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``` - `{{ now }}` Format the current date into the template (uses [Go time format](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Time.Format)) ```console $ echo '{{ now "2006-01-02 15:04:05" }}' | korvike 2017-04-17 16:27:34 ``` - `{{ tplexec (file "my.tpl") }}` Execute the given template with the same function set and variables as the parent template. ```console $ export FOO=bar $ echo '{{ env "FOO" }}' >my.tpl $ echo '{{ tplexec (file "my.tpl") }}' | korvike bar ``` - `{{ vault [default value] }}` Read a key from Vault using `VAULT_ADDR` and `VAULT_TOKEN` environment variables (or `~/.vault-token` file) for authentication. ```console $ vault write secret/test foo=bar $ echo '{{ vault "secret/test" "foo" }}' | korvike bar ```