--- - name: prepare environment hosts: localhost tasks: - name: cache apk tools get_url: url: "{{ apk_tools_url }}" dest: /cache/apk.static checksum: "{{ apk_tools_checksum }}" - name: configure alpine hosts: all gather_facts: false vars: chroot_directory: /mnt root_device_path: "/dev/sda" tasks: - name: deploy apk-tools to rescue system copy: src: /cache/apk.static dest: apk mode: ug=rwx,o=r - name: "zap all partitions on {{ root_device_path }} and create GPT table" shell: "sgdisk --zap-all {{ root_device_path }}" - name: "create boot partition {{ root_device_path }}-boot" shell: "sgdisk -g -n1:0:{{ boot_size }} -t1:8300 -c1:boot -A1:set:2 {{ root_device_path }}" - name: "create root partition {{ root_device_path }}-root" shell: "sgdisk -g -n2:0:{{ root_size }} -t2:8300 -c2:root {{ root_device_path }}" - name: mount-drives shell: | umount -R /mnt mkfs.ext4 -q -L root /dev/disk/by-partlabel/root mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -q -L boot /dev/disk/by-partlabel/boot mount /dev/disk/by-partlabel/root {{ chroot_directory }} mkdir -p {{ chroot_directory }}/boot mount /dev/disk/by-partlabel/boot {{ chroot_directory }}/boot - name: register uuid of boot disk shell: | blkid /dev/disk/by-partlabel/boot | grep -o '\bUUID="[^"]*"' | sed 's/"//g' register: boot_uuid - name: register uuid of root disk shell: | blkid /dev/disk/by-partlabel/root | grep -o '\bUUID="[^"]*"' | sed 's/"//g' register: root_uuid - name: initialize alpine-base in directory shell: >- ./apk -X {{ alpine_repositories[0].url }} -u --allow-untrusted --root /{{ chroot_directory }} --initdb add alpine-base - name: prepare chroot shell: | mount --bind /dev {{ chroot_directory }}/dev mount --bind /proc {{ chroot_directory }}/proc mount --bind /sys {{ chroot_directory }}/sys - name: copy resolv conf from the rescue system to the server copy: content: | {% for nameserver in nameservers %} nameserver {{ nameserver }} {% endfor %} dest: "{{ chroot_directory }}/etc/resolv.conf" - name: setup networking copy: content: | auto lo iface lo inet loopback {% for dif in dhcp_interfaces %} auto {{ dif }} iface {{ dif }} inet dhcp iface {{ dif }} inet6 auto {% endfor %} dest: "{{ chroot_directory }}/etc/network/interfaces" - name: write out hostname file copy: dest: "{{ chroot_directory }}/etc/hostname" content: "{{ hostname }}" - name: overwrite hosts file copy: dest: "{{ chroot_directory }}/etc/hosts" content: | {{ hostname }} localhost localhost.localdomain ::1 {{ hostname }} localhost localhost.localdomain ::1 {{ hostname }} localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback fe00::0 ipv6-localnet ff00::0 ipv6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ipv6-allnodes ff02::2 ipv6-allrouters ff02::3 ipv6-allhosts - name: install custom repository keys copy: dest: "{{ chroot_directory }}/etc/apk/keys/{{ item.name }}" content: "{{ item.public_key }}" loop: "{{ alpine_repository_keys }}" - name: define alpine repositories copy: dest: "{{ chroot_directory }}/etc/apk/repositories" content: | {% for repository in alpine_repositories %} {% if repository.tag | d(false) %}@{{ repository.tag }} {% endif %}{{ repository.url }} {% endfor %} - name: install requisite packages shell: | chroot {{ chroot_directory }} apk add --no-cache {{ item.key }}{{ item.value }} loop: "{{ packages | dict2items }}" - name: configure services shell: | chroot {{ chroot_directory }} rc-update add {{ item.key }} {{ item.value }} loop: "{{ services | dict2items }}" - name: enable cloud-init shell: | chroot {{ chroot_directory }} setup-cloud-init when: packages["cloud-init"] is defined - name: configure fstab copy: dest: "{{ chroot_directory }}/etc/fstab" content: | {{ root_uuid.stdout | trim }} / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 0 {{ boot_uuid.stdout | trim }} /boot ext4 defaults 0 2 - name: configure sysctl copy: dest: "{{ chroot_directory }}/etc/sysctl.conf" content: | {% for setting in sysctl | dict2items %} {{ setting.key }} = {{ setting.value }} {% endfor %} - name: configure kernel modules copy: dest: "{{ chroot_directory }}/etc/modules" content: | {% for module in kernel_modules %} {{ module }} {% endfor %} - name: configure extlinux copy: dest: "{{ chroot_directory }}/etc/update-extlinux.conf" content: | overwrite=1 vesa_menu=0 default_kernel_opts="{{ default_kernel_opts | join(" ") }}" modules={{ extlinux_modules | join(",") }} root={{ root_uuid.stdout | trim }} verbose=0 hidden=1 timeout=1 default=lts serial_port= serial_baud=115200 xen_opts=dom0_mem=384M password='' - name: configure mkinitfs copy: dest: "{{ chroot_directory }}/etc/mkinitfs/mkinitfs.conf" content: | features="{{ mkinitfs_features | join(" ") }}" - name: install boot shell: | chroot {{ chroot_directory }} update-extlinux chroot {{ chroot_directory }} extlinux -i /boot chroot {{ chroot_directory }} dd bs=440 conv=notrunc count=1 if=/usr/share/syslinux/gptmbr.bin of={{ root_device_path }} - name: execute arbitrary commands shell: | chroot {{ chroot_directory }} sh <