricies,-arcu-ipsum-aliquet-turpis,-elementum-dapibus-ipsum-lorem-a-" +
"nisl.-Etiam-varius-imperdiet-placerat.-Aliquam-euismod-lacus-arcu,-" +
"ultrices-hendrerit-est-pellentesque-vel.-Aliquam-sit-amet-laoreet-leo.-" +
MaxLength = 256
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
func BenchmarkIsSlugShort(b *testing.B) {
shortStr := "hello-world"
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
func BenchmarkIsSlugLong(b *testing.B) {
longStr := "lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit-amet-consectetur-adipiscing-elit-morbi-" +
"pulvinar-sodales-ultrices-nulla-facilisi-sed-at-vestibulum-erat-ut-" +
"sit-amet-urna-posuere-sagittis-eros-ac-varius-nisi-morbi-ullamcorper-" +
"odio-at-nunc-pulvinar-mattis-vestibulum-rutrum-ante-eu-dictum-mattis,-" +
"elit-risus-finibus-nunc-consectetur-facilisis-eros-leo-ut-sapien-sed-" +
"pulvinar-volutpat-mi-cras-semper-mi-ac-eros-accumsan-at-feugiat-massa-" +
"elementum-morbi-eget-dolor-sit-amet-purus-condimentum-egestas-non-ut-" +
"sapien-duis-feugiat-magna-vitae-nisi-lobortis-quis-finibus-sem-" +
"sollicitudin-pellentesque-eleifend-blandit-ipsum-ut-porta-arcu-" +
"ultricies-et-fusce-vel-ipsum-porta-placerat-diam-ac-consectetur-" +
"magna-nulla-in-porta-sem-suspendisse-commodo-felis-in-molestie-" +
"ultricies-arcu-ipsum-aliquet-turpis-elementum-dapibus-ipsum-lorem-a-" +
"nisl-etiam-varius-imperdiet-placerat-aliquam-euismod-lacus-arcu-" +
"ultrices-hendrerit-est-pellentesque-vel-aliquam-sit-amet-laoreet-leo-" +
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {